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Arena defense

Arena defense

10 май 2020, 03:4310.05.20

Arena defense

I have been playing about a week.  I see a lot of differing opinions when I research arena defense. Some say to use the same team that I use for offense.  Others say to build a defense.  If I build a defense just for arena is it from Def and Support types? 

And, how can I see my score in the arena defense?  I have no idea how I am doing other than no defensive wins in about 150 battles. 
10 май 2020, 05:0510.05.20

If you're still starting out, you just generally use one team for offense and defense. 

Also you can't see your score on arena defense. Just remember though that it's very common to have more losses on defense since people who actually choose to fight your team do because feel that they can win against it. Players who you could've won against don't bother and just look for *weaker* defense teams.
10 май 2020, 21:1710.05.20
Sometimes I play a team with one common and I win quickly with four 40s.  Shouldnt that be a defense win?
11 май 2020, 18:0711.05.20

I'm confused by your questions... which could be on me, or it could be because you misunderstand arena defense. So if you already know everything that follows, sorry. ;) 

You can check the results of your arena defense team in the battle log screen, defense tab. There you see the people who attacked you recently and the outcome of these battles. You get no other notifications of people attacking you in arena, because anyway you don't get to actively play in arena defense, it's just the AI running the team that you have chosen as your defense team. The only way you could notice getting attacked, other than looking in the battle log, is that your arena rating decreases or increases without you attacking anyone. Your question above describes you attacking someone - so that's arena offense and has nothing to do with arena defense. 

The reason that I advised to put the same team in arena defense as in arena offense, is that you need more or less the same things in terms of speed, tactics, synergies between your champions. The only differences are that 1) it will always be the AI running your team, so you may want to avoid some champions with particularly stupid AI, and 2) your opponent can see your team in advance and adjust his attacking team accordingly, just like you do yourself when attacking in arena. So teams which can easily be countered by a prepared opponent, are at a disadvantage in arena defense. 

As LXZY said, you'll probably lose the large majority of your arena defense battles, but that's because you can't see the people who never even attacked you because they were afraid they would lose. So your arena defense may still be quite successful even if you see very few victories. In any case, losing on arena defense isn't a big deal. Yes, it decreases your rating, but as long as it doesn't get decreased too far too fast, that's not a big problem and you should still be able to climb to whichever tier you belong in based on the quality of your team. Actually, sometimes you'll see people who deliberately put an extremely weak defense team, like 1 low level champion, because they feel their rating is too high and they can't win enough battles anymore, so they want to drop back to a lower tier. Which is a win-win because at the same time it provides wins/medals by default for other players who encounter that defense team in their offense list. 

11 май 2020, 20:0411.05.20

@L9753......Thanks.  I was confused about arena.  I farmed Valdemar for 2 days to get Templar to drop.  I thought he would be good in arena defense.  I got Goremask from a shard and thought he could be arena defense.  For now, both are just sitting while I push Kael to 60. 

I wondered why my arena score was going down.  I was about to blame my cat for playing the game poorly while I wasnt watching.   lol

I am getting too many artifacts.  Is there any L1 or L2 artifacts that I can automatically delete.  Now, I am checkin each one to see if it has subsets.  Its time consuming and I doubt L1 or L2 will have any value to me in another week. 
11 май 2020, 20:2111.05.20

If you run multi-battles, you can set it up to automatically sell artifacts below a certain level (but don't do that during Dungeon Delver events in which you get points for each artifact you gain, like the one that's running now... then you should make sure to get each artifact and its corresponding points before you sell it). For battles that you run one by one manually, just sell the artifact for silver directly from the victory menu.  

Also, for artifacts that aren't good enough for your main champions but not completely terrible, instead of selling you could put them on secondary champions which you will use at some point in Faction Wars. Faction Wars are a long way down your priority list now, but still they do offer some useful rewards and you won't get far using champions with no gear at all.