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Champ to upgrade, compo to consider

Champ to upgrade, compo to consider

5 май 2020, 13:3605.05.20

Champ to upgrade, compo to consider

Hey all !

I come back to you for some advices.

Which champions would you invest for: next 60, skill to upgrade, masteries to upgrade ?

My rooster is at the end of my message.

Up to now i have Kael full skills and full masteries et Zargala full masteries only. Which is the next one to have full masteries ?

Regarding skills I have 11books atm (more to come soon) and I can upgrade

- Zargale (14 books needed to full upgrade

- Skullcrown (10)

- Rearguard Sergeant (10)

- Hugh Khatun (11)

-Lighsworn (9)

- M. Mage (9)

- C. councilor (10)

And finally which comp do you fell good (one for arena and one for PvE could be nice) ? I know that for PvE it depends on boss etc. But atm I cannot invest on multiple comp.

Thanks a lor for advices ! :D

5 май 2020, 14:3905.05.20

For a nuking team you could use the following:

High khatun



5 май 2020, 15:2605.05.20


In this order:





5 май 2020, 20:4505.05.20
So you think I should upgrade masteries and skills skullcrown before Zargala ?
6 май 2020, 00:2006.05.20
6 май 2020, 00:21(отредактировано)

I think your next upgrade is a level 50 upgrade, not level 60.

The hero I would upgrade to level 50 is Catacomb Councilor.

The reason I think you should do this is because you lack Books.

You said you only have 11, but need a lot more.

The best way to get more Books is by getting them from Clan Boss Rewards.

This means you will need to make your Clan Boss Team stronger.

I don't know the Clan Boss team you are using.

However, If I had your heroes, I would probably make the below Clan Boss team:

Lightsworn ---------------------------> Attack Down

Zargala or Rearguard Sgt. ------>  Defense Down

Kael -----------------------------------> Poison

Catacomb Councilor --------------> Rally

High Khatun ------------------------> Turn Meter Filling

Rearguard Sgt. is better in the long run vs. Zargala for Clan Boss.

Rearguard Sgt. does Defense Down on her A1 which has no cool down.

Rearguard Sgt. is a Defensive base champion which can live a long time in Clan Boss.

The only problem is your Rearguard Sgt. is level 50.

Your Rearguard doesn't have masteries.

Since, your Zargala is already higher level + fully mastered + does Defense Down.

You can use Zargala for temporary in your CB team.

I would build up your other heroes.

Than I would come back around to swap Zargala for Rearguard.

Keep in mind, Zargala is a very good hero.

You didn't waste resources on Zargala.

Zargala is merely more recognized for Arena Content & Dungeon Content.

This is why I would do the following upgrades:

  1. Catacomb C. level 50
  2. Lightsworn level 60
  3. Catacomb C. level 60
  4. High Khatun level 60
  5. Rearguard level 60

I would upgrade the heroes masteries in the following order:

  1. Skullcrown
  2. Lightsworn
  3. High Khatun
  4. Catacomb C.
  5. Rearguard

Is M. Mage amazing? Yes!

Is Gala Longbeard amazing? Yes!

Cardinal? Frozen Banshee? Reliquary Tender? Pain Keeper?

They are all amazing.

If you had the chickens + books, You could upgrade them all to Max level + Max masteries.

I have seen countless people upgrade the heroes I am telling you to Maximum Potential.

None of the people I talked to regret maxing them out.


You only have so many Chickens/Food Heroes to work with.

You only have so many Books to use.

Use your Precious Resources on heroes who can help you gain more Resources!

How do you get more Chickens/Food Heroes? Campaign Farming

How do you get more Books to use? Clan Boss Rewards

Dungeons give you crap XP!

Arena rewards are a Joke!

The heroes you need to be putting your resources in are:

  • Campaign Farmer
  • Clan Boss Team

All the other heroes who are not Campaign Farmer or Clan Boss Team material should be put on hold!

It is a matter of Limited Resources vs. Surplus Resources!

What if you had 100 Books? 100 Chickens?

Does it matter who you max out? No!

You have the Luxury to level up who ever you want because you have built up a Surplus of Resources.

6 май 2020, 01:1306.05.20
6 май 2020, 01:16(отредактировано)

I had to make a new post because my previous post was rather long.

The last thing I wanted to say was in regard to Books.

I gave you my recommendation order on who to Upgrade.

I gave you my recommendation order on who to Master.

The last thing you asked was who to use your Books on!

My recommendation is highly unusual for some people.

I know people who do what I am about to recommend, but I think the averaged Raid person doesn't think about it.

