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19 апр. 2020, 19:5119.04.20


I don't know how the hell does plarium do their USD to EURO or vice versa conversion but i gotta tell you it's COMPLETELY WRONG.

Take a look at these pictures and you'll know what I'm referring to.


49.99 USD = 45.97 EUR and NOT 54.99 EUR

Plarium can you please fix this and make sure ALL conversions are done appropriately ?


19 апр. 2020, 23:3319.04.20
19 апр. 2020, 23:36(отредактировано)

It has nothing to do with Plarium.

It has to do with the "Middle Man".


Plarium sets a price of 40$ for there pack.

The price of 40$ is eventually distributed in all currency's.

Your money is in a Bank.

You have to use a "Middle Man" to get your money from your Bank to the Game.

The "Middle Man" wants a cut for himself.

The amount the "Middle Man" charges you for using his service changes from player to player.

The amount he wants is often dependent on the following:

  • Location
  • Government Laws
  • Government Taxes
  • City Fees

The players in the USA might have to pay the "Middle Man" 9.99.

40$ for Plarinum + 9.99$ for the Middle Man = 49.99 Price

In your situation, It is different.

The "Middle Man" in your country is RIPPING you a new one!

it is because your Government probably set up some Tax or Fees which the "Middle Man" has to pay in order to service people in your arena.

The result is the "Middle Man" is going to take this extra tax laying down!

The "Middle Man" is going to get his money back!

The way the "Middle Man" gets his money back is by marking up all his prices in your surrounding area.

So what happens?

40$ for Plarium doesn't change + 39.99$ for the Middle Man(Marked Up Price) = You paying more!

Plarium can't fix the issue - It isn't in there control.

You want this issue to fixed?

Why don't you rally more people in your Area to vote for changes to help Big & Small Business.

"You" are the reason the prices are different.

You didn't use your Vote to help Business.

20 апр. 2020, 02:4320.04.20
hmm... all good but I don't think you saw the picks he post. the numbers are given by palladium in game not his end balance after the transaction, and so to blame it on the "middle man"
20 апр. 2020, 07:0120.04.20

Raven Fugazity said:

hmm... all good but I don't think you saw the picks he post. the numbers are given by palladium in game not his end balance after the transaction, and so to blame it on the "middle man"

exactly this. Also, the fees to get Money from europe to Israel are roughly the same as from the US to Israel. Also the taxes on digital goods are not that much higher than in the US.

In Addition to the fact, that Euro is "stronger" than the Dollar which should result in technically THE SAME Price at least . As example if there would be higher fees it would still Show up as the same number --- 49,99$ // 49,99€. So European Gamers would still pay more for the same but at least not 10-20% upcharge on the Price 

a lot of $ 9,99 packages go for € 14,00 and the $15 packages for €19,99 -- only in the "higher" Price-Region the "upcharge" goes down to 5-10%

so if it would be About fees and %-based taxes this wouldn't make sense. It's just plarium ripping of the "low Spenders" in Euro-Areas more than in other Areas. Most likely as they noticed that here People buy more packages below 30€ of value and thus put a premium on those to Profit even more of them while they left the "big bug packages" nearly untouched.

20 апр. 2020, 07:1620.04.20
The conversion to Euros and Pounds is a joke
20 апр. 2020, 12:0220.04.20
I wonder if you use a proxy server, then connect to a US server. Can you buy it for $50? 
20 апр. 2020, 15:5820.04.20
20 апр. 2020, 16:34(отредактировано)

JoinME said:

I wonder if you use a proxy server, then connect to a US server. Can you buy it for $50? 

By using a VPN right ? yeah i think that is possible, cause you're virtually changing your IP address to a US address and so the game detects that you're "American" and should be getting the $ currency instead of your countries currency. I'm not 100% sure about this though
20 апр. 2020, 16:0520.04.20
Raven Fugazity said:

hmm... all good but I don't think you saw the picks he post. the numbers are given by palladium in game not his end balance after the transaction, and so to blame it on the "middle man"
Thank you for pointing this out to that guy cause apparently he has no idea what he's talking about. It's exactly like you said that this, "middle man" has nothing to do with the in-game prices. It wasn't the "middle man" that priced the offers in the game cause it's not his game but it's from Plariums side. Some people talk from their asses ><
20 апр. 2020, 16:2920.04.20

gothikguardian said:

Raven Fugazity said:

hmm... all good but I don't think you saw the picks he post. the numbers are given by palladium in game not his end balance after the transaction, and so to blame it on the "middle man"

exactly this. Also, the fees to get Money from europe to Israel are roughly the same as from the US to Israel. Also the taxes on digital goods are not that much higher than in the US.

