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Arena Composition Help

Arena Composition Help

7 май 2020, 15:0807.05.20

Arena Composition Help

Hi everyone, 

I feel like i am missing something in Arena as I just can't keep up. I hit gold, got up to 2400 ranking, but consistently get beat back down into silver. Now the past few days, i can't get any wins. I am just not sure what I am missing, and have played a few different combinations, but here is what I have available that is possibly worth noting:

Kael (60, full ascended) 100% crit rate, 139% crit damage, 163 speed

High Khatun (60, full ascended) 181 speed

Relic Keeper (60, full ascended) 125 speed, 1155% crit damage, 40% crit rate (need better gear here)

Doompriest (60, full ascended) 163 speed

Reinbeast (60, full ascended)

Apothecary (60, full ascended) 183 speed

Royal Guard (60, full ascended)

Harvest Jack (60, 5/6 ascended)

Athel (60, full ascended)

Others i have that aren't at 60 yet but i see in other comps:

Battlesage, Executioner, Spirithost, Bellower, Elhain

I am f2p, and 120 days in, so have champs from login rewards as well as others. 

If you have suggestions on guys i have mentioned to make a winning composition, or comps where i have 2-3 of the guys listed, let me know. i have plenty of other epics, but tried to pick out the ones i see more often in arena. I don't have other legendaries yet, no luck on shards on my account :( Would appreciate even a site that has good compositions listed, anything really. I have been following Ayumilove's site on champion rankings and gearing/masteries.

Currently working on the last 2 tiers of masteries for Kael, Apothecary, High Khatun, Relic Keeper and Doompriest. Just takes so long to farm the scrolls.

I have focused mostly on Kael, Apothecary as my main 2, Doompriest and Relic Keeper seem to have gotten me the most success at this level, but willing to change things out. 

Thanks for the help/advice.

7 май 2020, 15:1907.05.20

Use High Khatun as speed lead and get her speed to 200+ at least. Gather all your gear that'll add up to the most amount of speed possible. High Khatun- Doompriest- Harvest Jack- Kael should be enough to get you to Gold 4.