What I would do is not upgrade any hero fully!

I would only try to upgrade specific skills!

It takes a little bit of luck, but it can be very effective!

I would do the following:

Lightsworn ---------> A2 skill to max (Attack Down Skill)

High Khatun -------> A2 skill to max (Turn Meter Filling Skill)

Catacomb C. ------> A3 skill to max (Rally Skill)

If you was to upgrade all of these heroes skills to max, It would cost you 40+ books.

You only have 11 Books.

There is no way for you to turn 11 Books into 40 Books.

Instead of trying to upgrade all the hero skills to max, I would try to upgrade specific skills.

I would try to upgrade the skills you really want to use the most vs. Clan Boss.

The idea is to try and stretch out your 11 Books to help as many heroes as you can for your team.

There is no guarantee a book will go into a specific skill.

It is completely random, but you can try!

You might get lucky.

I would add 1 book at a time. 

I would hope all of the books go into 1 specific skill.

Than as soon as it is fully maxed out I would stop!

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about:

I recommended for you to use Lightsworn in your Clan Boss team.

The reason why I would use Lightsworn is because he can do Attack Down Debuff on the CB.

Attack Down helps your team live longer in the Clan Boss so you can do more damage!

Lightsworn Attack Down Debuff is on his A2 skill which is a 4 turn cool down.

It would be better if you could reduce the cool down to only 3 turns!

If you add all your books into Lightsworn, It will cost you 9 Books total.

You will be left with only 2 Books left.

You would be unable to upgrade any other hero.

My recommendation is to try and stretch your books.

If you look at Lightsworn A2, It only takes 4 Books.

If your really lucky, You can use 4 Books on Lightsworn.

All 4 of those Books could go to his A2 which is the skill you want the most!

Than you will have 7 Books left over to be used for another hero!

Do you see what I mean?

I wish the game allowed us the opportunity to upgrade a skill which we want specifically, but they don't let us.

It is completely random.

However, what do you have to lose?

You was already thinking about upgrading his skill.

You was already thinking of using 9 Books on him.

Using 9 Books on Lightsworn would help him do more individual Damage, but Clan Boss is a team effort!

If you put Books on several heroes spread out, You could help the team do more over all Damage.

Than later on when you get more books.

You can slowly max each one of them out to do full damage potential!

Again it is something to think about.

It might seem unorthodox to people who are not use to the idea.

It really isn't talked about a lot.

It is a concept high level players do which sometimes they don't say or tell other people.

They play the game so long - it becomes second nature to them.

They don't even think about recommending it to other people.

I like to mention it because some people are not aware of the idea.

Anyway, You can decide for yourself if you want to do it.

People have given you good advice on this thread already.

I am just giving you a different perspective.

The way people approach the game can be different.

It doesn't mean 1 way is good or bad.

It is a different interpretation of the game.

6 май 2020, 21:3606.05.20

First of all, thank you for the details and the quality of your post !

I agree and understand most of what you said. I juste have a question about a clan boss team. I was actually upgrading Frozen Banshee because of the lack of books. Since she needs only normal books, I can upgrade her pretty easily to max skill (in comparisaon to epic ones). And I feel like she synergize amazingly with Kael due to poison sensitivity. What do you think about this option ?

The rest is crystal clear.

Regarding the partial upgrade on skill. I completely agree with your view and as a player used to RPG game it's really pretty clear.

In fact the 2 circumstances when you can fully upgraded a champ is when all his skills are powerful or if you don't have any other champ to up in your comp. But upgrading champ in order to play with the strengths of each one makes more sense that fully upgraded one with good and average skill leaving a champion with some good skills non upgraded (I don't know if I'm clear).

But really thank you for your post it's really helping and redirecting me in a better direction :)
6 май 2020, 22:3506.05.20

I was also wondering why J didn't put Frozen Banshee in the CB team instead of Kael. Not sure about putting them both - the thing to remember is the 10 debuff limit on CB. 

I currently have a team with Frozen Banshee and Erinyes (debuff extender + poisons). Quite often I'm at 10 debuffs (decrease def, decrease attack, HP burn, poison sensitivity plus six poisons) so I'm blocked from adding any more poisons. But at least they're all 5 percent poisons. With Kael, the poisons from his A3 are fine but the A1 ones are just 2.5 percent and would be wasting a debuff slot. Unless you almost never reach 10 debuffs simultaneously anyway, I guess. 

6 май 2020, 22:5606.05.20
6 май 2020, 23:11(отредактировано)

The Clan Boss can have a total of 10 Debuffs.

