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Shield set - Questions about details

Shield set - Questions about details

8 апр. 2020, 07:0008.04.20

Shield set - Questions about details

Hello everybody!

I have 2 questions about shield set. Description says 30% of shield during 3 turns. So. Questions is:

Question 1. 

Does shield work just 1 time per batlle? I mean skills work during some amount of turns and have cooldown. Then they work again.  Does Shield set effect works just once per battle or have cooldown too?

Question 2.

As far as i understand shield is not same as defence bonus.  With defence bonus (30% for example) if i got right hero get 30% less damage.  With shield hero can take base HP + shield  before hero die, is it correct? What the base value of shield and what base value 30% added to? 30% of shield of hero who wearing this set or 30% of shield of heroes who get Shield set bonus?

Thank you for your help. Any detailed info about Shiled set mechaics appretiated.  Or links to topics where Shield set mechanic explained well.

Take care. With best regadrs LW05 (aka Lethal Shadow)

8 апр. 2020, 21:0408.04.20


1. They work just for the first 3 turns when the round begins.

2. Incorrect. Def buff is 30%/60% on the base stat of your champ, you can't know how much dmg you reduce from enemies' atk because it's a hidden value. 30% champ's hp (white value + green value) is the shield you'll receive on all your champs, so you have to put your shield set on a champ with a lot of hp.
9 апр. 2020, 10:2409.04.20

Also, when you have shield buff any incoming damage goes to shield first (exept for skills that ignore shield) and when your shield is depleted you start to take "hp damage".

You can have multiple shield sets on a different champions and those shield buff will stack. 

And as @Valdys said for naximum effect you should have shield set on champion with high base hp and look for stats and substats gear with hp%, not flat hp to get higher hp possible. 

9 апр. 2020, 13:0009.04.20

1. Shield works per Wave (so trash waves all count as individual waves where the Shield refreshes; but Boss and Arena count as 1 wave)

2. Shield is HP shield.  So if you have high defence, your shield lasts longer.  Think of it as HP.