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Hero AI and specific condition skills --- BK vs Kytis

Hero AI and specific condition skills --- BK vs Kytis

7 апр. 2020, 07:4207.04.20

Hero AI and specific condition skills --- BK vs Kytis


as I'm one of the blessed People who got rock solid god-tier legendaries (black-knight and lugan) I played around with BK a bit and actually find him quite funny and helpfull. Not as "great" as I'd hoped my first legendary would be (he was the first I ever pulled --- my 2nd was then lugan ^^ … yeah. I know. How lucky can I be to get both of those superb ones ;) ) but he's quite decent actually with his 2-turn def-up 15% cont-heal on a 2 turn cd.

What I don't get is with him just with so many others how/why the game decides to use his A3 all-the-time it's up and Ready. His A3 is an AOE which skales from ATT and HP lost (where ATT is already stupid with an HP-champ where his A1 skales from hp?!) and thus is only usefull once he lost a decent chunk of HP --- but the AI still triggers it super happily all the time the CD is off and hits enemies (especially the CB) for super exciting 500-2500 dmg while his A1 would do 15000 non-crit. 

I get that if he's below 50% or lower and there is more than one enemy it could (Maybe? again - skales from ATT too, which isn't really high on this one. Def/Speed/whatever or HP like A1 would have made far more sense) do SOME dmg, but why does the AI trigger it Always just when the CD is off? As he spends every 2nd turn (like he should) using his "no-dmg-just-buffs" move this dropps his usefullness even more, as he only does dmg in one out of three turns this way (a2, a3, a1, rinse and repeat).

And he's by far not the only one. Why does the AI favor to use CD-Abilities which require specific baselines to be usefull when the baseline is not met? 

For BK it is especially interesting comparing him to Kytis. He also has a "increased by HP lost" precondition, but his skill is locked until he Drops below 50% hp. Why doesn't BK also have that for his A3 ? That would mean that the AI could only fire it when the ability is actually usefull (or at least "more usefull" than it is now") ?

I know, Plarium has "a lot on their plate" (especially Looking at the 2018 road-map and what's still open / promised / etc.) but wouldn't it be beneficial to check back in with "old heroes" with abilities like that where you also have some "easy ways to fix" them? Yes, Black-Knight started to grow on me but it Always hurts seeing him spam his (stupid) A3 for no Benefit at all while others (especially Kytis) have a Tiny difference in the mechanic changing it in a way that prevents them from over-using a useless ability (making the ability of an Epic more powerfull than the one of a legendary as the legendary is over-used when it's useless hurting the hero's dmg-ability massively).

Could we please get that Tiny Change for Black-Knight which works so well for Kytis ? (Change his A3 that it's only active once he's below 50% or even 25% hp)

7 апр. 2020, 09:2007.04.20


 --- why is Seer using her A3 as an opener, even though it doesn't do shit (except if you're lucky a Sleep buff) if there are no buffs up oO ? … why wouldn't seer start with her A2 and then follow up with her A3 ? 

Who coded that behavior into her AI ? oO

--- why doesn't Stag Knigth use his AOE def/att down ability on IG when his toons are up? He only uses it once IG is alone, which doesn't really make sense as his AOE def/att down would be far more usefull against the toons and helps kill them a lot faster (what else is the def-down good for ^^)

--- why doesn't Armiger use his A2 as Long as a boss has a turnmeter above 30% ?

I know, so many more AI issues, but those three Pop up all the time and seem like such an easy fix (especially BK - just add "only available below 50% / 25% hp and it's done) so it's not clear why it wouldn't be fixed, as most heroes are around for a Pretty Long time.

8 апр. 2020, 09:1008.04.20

Seems like BK is not that much around/liked or the interest in Chars with specific abilities that require at least one precondition to work well (and should not be used if the precondition is not met) is Little to None :( 

I know there are many more Champs out there who work similar to BK but should work more like Kytis does (use a specific skill only when it's actually beneficial to use) and which could be fixed just as easy as BK. I just would have hoped more People are interested in stuff like this which would help a lot for a Little work/Change required (and not changing anything regarding balance or power of a char or so)