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Rae's A3 fix . Does Banish need a nerf ??

Rae's A3 fix . Does Banish need a nerf ??

30 апр. 2020, 16:3030.04.20

Rae's A3 fix . Does Banish need a nerf ??

Hi :)

So from forum post here """

There is a piece of news that we would like to share with you belatedly, unfortunately. This concerns Rae's A3 fix. Before patch 1.14, she would kill Skullcrown through her Unkiillable Passive, which was not supposed to happen. After we have implemented this fix, another issue occurred. Now Banish, while removing counterattack Buff, still provokes attack actions upon its use. We will do our best to release a fix as soon as possible for this latter one.

We apologize for not informing you about the fix in the patch notes. We will be more careful and watchful in the future."""

So what do you think about all if this ? is rae being a counter for Skullcrown a big deal ? there was nothing to fix form start

the turn order are

1- rae deal damage

2- Skullcrown passive activated and she got a buff

3- rae remove all buffs

4- freeze Where is the problem ???

yes it is a good counter to Skullcrown but again where is the problem ? this is how rae works .. and if this is a plus here is this case in other cases it is a negative as she deal damage first then remove buff so against good shielded teams or ignore damage buff she does ZERO damage

not like seer for example who remove buff first then deal damage

keep rae as it is or make her remove buff first . And if you care about Skullcrown that much and how dare another champ take her down  then make rae  work like other stripper .. remove buff first then attack .. seer is more legendary than the legendary 

30 апр. 2020, 19:1930.04.20

HaKa TaKa said:

There is a piece of news that we would like to share with you belatedly, unfortunately. This concerns Rae's A3 fix. Before patch 1.14, she would kill Skullcrown through her Unkiillable Passive, which was not supposed to happen.

Exactly. It was not supposed to happen.

After we have implemented this fix, another issue occurred. Now Banish, while removing counterattack Buff, still provokes attack actions upon its use. We will do our best to release a fix as soon as possible for this latter one.

Her A3 works exactly like Skartorsis A1. And he still get attacked back when he steal CA buff. They should fix him too.

30 апр. 2020, 20:0830.04.20

Daering said:

HaKa TaKa said:

There is a piece of news that we would like to share with you belatedly, unfortunately. This concerns Rae's A3 fix. Before patch 1.14, she would kill Skullcrown through her Unkiillable Passive, which was not supposed to happen.

Exactly. It was not supposed to happen.

It is not supposed to happen ONLY if Skullcrown still has her buff and yet died so so sort of bug or glitch and it should be FIXED


this is supposed to  happen   as rae skill turn order attack first --Skullcrown got her passive - then strip  

why change a champ just for only a Skullcrown  ???????

30 апр. 2020, 20:4930.04.20
30 апр. 2020, 21:24(отредактировано)

HaKa TaKa said:

It is not supposed to happen ONLY if Skullcrown still has her buff and yet died so so sort of bug or glitch and it should be FIXED


this is supposed to  happen   as rae skill turn order attack first --Skullcrown got her passive - then strip  

why change a champ just for only a Skullcrown  ???????

No, it wasn't supposed to happen. Here's why.

Official description of Rae's A3 states:


1.Attacks all enemies. 2.Removes all buffs. 3.Has a 50% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn.


and the official description of Unkillable buff states:



The Champion with this buff cannot fall below 1 HP for the entirety of its duration.


So, here how it works:

> When Rae attack Skullcrown and deal enough damage

> Skullcrown activate her Unkillable passive.

> Then Rae remove that Unkillable buff,

> but Skullcrown is still alive, tho with only 1 HP

> and then Rae freeze her,

> so now Skullcrown is frozen,

> but still alive with 1 HP,

> because Freeze doesn't deal damage, it is debuff/condition.

This is how it should work according to these official descriptions.  It is not about Skullcrown being sensitive matter, it is about game mechanics working as intended. 

