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Legendaries that Desperately need a rework!

Legendaries that Desperately need a rework!

18 апр. 2020, 17:2818.04.20

Legendaries that Desperately need a rework!

I am probably going to hear some screams from some people who disagree but here it goes:

--Useless legendaries:

- Bystophus: He is arguably the worst legendary in the game right now. Only “useful” in arena offense.

- Lord Champfort: Don’t tell me he’s good in Dragon and Ice Golem. He is decent there, but IG is the most useless dungeon there is. Dragon, there are rares that could do an even better job than him. Krisk places a 50% attack down and 60% defense down when hit, and this guy places a 15% decrease speed? C’mon! He just got a buff, but he still seems so weak. His Aura and A2 are the only decent things he has in his kit. His damage multiplier is absolute crap.

- Wurlim Frostking: Mildly “good” for arena? The only decent thing he contributes is the Strengthen buff. Plus, he is void, he should be better. I can probably find a few uncommons with more base defense than this joke of a “legendary” (like Zephyr Sniper and Frontline Warrior)

- Errol: I personally have him and he is very well below average, unless you stack good HP/Defense on him(but then you lose damage, so what’s the point?) or have a revive champion next to him, he is good only on the magic keep. Yes, a KEEP. Decent in arena BUT with the right teammates. Either boost his damage significantly or give him a passive that REALLY increases his ability to survive, like Rotos

- Teela Goremane: Don’t even let me get started on this.

- Elenaril: She can only be decent on Dragon, the easiest dungeon of all. “OK” in Golem but again, useless dungeon.

- Candraphon: Just the name is enough.

--Legendaries that aren’t useless but surely in need of a buff:

- Warchief: His passive is great, but give him more utility?

- Mountain King: He is beast in arena, but he has been replaced by Rotos. Perhaps make him useful in other areas?

- Cupidus: I guess he can hit hard? and when you look at his skills he seems to be a good fit for spiders, but the problem is that on Auto his A3 (the skill that you want to proc for HP burn) goes for the main spider and not one of the weaker spiderlings.

- Suzerain Katonn: His A3 is great, but if you have Rotos, he becomes useless. He feels more a support champion than attack. If he were defense based…

- Royal Huntsman: He is just decent in arena. Give him more utility in other areas or just simply buff him more for arena.

- Grohak: Not a bad champ, but his A1 is random hitter? Useless for an attack legendary. Perhaps make him hit just one champion with an ability to place decrease speed on two random enemies?.

No one is asking for these champions to be as good as Ma’Shalled after his buff but I think everyone agrees on the fact that there should be no “bad” legendaries. Even some epics can do much better jobs than the champions mentioned above. If you push it, you can even find a rare champion to replace some, ignoring the fact how accessible rare champions are and how booking them is much easier

Whoever disagrees, feel free to give out your input in the comments. I’m all up for a healthy discussion.

18 апр. 2020, 21:0718.04.20

Mountain King can do 600k, Rotos 180-200k?  MK still ok

Others that need rework is a much longer list
18 апр. 2020, 23:2618.04.20


Thanks for your feedback. :)
19 апр. 2020, 00:1619.04.20

Hi Valdys,

Thanks for the reply. Now that we are on the subject, do you know if the developers are working on any good re balances in the future for champions that are listed here or other that may need the buff?

19 апр. 2020, 00:4219.04.20

I have Warchief. He is better than before but still weak compare with the others. 

2 problem with Warchief :

first, his skill is terrible. Provoke debuff for 1 enermy ? 

second, passive skill boost defense for each dead ally and reflect damage 60%. This cause a contradiction. Warchief build with high defense. But the more defense means the less damage taken which also affected the amount of the reflected damage. Reflect damage is more effective when your champion has very high HP. 
19 апр. 2020, 00:4819.04.20
Raelrak said:

Hi Valdys,

Thanks for the reply. Now that we are on the subject, do you know if the developers are working on any good re balances in the future for champions that are listed here or other that may need the buff?

Sadly, I don't know, but I hope yes.
19 апр. 2020, 01:2019.04.20
Elviraz said:

I have Warchief. He is better than before but still weak compare with the others. 

2 problem with Warchief :

first, his skill is terrible. Provoke debuff for 1 enermy ? 

second, passive skill boost defense for each dead ally and reflect damage 60%. This cause a contradiction. Warchief build with high defense. But the more defense means the less damage taken which also affected the amount of the reflected damage. Reflect damage is more effective when your champion has very high HP. 
I did not look at it that way but your point is absolutely spot on. If they were to change him into an HP based champion he would be very very good in arena, he could not be nuked. I don't know what would happen if he has given a buff of reflect damage, would that mean that he'd reflect 90% of the damage back? That would be even more broken than Rotos lol
19 апр. 2020, 21:5919.04.20

I think one of the problems is how good should a legendary be. I mean what is the baseline for a decent legendary. They cant all be the best champion. So the idea that mountain king is bad because Rotos is better I dont buy.

Imo a legendary champion should be good enough to do highest level at an important aspect of the game. Here I would currently discount faction wars, since pretty much any legendary just get in the team.

So what endgame areas are there? Arena, spider, fire knigth, clan boss

I would not mention keeps, guess the reason is obvious.

I dont figure dragon because at current state almost any team of geared champions do well there.

I dont count ice golem because imo it is not an end-game dungeon becuase of rewards.

So that leaves us with only 4 areas to excel and I think this is part of the problem. The dungeons have a built in problem that once you can clear these decently fast any new legendary that is good there dosent really feel like a lengendary. So I guess im arguing that there are only two areas where you really can feel the impact of good legendaries.

I think my point is it is extremely difficult to keep introducing new relevant legendaries without them being unbalanced or useless in the games current state. We need new content preferable something that favours new skillsets.

On a sidenote. Elenari is not a bad clan boss champion she performs very well given the correct teams.