The goal is to have the Clan Boss with 10 Debuffs all the time.

The below are the main 3 debuffs people try to get:

1x Attack Down

1x Defense Down

1x Weaken

The below are the other 7 debuffs people try to get:

1x HP Burn

6x Poison


7x Poison

The team I recommended to you is the following:

Lightsworn ---------------------------> Attack Down 

Zargala or Rearguard Sgt. ------>  Defense Down 

Kael -----------------------------------> Poison 

Catacomb Councilor --------------> Rally 

High Khatun ------------------------> Turn Meter Filling

At the start of the fight, Your heroes will do there key moves.

Lightsworn A2 -----------> 1x Atk Down for 2 turns

Zargala A2 ---------------> 1x Def Down for 2 turns

Kael A3 -------------------> 1-4x Poison for 2 turns

Catacomb C. A3 --------> 1x Poison - Catacomb Rallies with Kael to do another Poison

This gives you around 4-7 Debuffs on the Clan Boss.

High Khatun -------------> Turn Meter Filling with the Goal of allowing your heroes take another turn

Going another turn should help your Kael do 1 more Poison.

This gives you around 5-8 Debuffs on the Clan Boss.

Best case scenario, You will have 8 Debuffs.

Worse case scenario, You will have 5 Debuffs.

The question would be whether or not Frozen Banshee could get you more damage vs. Catacomb C.

Frozen Banshee needs to put Poison Sensitivy on the CB before doing a Poison.

Best Case Scenerio, You will get 9th slot of Poison Sensitivity + 10th slot of Poison.

Worse Case Scenerio, You will get 6th slot of Poison Sensitivity + 7 & 8th slot of Poison.

Catacomb's Rally will give you Physical Damage vs. Frozen Banshee giving you Status Damage.

I feel like in the early stages of Clan Boss.

You can do some good damage with Physical Damage vs. Poison Ticks.

The reason why is because the CB has a smaller Health Pool + weaker Psychical Defense.

What I am thinking is the few extra Poison Ticks will not out Damage your heroes Group Attack.

If you was fighting in Nightmare Mode+, I would go with the Poison Ticks over Damage.

I think the higher tier bosses have tons higher defense + health.

However, I don't know what CB Mode you are fighting in.

I am assuming you are doing lower CB Modes.

The best thing to do would be to try both approaches to see which one works better.

It would require you to make more 60's

7 май 2020, 22:0007.05.20

I actually tried in hard boss.

I compared C. councilor 42/50 (with starting stuff, ok stuff at 8*), Skullcrown 52/60 (with good stuff 12 to 16*) and Frozen Banshee 42/50 (with starting stuff 8* and full skills).

Best damages are with Banshee that increased Kael damages by 30% and is second damage dealer (in top of Zargala 6*60, full stuff and masteries), then it's Banshee that up Kael damage by 15% and finally is Cat.concilor who up a bit damage but not signicantly (like 100k more).

Ofc stuff and masteries and level will play an important role. But I think that 2 things are to take in consideration, the fact that I can easily upgrade Frozen skills. And that my other champions are not perfect (like Kael is lacking ACC which compensate by Frozen Banshee poison sensitivity).
18 май 2020, 21:5218.05.20

Hey guys !

Just a quick follow up. Since last time Lightswoprn is 60 and Cat. concilor too.

I'm trying to get hight on spirit dungeon (14) and Fire knight (12).

Do you have any advices for comp with heroes that I have atm ? :)
18 май 2020, 22:3418.05.20

quent155 said:

Hey guys !

Just a quick follow up. Since last time Lightswoprn is 60 and Cat. concilor too.

I'm trying to get hight on spirit dungeon (14) and Fire knight (12).

Do you have any advices for comp with heroes that I have atm ? :)

Spirit dungeon: Kytis will get you there. I don't use him anywhere else, but heal reduction is all you need to make spirit a piece of cake (I mean, if the rest of your team is decent, which it should be with that roster). 

Fire knight: Catacomb Councilor is quite good there actually, his ally attack is sure to get the shield down quickly if you bring some other champions who have multi-hit attacks on their A1. Lightsworn, Athel, Jizoh, Gala,... And then there's Terrorbeast, who's generally quite bad, but has a reflect damage for 3 turns buff - and reflecting counts as a hit to get the shield down. Any champions that can reduce turn meter can also be useful (so Lightsworn is kind of a two for one!). So you have plenty of options really. 
19 май 2020, 21:5719.05.20

Thank you for your advices !

