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Executioner's Retirement

Executioner's Retirement

8 апр. 2020, 08:4008.04.20

Executioner's Retirement

I would like to retire my old Executioner from the Arena since I want a strong character who does a better role than Executioner. In my Vault have some candidates, but I don't know who is better for Arena. The rest of the Arena team are Miscreated Monster, Apothecary, Doomppriest (could be Mistress of Hymns, I don't know if it's a better healer than Doomppriest).

Let's get down to business, my final candidates (because I don't have more) are Skullcrusher, Hakkorhn Smashlord, Mountain King, Ma'Shalled, Vizier Ovelis.

I want to upgrade to level 60 one of these characters and retire Executioner from arenas, but I don't know which is better, especially after Ma'Shalled reworks.

Thanks for your recommendations!

8 апр. 2020, 13:4408.04.20
I love skullcrusher. I run defense CA team in arena w/ Skullcrusher, Zelotah, Grizz Jarl, Gorgorab. On offense I've been using Monster (I love him) in place of Zelotah or Gorg. I'd 60 Skullcrusher either way. He's awesome. Plus you can work on a CA CB team.
8 апр. 2020, 15:3308.04.20
I don't like the idea ONE counter attack buff allow champ to counter too MANY times, especially slow champs, should give a higher number for counter buff for example 3, but each of his counter attack -1, you can't just camp in 1 place and counter everyone endlessly like that. 
8 апр. 2020, 19:4208.04.20


Could you post your roster? :)
10 апр. 2020, 09:3510.04.20


This is my entire roster and my arena team... if you could show me what is the best option to retire the Executioner, you will make me happy. Also if you can see another good team performable with my roster, it would be amazing!!

Thank you!! ;)

10 апр. 2020, 13:1810.04.20

You have an awesome team. Who are the legos? I don't recognize them since I have none :(

Skullcrusher is awesome (needs books) 

You have awesome pieces for spider (monster, ult galek, coldheart) . I'm jealous. 

Doompriest and alure are awesome epics and don't need books at all.

You will cruise through dungeons once you get 5 or 6 60s IMO
10 апр. 2020, 17:5010.04.20

My suggestion:

Jinglehunter, Hakkorhn, Ma'Shalled and MM. :)
10 апр. 2020, 18:0610.04.20

The legos are Hakkorhn Smashlord, Ma'Shalled and Mountain King, I would like to upgrade one to level 60 for the arena, but I don't know which is better.

Maybe I have a better character epic than the legos, but I don't know what could be a better option than the legos.

*Also, I have Vizier Olivelis, but I only use this character for Clan Boss and Dungeons.

11 апр. 2020, 10:0011.04.20

Valdys said:

My suggestion:

Jinglehunter, Hakkorhn, Ma'Shalled and MM. :)

Interesting selection... I'll try your selection but I'm not convinced which hero I will upgrade first.

Firstly, do you think that Jinglehunter is a better starter than Apothecary or even Golden Reaper?

Secondly, relating to the legendary figures you've selected, I've been observing that in the Top Players list there are more Mountain Kings than Hakkorhn... Although Ma'Shalled rework was made recently, I think that is easy for a top player to upgrade it, but they didn't yet. Maybe is because it is not good enough in arenas.

To sum up, I have another question:

If I have a character who's damage level increases with HP (like M.M.), which selection of Artefacts will cause more damage in attacks, one which increases the 60% of HP or the same which increases the 60% of Atack? I ignore how it works.

Maybe there is some topic on the forum which talks about that case, but I didn't find it.

Thanks for your comments!

11 апр. 2020, 21:5311.04.20

You need Jingle for his aura + his a3.

I think your next 6* should be MM, then Ma'Shalled and Hakkorhn.

Ma'Shalled is now a top tier and he's different by MK or Hakk... he's more like Harvest Jack. Btw you can take a look at MurderInc's video.

MM needs a lot of hp, accuracy and crits.
12 апр. 2020, 00:2212.04.20

It looks like you have a Tanky Arena Defense set up.

You could consider swapping Executioner out with Mountain King.

You could consider swapping Apothecary out with Skullcrusher.
12 апр. 2020, 10:5512.04.20

Valdys said:

You need Jingle for his aura + his a3.

I think your next 6* should be MM, then Ma'Shalled and Hakkorhn.

Ma'Shalled is now a top tier and he's different by MK or Hakk... he's more like Harvest Jack. Btw you can take a look at MurderInc's video.

MM needs a lot of hp, accuracy and crits.

In that case, I think I will upgrade Ma'Shalled first because M.M. is already upgraded to level 60!

Thanks!! :)

12 апр. 2020, 11:0212.04.20

Player J said:

It looks like you have a Tanky Arena Defense set up.

You could consider swapping Executioner out with Mountain King.

You could consider swapping Apothecary out with Skullcrusher.

I will try your suggestions, but with your changes, I won't have a starter in my group... I've heard that all top teams are performed with speed in the main stats. Mountain King and Skullcrusher are quite slow... I don't really search a Tanky Arena Defense set up, I only want the best arena set up performable with my characters.

Thanks for your comments!

13 апр. 2020, 18:0013.04.20

Mountain King is mr 1 shot.

A level 50 skullcrusher and a 60 mk into an AOE team will win. 

If it were me, I would do Ma'shalled or MK. But MK is not great anywhere other than arena, maybe crypts, but mashalled is just great now.