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New clan feature - dungeon overview

New clan feature - dungeon overview

21 апр. 2020, 07:2321.04.20

New clan feature - dungeon overview

First off - sorry, the title of the Topic was a placeholder and I forgot to Change it once I was done typing my text, so it's not only About dungeon overview, but a General "what would be nice to have" as clan-Features :)

I know, Plarium is working "on a lot of new Content" (lookint at the 2018 Roadmap for 2019 what still is supposedly coming), but what I'm missing a bit is some basic clan-Features which most other games are offering.

Except a specific Chat and the clanboss (and the activity-rewards if everyone does his daily stuff) there is literally Nothing there. Not even Basics which most other games offer. How About offering the following:

1) Clan-Roster 

A new sub-section of the clan Menu where you get a roster of all clan-members and can select them. If you click on them you can also see their dungeon Status (highes tlvl of Dungeons done with time and heroes used).

Especially the dungeon-Info would be great, as this way you could see who beat which dungeon how and try to copy their Setup without having to have the same conversation over and over in clan-Chat and instead Focusing on "what gear did you use" or similar.

It would also open up a "nice and friendly" rivalery if there would be a "top 10 dungeon times" overview for the clan, where you can see the best times and try to beat your fellow clan-mates :) ((without rewards, just for fun :) )) 

2) Display the "top Toons of clanmates"

Players can select 5 Champs which are "displayed" if the clanmember is selected in the clan-roster including their gear and stats. This way it would be super easy to Point out mistakes People did while gearing their Chars. Especially some new Players don't fully get the stat priorities for the different Areas (clanboss / PVP / Dungeons / farm-hero) and the "older" clan-members could Point out items which should be replaced or are not well rolled (double crit-rate while Speed didn't get a roll but would be far superior). 

There are a lot of Questions "why does my XXX do less dmg than your XXX on the same lvl with the same ascention?" which cannot be answered easily as it's a massive mix of set-boni and stats. If you can "Show" your teammates your toon they can easily help you fix him and thus have more fun with them :)

3) Clan-Weekly-Chest

Similar to the activity-reward, PVP-Chest and the Clanboss chest a "Special Chest" which unlocks after certain thresholds are met (for isntance XX-mio dmg on clanboss, 500 pvp-battles, 1k Campaign-runs on brutal) which gives Players loot combined out of XP-Brews, Ancient-Shards and books (except legendary -- only blue and Purple to Keep those red/Gold ones "Special" ).

Most games offer a multi-stage Weekly or Monthly Bonus for clan-participation where everyone (who participated) gets a Bonus for working in / with the clan which can even be "tierd" - meaning multiple lvls which you can reach so that small / beginner Clans can reach a chest apropirate for them while bigger Clans go for stage 3, 4 or 5 of the chest with "bigger rewards" (the small one droppes myst-shards, the bigger ones ancients for instance, etc etc). And it would be nice to get more than a "hey, I did what I had to do and remembered to press the 'check-in' button beforehand". 

Because Right now this is the only Thing About the clan you can and have to do. Klick the Check-In-Button. Hit the clanboss. Chat with People. And even though I like my clan that's not exactly what a clan should be About or what should be the "only" highlight of being in a clan. There should be more where I interact with my clanmates, have fun with them, compete with them (on dungeon times and an "internal ranking" ) and work on a Goal together (Weekly or Monthly)

22 апр. 2020, 02:3222.04.20
I like your ideas. Sadly, Plarium does whatever they see fit, generally it involves them making money. If they can't make money out of it, they won't do it; it's not worth the resources for them. Unless the guild has to pay(a huge amount of gems) to unlock a feature like this, I don't see it happening.
22 апр. 2020, 05:3622.04.20

This is a great idea!  I would love there to be more going on in my Clan!  It seems that Plarium intended a more deeper clan experience because some framework is already built.  Why build the capability to track different clan achievements...unless they are only for the ranking points???  If that is all they are for, it seems a bit meaningless to me.  Who really cares about that right now?

But extra content, contests, rewards?  Heck Yeah!  
22 апр. 2020, 14:2122.04.20


Thanks for your suggestion. :)