I'm leveling Kytis, but I'm not sure what's the best gears on him ? Max HP, DEF and ACC so he stay alive quite long and more chance to apply debuff or CC/ATK so he can help with damages ?

And so for fire the best team would be : Athel, Lightsworn, Jizoh, Gala and terrorbeast ? If not whats is your best ? What do you think about High katun for speed and fill turn meter (I tend to use her for extra turn between 2 attacks) ,?
19 май 2020, 22:3219.05.20

quent155 said:

Thank you for your advices !

I'm leveling Kytis, but I'm not sure what's the best gears on him ? Max HP, DEF and ACC so he stay alive quite long and more chance to apply debuff or CC/ATK so he can help with damages ?

And so for fire the best team would be : Athel, Lightsworn, Jizoh, Gala and terrorbeast ? If not whats is your best ? What do you think about High katun for speed and fill turn meter (I tend to use her for extra turn between 2 attacks) ,?

Don't bother leveling Kytis too far, if you only use him for spirit keep as I do. My Kytis is level 40, unascended, with mostly level 8 gear. Accuracy is only at 67, that seems to be enough to land the debuff most of the time even on stage 15. Spirit and the other potion keeps are really quite easy compared to other dungeons, once you find a solution for their primary challenge like in this case the heal reduction... 

For Fire Knight, I didn't mean you had to take all those champions, just that those were possible options. Apothecary would be great if you had him, but since you don't, you could try HK indeed, as lead obviously. Lightsworn seems too useful not to take. You might need a healer? Which would leave two or three spots for Athel, Jizoh, Gala, Terrorbeast or Catacomb Councilor. You'd have to see which ones work best. 
19 май 2020, 22:4119.05.20

L9753 said:

quent155 said:

Thank you for your advices !

I'm leveling Kytis, but I'm not sure what's the best gears on him ? Max HP, DEF and ACC so he stay alive quite long and more chance to apply debuff or CC/ATK so he can help with damages ?

And so for fire the best team would be : Athel, Lightsworn, Jizoh, Gala and terrorbeast ? If not whats is your best ? What do you think about High katun for speed and fill turn meter (I tend to use her for extra turn between 2 attacks) ,?

Don't bother leveling Kytis too far, if you only use him for spirit keep as I do. My Kytis is level 40, unascended, with mostly level 8 gear. Accuracy is only at 67, that seems to be enough to land the debuff most of the time even on stage 15. Spirit and the other potion keeps are really quite easy compared to other dungeons, once you find a solution for their primary challenge like in this case the heal reduction... 

For Fire Knight, I didn't mean you had to take all those champions, just that those were possible options. Apothecary would be great if you had him, but since you don't, you could try HK indeed, as lead obviously. Lightsworn seems too useful not to take. You might need a healer? Which would leave two or three spots for Athel, Jizoh, Gala, Terrorbeast or Catacomb Councilor. You'd have to see which ones work best. 

My Kytis at the moment die before first attack on Spirit 14 :/

Well you point out my biggest problem I guess. I have no proper healer at the moment. The only available that I can see are Mother superior (probably best choice) and reliquary tender (less heal but can provide revive). Do you think I should up one of them ?

21 май 2020, 09:3921.05.20
I'm really interesting to hve some tough about that. Should I had on healer as Mother Superior ( or reliquary tender) in my comp for specific dongeon / campaign ? I'm not sure of the benefit of it and if it's worth investing in gears etc for one of them ?
21 май 2020, 10:2621.05.20

quent155 said:

My Kytis at the moment die before first attack on Spirit 14 :/

Well you point out my biggest problem I guess. I have no proper healer at the moment. The only available that I can see are Mother superior (probably best choice) and reliquary tender (less heal but can provide revive). Do you think I should up one of them ?

Okay, then Kytis needs more survivability indeed. And some accuracy obviously, but as I said, it doesn't need to be super high. 

Reliquary Tender is way better than MS, certainly after you get her Tender's Watch down to a 3 turn cooldown (although probably that will require wasting a lot of books on her almost useless A1...). Removes all buffs and 15 percent continuous heal for 2 turns on all allies, every 3 turns. That's a better AOE heal than MS's, with cleanse, and on a shorter cooldown. MS' only advantage is she also has an additional single target heal - but RT has a revive, which more than compensates. 

In your situation, I'd definitely invest in RT - including books, despite the annoying A1 claiming a lot of books that you want on the A2 and A3. You'll get more rare books eventually and at this point there aren't too many other rares that you absolutely must have books for.