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Help for early and mid game

Help for early and mid game

27 апр. 2020, 17:3627.04.20

Help for early and mid game

Hello all,

I apologize I'm sure this has been covered somewhere but I seem to be stuck in my dungeon/campaign progression. I have a decent team built up but I cant seem to progress in the dungeons especially dragon and therefore cant get any better artifacts. I'm stuck on level 12 of the dragons lair. As far as my team I have a lvl 60 Kael, Tayrel, Royal Guard and lvl 58 Harvest Jack. I also have a lvl 50 Jareg and Battlesage I interchange for the buffs. My Kael is fully ascended and has a full mastery tree. Tayrel is ascended to lvl 3 and has a full mastery tree as well. Problem is none of my champions are above 15,000 power. Kael is my only one above that and hes at 19,000. I'm on the brutal campaign but it's starting to get hard. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. I've been reading a lot on the strategies of the game so I understand basics such as which attributes the attacks are related to such as att, def, or HP and that speed is very important. I just cant seem to find the artifacts at the level I'm at that are worth leveling up. Again I'm sorry if this has been posted elsewhere.

27 апр. 2020, 18:3427.04.20

I'm a bit surprised that you're that far in terms of level 60 heroes, but you say the brutal campaign is starting to get hard... by the time you're at that level, you should be farming stage 12-3 or 12-6 of brutal, meaning you run Kael with 3 food champions and he clears the whole thing on his own to level up the food. If you're struggling to complete the brutal campaign even with multiple level 60 heroes, you must be doing something seriously wrong in terms of gear? Maybe post screenshots of your main heroes' gear and stats as well as the rest of your roster, so more expert players than me can give tips on gear and on who else you should be using... 

Power is a very flawed way of measuring a champion's real value - you just need the right gear on the right champions, whether that gives them a high power score or not. 

27 апр. 2020, 18:3927.04.20

Can you please post some shots of your equipmen (Kael, Tayrel, RG, Jareg), maybe their masteries too and your roster?

We may give you some suggestions, but they may not be relevant to your situation. 
27 апр. 2020, 18:4227.04.20
27 апр. 2020, 18:43(отредактировано)
Yes I'll post screenshots asap. With a team of 60s I can do brutal but I cant campaign farm with just kael at a speed that I'm comfortable having for farming. Also is it alright to post multiple screenshots? I would need 7 per champion to show artifacts and masteries. Kael is also totally booked.
27 апр. 2020, 21:0327.04.20

Probably not necessary to show every single piece of equipment separately, one screenshot of the gear per champion should do.

Personally I farm at something like 35 seconds a run, a long way from the less than 10 seconds of veteran players, but it gets the job done. That's with Elhain in far from ideal gear and lacking plenty of masteries (and stupid AI wasting a good chunk of her damage). So your Kael with all books and masteries should probably be doing better than that? Not sure what speed you had in mind. 
27 апр. 2020, 21:5627.04.20

Kael should be able to farm 12.3 on his own at about 40-50 seconds without masteries.

It does require a vampire set though.
27 апр. 2020, 22:3027.04.20

Currently he has two crit damage sets and one cruel set. 

I dont know how to post a picture on here. I'll try to see if he can solo 12-3 but watching him through the campaign with a full team I doubt hell be able to. I have a screenshot of his total stats
28 апр. 2020, 02:1128.04.20
I agree, gear across the board must be horribly wrong. 
28 апр. 2020, 02:1928.04.20

My guess is that royal guard is dying on the way to dragon.

He doesn't have a heal at all. Royal guard without some protection is gonna die. Plus on dragon with all the aoe and poisons, he is gonna rot if he doesn't 2-3 shot. Even with lifesteal, he could die if his damage isn't high enough.

28 апр. 2020, 07:1728.04.20

matt said:

Currently he has two crit damage sets and one cruel set. 

I dont know how to post a picture on here. I'll try to see if he can solo 12-3 but watching him through the campaign with a full team I doubt hell be able to. I have a screenshot of his total stats

When you post a reply, there's a symbol of a picture above the box you type the text in, select that and then you can upload a picture. 