30 апр. 2020, 22:0330.04.20

This is in case a champ has unkillable and you attacked it  so no mater the damage it will not go below 1 hp 


Official description of Resilient [Passive] states :  - which you didn't mention -

Places an [Unkillable] buff on this Champion for 1 turn every time their HP drops below 20%.  so i think what happens is -- maybe i am wrong -

when attacking Skullcrown  with high damage her Hp drop to zero -- as she doesn't have the unkillable buff before the attack - and the system immediately  put  unkillable buff  and  increase that 0 to 1  hp

so Rae skill interfere with this process allowing her to kill skullcrown  cause she removed the unkillable buff before it adding the  1 hp 

30 апр. 2020, 23:2630.04.20
30 апр. 2020, 23:28(отредактировано)

HaKa TaKa said:

This is in case a champ has unkillable and you attacked it  so no mater the damage it will not go below 1 hp 


Official description of Resilient [Passive] states :  - which you didn't mention -

Places an [Unkillable] buff on this Champion for 1 turn every time their HP drops below 20%.  so i think what happens is -- maybe i am wrong -

when attacking Skullcrown  with high damage her Hp drop to zero -- as she doesn't have the unkillable buff before the attack - and the system immediately  put  unkillable buff  and  increase that 0 to 1  hp

so Rae skill interfere with this process allowing her to kill skullcrown  cause she removed the unkillable buff before it adding the  1 hp 

There are twelve champions in the game who can cast Unkillable buff on themselves, on someone else or on the whole team. In some cases it is an active skill, sometimes it is passive. Some champions can have it/cast it for one turn, some can have it/cast it for two turns. Some can cast it freely on cooldawn, some can activate it only under certain conditions.

No matter how and when Unkillable buff comed into play, it always act the same way as it state in the description. There is no such things as health going dawn and up or other hidden shenanigans.

It works the same way for all of those twelve champions according to their specific skill description and the Unkillable description itself. You can counter every one of them the same way (or may fail to do that for the similar reasons) and when you counter them by....say.... Stealing/Removing/Ignoring that Unkillable, the result will be according to the skill that affect the Unkillable.

Now, it obvious i don't have all of them, i have no more than 4 or 5 of them and can't test all of them by myself, but i have faced all of them on Arena, in Dungeons or F Wars and they all seems to behave as they should.

1. If you don't remove Unkillable buff,

* you can't kill them (well. probably that's where the name comes from).

* you can kill them by skills that ignore Unkillable

2. if you remove that Unkillable,

* you can kill them if you can deal enough damage

* you may not kill them if your don't deal any damage or your damage isn't enough

At least that's how it should work according to Plarium own descriptions.

1 май 2020, 01:2701.05.20
1 май 2020, 01:29(отредактировано)

Daering said:

There are twelve champions in the game who can cast Unkillable buff on themselves, on someone else or on the whole team. In some cases it is an active skill, sometimes it is passive. Some champions can have it/cast it for one turn, some can have it/cast it for two turns. Some can cast it freely on cooldawn, some can activate it only under certain conditions.

No matter how and when Unkillable buff comed into play, it always act the same way as it state in the description. There is no such things as health going dawn and up or other hidden shenanigans. 

Skullcrown  & Bushi are   the only 2  that got their  unkillable from passive  .. 10 champ put their unkillable from from active skill  

look at bushi case .. it is clearer   he die . he passive activate """Revives this Champion with 30% HP. Places an [Unkillable] buff on this Champion for 1 turn "" so got revived with 30 % hp

i think what happen with Skullcrown  is the same--- on the programming level -- but without revive animation or mention it .. or how she can survive without the buff in the first place . lets say she has 15 K Hp and was hit by 16 k damage there is nothing to prevent her 15K from reaching zero and stay at 1 .. the logical is  the damage is calculated normally  her hp reach 0  but as it is lower than 20 %   unkillable activate  ..  

All this happens in damage calculation phase before rae can strip and nothing wrong in ger removing that buff here .. it is as if another one attacked Skullcrown and activated the passive then rae came and removed it ... no rule that unkillable must stay till Skullcrown got a turn

1 май 2020, 07:5801.05.20

Look, I get your point, but it shouldn't matter how thing happens on programming level (if that's the case in the first place). If skill is described A>B>C>D they should happen in that order fot players end. That's exactly what they tried to fix. Players should get the result no matter the way it's calculated or happen in their code. 

That's the sole purpose of the description - to explain what result player will get, not how bits and byts works behind the sceene. 

Or they can just delete all the descriptions and leave it to our imagination. 

And again - there is no damage upon applying Freeze, we already talked about that.