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More love for Lugan!

More love for Lugan!

4 апр. 2020, 14:0504.04.20

More love for Lugan!

Hello Plarium Team, hope you're doing well.

I would like to suggest some more balancing of Lugan the Steadfast so he can become at least a mid tier legendary. 

Basically, I would suggest boosting his A2 so that he puts increase defense to the whole team and / or lowering the cooldown by 1. 

This change would certainly bring more value to players who have him so they can fully enjoy this amazingly looking legendary champion.

Thank you for all the content and effort. 
4 апр. 2020, 19:1004.04.20


Thanks for your suggestion, but Lugan has already been buffed.
5 апр. 2020, 13:5505.04.20

Hello, thank you for a reply. 

I am aware that his A1 was buffed and that was really necessary to make him a good epic. However, his A1 heal is not great - around 3-4k with average gear and around 8-10k with high end gear. Therefore, it is time to make him a legendary. Def increase on his A2 for all allies and lowered cooldown by 1 would do it. He would not be overpowered in any way. Just decent. If you compare him to any top tier legendary he is a joke. Nobody uses him and that is why there is almost no content about him (youtube videos, guides, etc.). You might want to try him for yourself or ask any top content creators with lots of experience (StewGaming, Hell Hades, etc.) and you'll quickly notice that he is still lagging behind considerably.

5 апр. 2020, 14:0405.04.20

TruthSeeker said:

Hello, thank you for a reply. 

I am aware that his A1 was buffed and that was really necessary to make him a good epic. However, his A1 heal is not great - around 3-4k with average gear and around 8-10k with high end gear. Therefore, it is time to make him a legendary. Def increase on his A2 for all allies and lowered cooldown by 1 would do it. He would not be overpowered in any way. Just decent. If you compare him to any top tier legendary he is a joke. Nobody uses him and that is why there is almost no content about him (youtube videos, guides, etc.). You might want to try him for yourself or ask any top content creators with lots of experience (StewGaming, Hell Hades, etc.) and you'll quickly notice that he is still lagging behind considerably.

Thanks for your feedback, but again, he has already been buffed.

I've seen some people testing him on ultra, with toxic set and the rest of the team without lifesteal set. He's one of the best healers, better than Bad el Kazar (unless for the cleanse up). I can't test him, I haven't pulled him yet, but I think you should. ;)
5 апр. 2020, 20:1405.04.20

Murderinc has a video on him. 

Lugan is a champion that excels when he has very good gear.

7 апр. 2020, 19:2207.04.20

Cmon now, compare him to Krisk or Bad-el and tell me he is on the same level. You can't be serious. There is no one who would rather have Lugan over these two. Check any tier list you want. 

7 апр. 2020, 19:3907.04.20

TruthSeeker said:

Cmon now, compare him to Krisk or Bad-el and tell me he is on the same level. You can't be serious. There is no one who would rather have Lugan over these two. Check any tier list you want. 

Tier lists are NEVER accurate.

Lugan can be a better healer than Bek, Bek is a poisoner+cleanser mostly.

Krisk is one of the best void heroes, which are stronger than "normal" heroes.
7 апр. 2020, 20:3407.04.20

TruthSeeker said:

Cmon now, compare him to Krisk or Bad-el and tell me he is on the same level. You can't be serious. There is no one who would rather have Lugan over these two. Check any tier list you want. 

When did I say he was as good as Krisk or Bad-el? You are making your arguments fraudulently. You said he needs a buff and I offered an opinion that he can actually be good. Now you are saying good means Bad-el or Krisk level as that is the only acceptable level.

Most people would say Bad-el is better than say, Sir Nicholoas, no one says Sir Nicholas needs a buff. Unless you are implying that all legendaries need to be the same quality, which, is asking a lot.

8 апр. 2020, 17:5908.04.20

I am not trying to make him crazy OP. I am just trying to make him slightly more balanced. Is my suggested A2 improvement not reasonable? Right now it is 4 turn cd mediocre / epic ability. If it would be 3 turn then it could at least be incorporated into CB rotation. With def increase for all champions he would finally become a legendary. 

And yes, yes he can be slightly better healer in CB with crazy high end great and other top tier champions. However, you can just use lifesteal set and that is it. Moreover, he is useless everywhere else besides ice golem, maaaaybe. Is this a balance? I do not think so.