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Clan Boss Group

Clan Boss Group

14 апр. 2020, 23:0014.04.20

Clan Boss Group

I am having trouble doing damage to clan boss.  I have a group with 66k power:

Elhain - 6 star full ascend

Thenasil - 6 star full ascned

Tayrel - 5 star full ascend

Sinesha - 5 star full ascend

Minaya - 5 start (1 ascend)

I have Karam and Jizoh on Bench both 5 star full ascned.  Jizoh I cant seem to get his power hi, he is at 7500, Karam is at 10 and hits hard.

Should I bench Thenasil and Sinesha and get Jizoh better gear?  I understand Jizoh needs to get his Defense high to hit harder his counter attack would help as well.  

Thanks for the help and suggestions.
15 апр. 2020, 01:5515.04.20

Power doesn't mean much especially for CB. Get a poisoner for your team, and replace (probably) Sinesha.

You can try using Outlaw Monk, an uncommon champ, and see how effective using poison for CB is. 
15 апр. 2020, 05:4515.04.20

What level cb are you hitting? Easy? How much damage are you getting per key?
The team you listed should be getting at least the top reward.
Your gear could be the issue.
If you have a Kael, use him. Get him to 60 asap and slap him in your best lifesteal.

15 апр. 2020, 06:5815.04.20
Easy and Norm are fine.  I am hitting hard and getting just over 700 k.  Don't have Kael as of yet.  I have Karam for poisoner and that is all.  I definitely do not think I have good gear.  I have been hitting Golem and Dragon level 11 and 10 respectively.  I just have not got much for Tayrel as of this point.  I try putting new gear on Tayrel but his power goes down when I swap out. I am swapping common gear out for rare and epic so I am not quite sure why his power drops so much.