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Def or HP for defensive stat?

Def or HP for defensive stat?

25 апр. 2020, 20:1825.04.20

Def or HP for defensive stat?

I am trying to figure which one i should go for some defensive stats on Atk champion? Should i get some or go just only for ATK? i just feel it too squishy when they has no any defensive stat
25 апр. 2020, 20:5825.04.20

There is not strait answer that can be equally correct. It mostly depends on where you use your champion and how your whole party interact.

*But...  on CB you should priorities defense over HP most of the time. In dungeons, unless your champion is of weak affinity to enemy, most of the time they tend to focus with their single target skills mostly those with low current HP and those with lowest max HP overall. How can you may use that info is up to you thou.

**But but.... if your focus too much on giving high HP for your atk champion, this probably will result on lowering the stats that make him valuable there in first place. You bring him there to do damage, not to soak damage.

Better way to approach this is to improve or re-organize your party composition so they can carry your damage dealer. You must find the way that will work for you with your current roster - maybe more CC, more debuffs, more heals, maybe good tank of weak affinity, maybe even more squishy but more hard hitting damage dealer? :)

Some obstacles in game depends mostly on you and the way you work with what you have in your vault. More info can help you, but it still mostly depends on your decisions.
26 апр. 2020, 00:1626.04.20

The General Answer is HP %.

Of Course, The General Answer doesn't apply to every single Attack Hero in the game.

Some Attack heroes are very unique vs. other Attack heroes.
26 апр. 2020, 07:5626.04.20


Well it depends on what you are fighting...

DEF > HP in CB

HP > DEF in Spider's Den, if you don't want that spiderlings attack other champions intead of your tank

HP and DEF are both important in arena, if you are using a tank team, otherwise don't focus on them.