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What is this mission asking for?

What is this mission asking for?

9 май 2020, 09:1509.05.20

What is this mission asking for?

The description makes it seem like you want a Rare attack champion, with 6 offense artifacts that are 4 stars each. Wasted a ton of time, money, and in game silver just to be shut down. Is this bugged, or is your wording wrong? Do you want a 4 star attack champion with any 6 offense artifacts? Who knows?! The way it's stated, you want one Rare attack with 6 offense artifacts of 4 stars or higher. "Equip a rare ATK champion with 6 offense artifacts of 4 stars or higher" Mission wasn't successful. Is this a bug? Do I waste even more time and currency to figure out what it should say?
9 май 2020, 09:2409.05.20

Move "of level 4 or higher" to be after Champion, so it reads " Equip a Rare ATK type Champion of level 4 or higher with 6 offense artifacts." This will help clarify things. As it is now, it's suggested you need a rare champion with 6 offense artifacts that are level 4 or higher. Unless my game is bugged, it's not meant to be that way. I clearly have a champion with 6 4 star offense artifacts. Could have saved so much time, money, and silver if the thing was worded properly.

9 май 2020, 09:4209.05.20
I see the rest are worded the same way. I haven't tested to see if it wants a 4 star rare attack champion with 6 offense artifacts, but as the mission isn't finished, I would assume that's the case.
9 май 2020, 09:4809.05.20

You need to read what it actually says. It doesn't say 4 stars or higher, it says LEVEL 4. You could put 1 star gear in all slots and it would still work, as long as the pieces were upgraded to level 4 (which is very easy to do, it's only on the higher levels like 10-16 that upgrading gear becomes very expensive). 

In the screenshot above, the pieces Galek has equipped are fine, but only one of them is at level 4. Just upgrade all of them to level 4 and it should be fine (unless the gear needs to be at level 4 before you equip it, but I don't think so). 
9 май 2020, 11:5709.05.20
L9753 said:

You need to read what it actually says. It doesn't say 4 stars or higher, it says LEVEL 4. You could put 1 star gear in all slots and it would still work, as long as the pieces were upgraded to level 4 (which is very easy to do, it's only on the higher levels like 10-16 that upgrading gear becomes very expensive). 

In the screenshot above, the pieces Galek has equipped are fine, but only one of them is at level 4. Just upgrade all of them to level 4 and it should be fine (unless the gear needs to be at level 4 before you equip it, but I don't think so). 
What? There's literally nothing that says a level compared to a star, or a color quality. Explain further, oh wise one, because many of us are looking at this situation with wonder.
9 май 2020, 12:0409.05.20

Wait, you mean just the simple ass upgrade level? Could have saved myself like 12 hours and a lot of a lot of energy, silver, and real money in that case. Doesn't specify what it means, and a lot of my friends were confused. Could easily be fixed by putting a simple note that they mean upgrading your item. There's a severe lack of information. But thanks for almost explaining it.

9 май 2020, 12:2109.05.20
9 май 2020, 12:23(отредактировано)

Description is pretty clear to me and English is not my native language and I sux gloriously at gramar.

One Atk champ, 6 offense set pieces  upgraded to 4 level. Simple and clear description.

And they explained all that within your first hour in game in that introduction mission. 
9 май 2020, 18:3309.05.20

Zarine said:

Wait, you mean just the simple ass upgrade level? Could have saved myself like 12 hours and a lot of a lot of energy, silver, and real money in that case. Doesn't specify what it means, and a lot of my friends were confused. Could easily be fixed by putting a simple note that they mean upgrading your item. There's a severe lack of information. But thanks for almost explaining it.

So the exact instruction is 'Equip a Rare ATK type Champion with 6 Offense Artifacts of Level 4 or higher'. I don't see how they could phrase it any clearer than that. The 'level 4' is clearly linked to the artifacts, not the champion, and it clearly says 'level' instead of 'stars'. 

Yes, it is very frustrating for you, but I'm afraid that's on you not reading the instruction properly. 

While we're at it, some important advice for you: don't obsess over the progress missions. Even a very active player who's willing to invest some money will need many months to get to the end of the progress missions and obtain the nice legendary champion. You do of course want to progress eventually and you get nice rewards along the way, but it shouldn't be your main priority. Your main priority is progressing in the campaign and bringing your starter champion to level 50 and then 60. 
9 май 2020, 19:3009.05.20
12 май 2020, 18:3012.05.20
Unless you just skip the intro like my younger brother😂😂