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Questions about Plarium

Questions about Plarium

3 май 2020, 04:2303.05.20

Questions about Plarium

Is anyone generally aware of how large or small the staffing numbers are for Plarium members dedicated to designing Raid Shadow Legends? I think this knowledge would help gauge whether or not the playerbase should be upset after patches. That being said, here are a few statements I'd like to make;

1) RSL is a relatively new game at the moment. It still has a sense of "Freshness". There's not a lot of players truly at the end game levels unless they are whales. That being said, I can see two things happening based on this past update and the current game model. 

     A. The first is that "new" players will enjoy the game while things are relatively cheap and they can get a lot of return per energy, thus keeping them logged into the game. Eventually, without spending money, they will hit a point where the level of gameplay per energy spent will no longer be enticing. This would cause them to walk away from the game and their minimal purchases would be lost. 

     B. The second is for the whales. They spend a lot of money to see returns faster. Obviously, this results in them hitting the end game levels of content faster than the regular F2p players or the minimal purchase players. When they reach the end game and quit seeing a reasonable return per energy spent or return per purchase they're going to get bored. I.E. "Why am I spending money on this if I've already beat the game?" Additionally, without new content or new energy caps those whales are eventually going to feel spiteful because they feel as though they've been cheated from their investments. 

2) RSL at it's core is a great game. Sure, there's minor balancing issues that exist. Not all things can be equal, and you need both strong and weak champions to create a drive to obtain more champions whether through purchase or gameplay. It gives players something to work towards. Unfortunately, with the price points at such a high level and the scarcity of availability I think players are rightly justified in asking for a minimum threshold of power from their epic or legendary champions. They should all at the very least have their Niche forms of use. Not to parrot everyone, and i'm certainly not at the point of being slighted yet, but I think that's something Plarium seriously needs to address or take to heart when players give feedback. That's one of the things that causes games to phase out or to die. 

3) Long-term vs. Short-term. When looking at the business model for RSL it appears as though there's an emphasis on short-term success vs. long-term. Releasing the vice grip on player's wallets for more in-game rewards and cheaper purchases would possibly cause a short-term loss in profits, but it would most certainly increase player demand over time and make it more enticing to stay. I'm an occasional spender with a pretty well rounded history of gaming. It becomes hard to justify playing a game if reaching end game levels isn't realistic. I'm not suggesting that I need to be a top player by any means, but it becomes a less enjoyable experience for players if they can't actually play the game. 

Just some observations and food for thought. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond! 

3 май 2020, 04:2503.05.20
Probably should've named this thread Observations and suggestions haha. Oops. 
3 май 2020, 05:5503.05.20

If the team is too small then Plarium is even greedier, so I don't see why it would lessen the outrage?

The way I see it, they spend a lot on making adds and not enough on the actual game they are promoting.
3 май 2020, 16:1103.05.20


Thanks for your feedback. :)