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Progress Missions with confusing wording ...

Progress Missions with confusing wording ...

1 май 2020, 21:0201.05.20

Progress Missions with confusing wording ...

Okay, here's the exact wording of the mission: 

"Equip 2 ATK Champions with Level 12+ Gauntlets, Boots and a Chestplate with ATK (%) as their primary stats."

I get that the characters have to be ATK type. That much is clear enough. But what has to be level 12? The characters, the enchantment upgrade level or something else? 

Let's run with the more likely answer that it's the enchantment upgrade level of the gear and not the characters. So now I just need to find two gauntlets, two chest pieces and two boots. Does it matter what kind Set they're in? The Offense set says ATK %, which better resembles the wording of the mission "ATK (%)". Or does it make no difference what Set they're in? Can it be a part of any set and it's primary stat needs to be ATK (%)? What does ATK (%) means exactly? Is it Attack, Attack % or will either one work equally? Does the enchantment upgrade level need to be +12 for all 6 items, or do you mean +12 in total? Are we instead talking about how many stars and the requirement is 12 stars in total? 

Any scenario where the answer is, "Yes, all 6 have to be leveled up to +12" makes the mission kinda ridiculous, especially considering the missions coming directly before and after it. 

It comes off like this: 

  1. Mission one: Tie your shoes. 
  2. Mission two: Comb your hair.
  3. Mission three: Take the dog for a walk. 
  4. Mission four: Sneak into every neighbor's house until you find a hot pink and neon green striped length of ribbon. Next buy some Christmas bells from a local store. If nobody is selling them, keep looking, you're going to need them. Now go to the nearest golf course and find the tallest tree. Free climb the tree and tie the ribbon as high as possible to the highest branch. Now, go hire a helicopter, fly out to the tree with the ribbon in it and zip-line down from the helicopter to the ribbon and attach the Christmas bells to the ribbon. Now ring the bells 15 times. Finally, take it all down and go home.
  5. Mission five: Wash your hands.
  6. Mission six: Brush your teeth. 
For starters, the wording is confusing. But if I'm understanding it correctly, I have to go hunting until I find an two of each -- two gauntlets, two boots, two chestplates -- specifically from the Offense set. They also must specifically have + Attack % as the primary stat for all 6 items. Forget about whether the gear is any good or even worth keeping. Who has time to care when you're looking for so many specifics already? Now you gotta burn a whole lot of silver enchanting all 6 items to level 12. Then you have two of your Attack type characters equip the gear and complete the mission. After that, you probably just sell most or all of it. All of that so you can move on to the next missions: 

  • Upgrade 4 champions to level 40
  • Clear Stage 1 of the Spider's Den
  • Reach Bronze III in the Area
  • Clear Stage 7 of the Brimstone Path on Normal.
You know, easy stuff that you were going to need to do anyways. 

1 май 2020, 21:4501.05.20

You know, as you will notice right away, my English sux and I have never had any problem understanding any of the progress mission descriptions. To complete some of then - sure; some of them are plain stupid or pointless - yes, but they atleast are pretty clear on the description level.

If someone (not you, generaly speaking) if someone doesn't know what ATK champion, boots or primary stat is, they better restart the game, run introduction mission again and get some basic understanding. 
1 май 2020, 22:1601.05.20
1 май 2020, 22:2701.05.20

Honestly, I've had similar complaints about the arena missions a bit further on - that they are massive roadblocks which can take a week or more to complete when until then you've gotten used to going through the progress missions quite quickly. And that you see the missions coming after them, which are way easier. 

But in the end the whole progress missions system will take you all the way to endgame, with the final missions requiring you to beat all level 20 dungeons, do endgame levels of damage on Clan Boss, and so on. So it makes sense that you can't keep going through the missions at that initial fast pace forever, it's supposed to be a long term thing, which means sometimes missions will take a long time. And it's supposed to teach you about all aspects of the game along the way. In this case, the importance of finding pieces with the right main stat on your gloves/chest/boots. 

I agree with Daering, that description is really quite clear. They need to be attack % pieces leveled up to 12 and equipped on a hero who's described as an attack type champion. They can be from any set, that isn't specified. 
6 май 2020, 20:4506.05.20

Let's be honest here. Raid Shadow Legends is a game that is loaded to the gills with rage-quit bait. Missions that are a massive pain in the butt are just one of many examples. It always seems to be the same thing: If you spend a lot of money, you might get past whatever is bugging you, but it might take an ungodly amount of money. Tends to make the game pretty easy to give up on. Missions that ask for way too many nitpicky specifics suck one helluva lot of the fun out of the game. Example: I've been trying for days to get Gauntlets wit HP % as the primary stat from Stage 4 on Kaerok Castle on Hard or higher. I've landed lots of 4* with the wrong primary stat. I like the game for what it is, how it plays, etc. but does it have to be so frustrating so often?

Perhaps it was a little wishful thinking on my part that the mission in question could be just a tiny bit easier. Sue me. 

6 май 2020, 21:3806.05.20

But your whole initial point was about that mission with confusin description, on which I can't agree.

But if you think it is a hard mission, well this is something new. I can't argue about that. The pain for that gringing still hounts me. 😂 
7 май 2020, 05:5207.05.20
7 май 2020, 05:53(отредактировано)

MrChuckles wrote "Equip 2 ATK Champions with Level 12+ Gauntlets, Boots and a Chestplate with ATK (%) as their primary stats."

I'm not confused by the above sentence.

The wording isn't confusing.

Thus, you are wrong.

And that's all.

Finish your missions.

You slacker!