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Artifacts priority stats

Artifacts priority stats

28 апр. 2020, 15:2328.04.20

Artifacts priority stats

Hi there,

I have started recently and I still get confused about how to manage my artifacts.

What I think I have understood so far is that there are :

- Important stats whatever the situation: Speed, Crit rate, Attack (%)

- useless stats whatever the situation: flat PV or def

And I don't know very well about the others.

Of course it depnds about the champions you want to equip ... but is there a guide somewhere about how to select the best artifacts.

For example, I have an Attack 6* legendary set upgraded to lvl16

The weapon has the following stats:

Primary: Atq 265

Secondary stats:

PV (1) : 862 + 65

Attack : 7% + 1%

Crit Damage : 6%

PV (3) : 22 + 1%

I am pretty sure this is not a good item due to the PV stats (with proc).

Anyway ... Hard for beginners to chose the appropriate items :)


28 апр. 2020, 15:3528.04.20

Hey, thanks for reaching out. 

They’re in game guides for each champion that tell you the sets you can put on them, or the internet has lots of great pages and videos if you type in the champion you are looking for.

28 апр. 2020, 15:4128.04.20

Weekendwarrior123 said:

Hey, thanks for reaching out. 

They’re in game guides for each champion that tell you the sets you can put on them, or the internet has lots of great pages and videos if you type in the champion you are looking for.

OK so this is entirely specific to each champion or there are stats that are useless whatever the champion, for exemple flat HP?

This was the purpose of my questions.

Thanks for your answer :)
28 апр. 2020, 15:5328.04.20

What stats are the priority depends on the champion - except speed, speed is important for everybody. On defensive or healing characters, defense percentage and/or HP percentage are the priorities. Accuracy is a priority for everyone who has important debuffs to place on enemies. Attack percentage, crit rate and crit damage are crucial for offensive characters - unless their damage is based on their defense or HP, so make sure to check the skill description. 

Also important to remember that weapons always have a flat attack main stat, helmets always flat HP and shields flat defense, but gloves, chest and boots can have different main stats. Speed is only possible on boots as main stat, which is why you need a lot of speed boots. 

On an offense set which you'll surely be using on an attacking character trying to do as much damage as possible, indeed, hit points percentage (believe that's what you mean by PV?) is probably not a priority, and flat HP is even worse. You probably should've stopped wasting silver at level 8 when neither of the first two upgrades had increased the attack percentage or the crit damage. Possibly there might be a few champions out there for whom it could work, whose DPS increases based on both their attack and their HP. 

Personally I check the following link for character builds and recommended gear: https://ayumilove.net/raid-shadow-legends-list-of-champions-by-ranking/

There are various sites like that as WW said, sometimes they disagree - it doesn't mean you always have to do everything they suggest, just take it as a starting point. 

28 апр. 2020, 16:0428.04.20


Thank you for your answer and sorry for the PV which is actually HP ... so as you said it is even worse ;-)
28 апр. 2020, 16:5028.04.20

Weekendwarrior123 said:

Hey, thanks for reaching out. 

They’re in game guides for each champion that tell you the sets you can put on them, or the internet has lots of great pages and videos if you type in the champion you are looking for.

Wow, good job! :)

@Yothope, there is no such thing as "useless stats, but some of them are overall important and impact every aspect of the game and other have more situational usage. Like RES - most of the time it will have very low priority when you equip your champions for general usage, but some time you will want that RES to hit the roof (say, you build dome champion for tank role in Spider Den and you will want to stack RES so they can resist those poisons. Just an example).

Most of the players seems to agree, that Speed is one of the most important stat (general speaking). Speed affects every aspect of the game. It is useful stat for every champion everywhere. Sometime you have to hit certain speed threshold for some areas, but in short - you are faster > you act first > you act often > you have better chance to success. CB, Dungeons, Arena... more or less speed is the king everywhere.

ACC is another stats, that can make or brake your game. If your champion don't have any debuff or have some, but you didn't rely on that debuff, then ignore ACC. But if you want those important debuff to land, you have to give ACC high priority when you equip your champion. Almost every debuff in game (unless it is state otherwise in skill description) depends on your ACC. Fighting CB with your Kael and building him for pure ATK/CR/CD will just cripple his performance if he can' apply his poisons. Going full book on Warmaiden and then leave her with low ACC is just not right. :)

Almost all of the time you will want equipment with stats and substats with % value (for those, that can be flat or % based).% value will give you more increase of that particular stas. One practical approach to equipment management i have adopted is that if some equipment with reasonable stars and rarity (and i say "reasonable" for reason, because every one of us is on different stage of the game and have different access to different quality and rarity. You know what they say - "The one's trash may be gold for another" ... or something :)), so, if i get some piece with Speed, I most likely will keep it, unless it is an really terrible piece overall. I keep every piece if it has CR and CD.

Great Hall, thou is not obviously related to your question, is very important factor of your stat building. If you can get extra 40 ACC from GH upgrades, this "replace" 2 piece ACC set bonus which you can switch for some other useful set.

This is TLDR version, so to speak. From here you will start to examine every champion by himself. They are not all the same and most of the time their skill description, the content you want to use them and the team in which they will work will give you idea how to build them in terms of stats. If you have champion that can buff your party with X% CR and keep this buff with low CD, then you will build your attack champion accordingly. If your support heals other based on his MAX HP, then you will want to boost that HP. If some champion skill says it will always crits than your will want to stach only ATK and CD. If some champion trigger skill/hit only when he crits, then you have to be sure he will crits most of the time.

Another general rule for equipment is that on CB you will want as much defense as you can get from your equipment. For dungeons sometimes high HP helps, because enemy most of the time will target those that are with lower current HP or lower max HP with their single target skills. Use that info when you build your team. If you want someone to soak damage, its good idea to give him high defense and somehow low HP (preferably defense based champion). This is not always set in stone, you obviously will want to pay attention and to things like affinity, but there is a pattern for enemy attack in dungeons for sure.

If there is an really good piece/pieces of gear you want to get to 16, then you can get them to 15 and make them 16 on next Artefact event. At least that is the way i do it - deference between 15 and 16 leveled equipment is not huge, but if I am to bury that many silver better be in that Artefact event, so i can cover some of the expenses. :)

Good luck with game. You will definitely need some :)

29 апр. 2020, 08:3329.04.20

Daering said:


Hey Dearing,

This is definitely the advices I was looking for.

All your informations are very valuable to me and will help me select my artifacts and upgrade them more carfully!

Thanks for the time spent on your very detailed answer which is definitely useful for all beginners!!
29 апр. 2020, 09:4329.04.20

NP man, I am happy to see it has some usage to you.

Also, there are some good youtubers you may want to check from time to time (Salt, StewGaming, Hell Hades, maybe Kizzle and Murderinc when you go more into middle/endgame type content). They may help you for things like choosing right mastery for right content, maybe some info about specific dungeons or champions in your vault that you may overlook.