In Addition to the fact, that Euro is "stronger" than the Dollar which should result in technically THE SAME Price at least . As example if there would be higher fees it would still Show up as the same number --- 49,99$ // 49,99€. So European Gamers would still pay more for the same but at least not 10-20% upcharge on the Price 

a lot of $ 9,99 packages go for € 14,00 and the $15 packages for €19,99 -- only in the "higher" Price-Region the "upcharge" goes down to 5-10%

so if it would be About fees and %-based taxes this wouldn't make sense. It's just plarium ripping of the "low Spenders" in Euro-Areas more than in other Areas. Most likely as they noticed that here People buy more packages below 30€ of value and thus put a premium on those to Profit even more of them while they left the "big bug packages" nearly untouched.

"In Addition to the fact, that Euro is "stronger" than the Dollar"

Exactly like you said. Euro is stronger than Dollars and so the prices in Euros should be lower in prices and NOT higher than Dollar prices cause this doesn't make sense. 

The ONLY possible way and reason where I can see that the Euro in-game prices be higher than the Dollar in-game prices is if Plarium Taxes every other countries except for America. What I mean in simple words is that there is a possibility that the American's in-game offer prices come without ANY taxes whatsoever

21 апр. 2020, 03:3121.04.20

Hi, Guys!

Sadly, Player J is right.
21 апр. 2020, 06:2921.04.20

Valdys said:

Hi, Guys!

Sadly, Player J is right.

Sorry Valdys, but that can't be Right. First of all would that mean that your "middle man" charge the company 100% more in Europe than in the US and 2nd like the others pointed out, it's the plarium side - not the payment side where it would make sense to see the difference.

Would we see it at check-out it would be from the middle man who converts the currency and makes sure that Plarium gets what they "stated as Prices" while keeping his cut. As it's shown already ingame like this it's the Prices plarium sets.

On the other side as the "goods plarium is selling" are digital even with a "slight loss" plarium could offer the same Prices to everyone playing the game keeping it fair for all who purchase stuff. Besides the fact that the Prices Plarium is asking are ludicrous sometimes this should be possible "without ruining" the Company ;). Especially as the Company HQ is in Israel which has really good Connections to Europe and the US I really can't belive that the "loss" is so big, that EU has to pay so much more than the US. Also check my post before. Why do the "low Price" offers make such a big difference (4-9€ upcharge on 9,99$ stuff where we pay 14,99€ for instance or 4,99$ bundles for 9,99€) while the "big bundles" most of the time only differ a few % ?

But hey - like someone pointed out, I'll just see if the Proxy works :). Then I'll get the "ludicrous overpriced but at least fair compared to what others pay" US-$ Prices at least ;).
21 апр. 2020, 06:4821.04.20

Gothic, I know the truth isn't so pretty, but it's still the truth.

I've already asked to CMs and they confirmed it doesn't depend on Plarium... 
21 апр. 2020, 13:4521.04.20

Valdys said:

Gothic, I know the truth isn't so pretty, but it's still the truth.

I've already asked to CMs and they confirmed it doesn't depend on Plarium... 

I know you're not employed and don't defend Plarium if they did something wrong and I don't mean this against you - but that would just be as if the CM's would say that the General Prices in the store are not depending on what Plarium sets but "calculated by the amount of Hours it takes to mine the shards, polish them and prepare them for the Players by highly qualifite shard-dwarfs in the mines of Moria" ;) … 

Plarium dictates the Prices in General and how the conversion-fees are included or not. Other games manage to have international customers with the same Prices all over the planet --- or nearly the same. E.g. Blizzard also asks for 39,99€ where the US-Price is 39,99$ but at least that can be translated to the Money conversion factors and it's one of many examples (and a AAA Company, but there are also a lot of examples on the Google store and iOS store :) )   --- but not in the amount / % as it happens here where it is obvious that the European market and People who are more willing to pay for stuff are taken Advantage of.
21 апр. 2020, 23:3921.04.20
LMAOL!  You are all obviously highly qualified economists!
22 апр. 2020, 00:3622.04.20
22 апр. 2020, 06:01(отредактировано)

was paying to all over the world,the prices cannot be "different" ...so if it is 59$ in the shop...i will pay 40£ only and so on

At this point there cannot be any middle man,if u pay by card,all transactions goes from bank to bank....there is no "dealers" or middle mans as some state. Its all made by Plarium,and they know exactly what they are doing.

22 апр. 2020, 07:2922.04.20
Angwil said:

LMAOL!  You are all obviously highly qualified economists!
Actually besides the fact that I work internationally for more than 8 years now I got an MBA in the US which focuses "more or less" on economics and Business Management as well as the financial part of international deals. So …. I don't know if you call that "highly qualified" but I'd call myself at least "decently informed About financial Exchange Systems for companies in international markets and internal as well as external influences" ;)