Two crit damage sets sounds like an unusual choice... so he has massive crit damage, and I guess close to 100 percent crit rate? But does he have decent speed and accuracy to land the poisons? 
28 апр. 2020, 21:0428.04.20

Can you not do it on mobile? I'm not seeing any other icons allowing me to post pictures. I'll type his total stats out for now.

Health: 24,859

Att: 1892

Def: 1310

Speed: 108

Crit Rate: 40%

Crit Damage: 170%

Resistance: 109

Accuracy: 129
28 апр. 2020, 21:3528.04.20

Ok, so I'm not an expert and I don't even have Kael, but your speed is way too low, for sure. You need gear that offers speed boosts and increase your speed by at least 50 or so, probably more like 80. Try to find boots with speed as main stat and as many stars as possible. Ideally with crit rate, attack rate, crit damage or accuracy as additional stats, but the speed is the main thing. Whether it's for farming or for anything else - if you just take more turns relative to your opponents, you have better chances to win. 

And secondly, why do you have crit damage sets if your crit rate is only 40 percent? Using crit damage gear only makes sense if your crit rate is close to 100 percent so you're actually landing all the extra damage on every hit. In any case your crit rate should be higher than that on a DPS champion like Kael. Accuracy looks good, I can't really comment in detail on his HP/attack/defense. 

For comparison, my level 60 Elhain, also a starting rare so best comparison to make, has about 2.5k attack, 31k HP, 70 percent crit rate and 182 speed. And that's with quite average gear still, far from optimized. Much lower crit damage than your Kael, but with the higher offense, crit rate and speed, putting out a lot more damage and can farm brutal. She's easier to gear as she doesn't need accuracy, in fairness, but still. 

28 апр. 2020, 21:4228.04.20

Do you farm gear from the campaign or dragons lair? I agree with everything you said, I'm just having a hard time finding 4-5* gear that meets all those requirements. 

L9753 said:

Ok, so I'm not an expert and I don't even have Kael, but your speed is way too low, for sure. You need gear that offers speed boosts and increase your speed by at least 50 or so, probably more like 80. Try to find boots with speed as main stat and as many stars as possible. Ideally with crit rate, attack rate, crit damage or accuracy as additional stats, but the speed is the main thing. Whether it's for farming or for anything else - if you just take more turns relative to your opponents, you have better chances to win. 

And secondly, why do you have crit damage sets if your crit rate is only 40 percent? Using crit damage gear only makes sense if your crit rate is close to 100 percent so you're actually landing all the extra damage on every hit. In any case your crit rate should be higher than that on a DPS champion like Kael. Accuracy looks good, I can't really comment in detail on his HP/attack/defense. 

For comparison, my level 60 Elhain, also a starting rare so best comparison to make, has about 2.5k attack, 31k HP, 70 percent crit rate and 182 speed. And that's with quite average gear still, far from optimized. Much lower crit damage than your Kael, but with the higher offense, crit rate and speed, putting out a lot more damage and can farm brutal. She's easier to gear as she doesn't need accuracy, in fairness, but still. 

28 апр. 2020, 22:1328.04.20

If I may, I love Kael with Lifesteal when it's for PvE.

If you want to make your kael a huge farmer, go for that.

Mine which is far from optimized (lake of speed and ACC and only 4* items you get for free at the start of the game) can clear any brutal level without trouble. I'm farming mainly in 12-6 with 15 to 30s cleaning time.

I post here my stuff and clean.

Once again he is far from beeing opti. But it is just to show how easy it is with lifesteal.

He is also pretty decent un arena even though it's not my main focus.

(If not Kael, you should consider choosing an AoE champ to build with lifesteal for easy farming/clean atm.
29 апр. 2020, 21:2529.04.20
29 апр. 2020, 21:37(отредактировано)

My suggestion  is look at the bottom row of items first.

Kael build:

Preferable you should use a vampire set.

Boots: Primary stat speed If it has some crit rate or def% or hp% on the side great.

Chest: primary stat hp% or def%. Starrating above substats most likely.

Gloves: primary stat hp% or def%.

Remember that kael does not rely as heavily on crit rate as most champions since he has poison and extra crit rate on A2.

If you have assecories:

Ring: All primary stats benefit kael, so use the one that has highest % rolls in substats

Amulet: crit dmg, preferable with accuracy as substat

Banner: long-term accuracy but short-term hp/defense or attack are all good, substats should be speed or % based.

In substats you look for

Primary: speed atleast until you have around 160

Secondary: crit rate, crit damage, hp%, def%, att % and accuracy all benefit kael.

Try and get a good mix. Decent stats for 12.3 I think would be something like

speed: 160+

crit rate: 40+

Crit dmg: 100+

hp: 28.000

Defense: 1500

Accuracy: 120 (I think this is sufficient for campaign for kael. If one of his poison dosent land it is no big deal)

Once you hit these numbers you can begin focusing on improving your offensive stats like crit rate and crit dmg and attack.

29 апр. 2020, 22:1029.04.20

matt said:

Do you farm gear from the campaign or dragons lair? I agree with everything you said, I'm just having a hard time finding 4-5* gear that meets all those requirements. 

Honestly, I rarely do focused gear farming other than running dungeons a lot when tournaments are on. So it's a mix of what happened to drop in the campaign and dungeons, rewards from login, battle pass, arena and clan boss, plus some pieces from the market. Veteran players would probably not think much of the gear in the market, but I always check out the 4-5 star and sometimes even 3 star gear of the most interesting sets (speed, accuracy, lifesteal in particular) and buy whichever pieces have the right main stat and one or two good substats. 

Regarding lifesteal gear for farming - if you need it to survive, sure, but otherwise it takes up four slots in which you could be putting two other sets and it takes a lot of effort to get four lifesteal pieces with good stats, seems much easier to find four good pieces of two offense, crit rate,... sets. 

@Drone isn't it a waste to have lifesteal gear *and* so much focus on def/hp percentage? For farming brutal 12, that is - not talking about endgame dungeon or CB. 

29 апр. 2020, 22:1129.04.20
How are some people able to jump ahead so quickly in tournaments? Also I'm not able to find certain players, how can that be?
30 апр. 2020, 13:3930.04.20
Son of Solar said:

How are some people able to jump ahead so quickly in tournaments? Also I'm not able to find certain players, how can that be?
What do you mean?
30 апр. 2020, 21:2130.04.20
30 апр. 2020, 21:41(отредактировано)

L9753 said:

matt said:

@Drone isn't it a waste to have lifesteal gear *and* so much focus on def/hp percentage? For farming brutal 12, that is - not talking about endgame dungeon or CB. 

If your farmer dies in campaign I will definately suggest lifesteal gear. The sustain of your team goes up tremendously with lifesteal from my experience. Ofcourse this is for early farming. Once you get better gear you will farm faster with more offensive stats.

I recommend this link, with kael build which is probaly with alot better gear than what you have now.



Another link from stewgaming, probaly better suited for early game:


I think the generel suggestion for most accounts is use lifesteal on clanboss aswell. There is a argument for stalwart gear aswell from Hell hades. But unless you have bad-el you will have trouble healing your team up on CB. Since you basicly need a full heal after each hit. If you watch Hell Hades CB videos his base suggestion is something along the line with:

1. speedtune your team

2. get defense to 4500

3. Get attack down hero

4. Get defense up hero

Now you can look at how you are going to damage the clan boss. The most basic way here is probaly poison.

Also notice im talking about Kael which is not a standard attack hero. He relies alot on his poison in dungeon and clan boss and there does not need as much attack and crit as the average attack hero.

30 апр. 2020, 22:4930.04.20
I am actually interested in the stalwart gear approach.  Hmm. I guess I'll have to Google that.