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2nd Juliana - clan boss?

2nd Juliana - clan boss?

4 апр. 2020, 13:3604.04.20

2nd Juliana - clan boss?

Hi everyone! Simple question. Should I keep and build a second Juliana for the CB? Or just feed her to my main Juliana.

Current team is, Kael, doompriest, coldheart, Juliana (not booked) and apothecary. 
4 апр. 2020, 15:3104.04.20

You can have only one hp burn on target, second Juliana will be pointless investment. 

4 апр. 2020, 17:4104.04.20
Daering said:

You can have only one hp burn on target, second Juliana will be pointless investment. 

Yep, no point of keeping 2 for CB, better max the skill of the main one. Coldheart on the other hand worth keeping 2 :)
4 апр. 2020, 18:2204.04.20

My suggestion: 

Don't use epic as books, keep them for faction wars or fusions.

Btw Juliana is a poisoner (better than Kael), so yes, you should use 2 Julianas and remove Kael.
4 апр. 2020, 22:1504.04.20
4 апр. 2020, 22:24(отредактировано)

Valdys said:

Btw Juliana is a poisoner (better than Kael), so yes, you should use 2 Julianas and remove Kael.

"In vacuum" this may be correct, she is probably better than him when compared one on one in pure damage output. but we have some specific conditions here which can't be ignored.

In this specific case this doesn't make much sense. In fact, i think that second Juliana doesn't make any sense at all for CB. Strip HP burn from that second Juliana and she can't keep up with Kael. Also, it is way more expensive to build and max her than Kael. And his Kael is probably already maxed. So we already have clean answer here.

But there is more - even his first Juliana isn't booked yet. Most of the champions have to be fully developed to operate at their best in CB and by just adding second undeveloped Juliana instead of Kael this will probably drag him down by millions of damage.

There is no reasonable scenario in his specific case which can justify all these resources, energy, time and efforts invested in second Juliana.

As for using second Juliana as book....not sure what other think or do in this case, but i have simple rule here. None of my decisions are affected by the fact that there is such thing as a FW. I personally can't care less for FW. There is no way as f2p to be in position to make real use of FW. You can\t build champions specific for FW with 3 energy refills daily, right? I just get what i can from FW with what i can at the moment and that is.

When i get dupes i follow simple rule - if that champ is a trash i use his dupes as chicken, there is no point of feeding champ you probably will never use. Always keep at least one, all other go for food.

If i pull dupe of champ that is really good and make sense to actually use two of them  together (like second Skullcrown paired with Prince Kymar for Arena, for example) i keep that dupe. In this case second Scullcrown is way more valuable than some +10 damage increase if she is used as book. But, honestly, i don't have any other meaningful examples from my game. I do have funny case when i somehow ended with 6 dupes of Aina in very short time, so 5 of them was used as books even that my original Aina will probably never pass beyond 5/50. This is somehow specific case. most of the time those are mire likely 5 chickens, not books.

But this is mostly decisions, based on personal preference, they are more or less subjective and can't be used as rule. But second Juliana is no-no for me :P

5 апр. 2020, 04:5105.04.20

That was way more info than I could have imagined! Thank you so much! 

Daering said:

Valdys said:

Btw Juliana is a poisoner (better than Kael), so yes, you should use 2 Julianas and remove Kael.

"In vacuum" this may be correct, she is probably better than him when compared one on one in pure damage output. but we have some specific conditions here which can't be ignored.

In this specific case this doesn't make much sense. In fact, i think that second Juliana doesn't make any sense at all for CB. Strip HP burn from that second Juliana and she can't keep up with Kael. Also, it is way more expensive to build and max her than Kael. And his Kael is probably already maxed. So we already have clean answer here.

But there is more - even his first Juliana isn't booked yet. Most of the champions have to be fully developed to operate at their best in CB and by just adding second undeveloped Juliana instead of Kael this will probably drag him down by millions of damage.

There is no reasonable scenario in his specific case which can justify all these resources, energy, time and efforts invested in second Juliana.

As for using second Juliana as book....not sure what other think or do in this case, but i have simple rule here. None of my decisions are affected by the fact that there is such thing as a FW. I personally can't care less for FW. There is no way as f2p to be in position to make real use of FW. You can\t build champions specific for FW with 3 energy refills daily, right? I just get what i can from FW with what i can at the moment and that is.

When i get dupes i follow simple rule - if that champ is a trash i use his dupes as chicken, there is no point of feeding champ you probably will never use. Always keep at least one, all other go for food.

If i pull dupe of champ that is really good and make sense to actually use two of them  together (like second Skullcrown paired with Prince Kymar for Arena, for example) i keep that dupe. In this case second Scullcrown is way more valuable than some +10 damage increase if she is used as book. But, honestly, i don't have any other meaningful examples from my game. I do have funny case when i somehow ended with 6 dupes of Aina in very short time, so 5 of them was used as books even that my original Aina will probably never pass beyond 5/50. This is somehow specific case. most of the time those are mire likely 5 chickens, not books.

But this is mostly decisions, based on personal preference, they are more or less subjective and can't be used as rule. But second Juliana is no-no for me :P

5 апр. 2020, 04:5305.04.20

That would make sense to be so. I wasn't sure if multiple hp burns were possible. 

Daering said:

You can have only one hp burn on target, second Juliana will be pointless investment. 

5 апр. 2020, 09:2505.04.20

She is not end-game, the danger is that by the time you build her up, you found a better poisoner such as Occult Brawler or Nethril. 

See a bit old of a guide on best poisoner rankings:



Occult Brawler (also Frozen Banshee now) - 100 

Nethril/Venus/Draomorph - 60-80

Steelskull, Zavia - 50

Aothar, Juliana, Yaga, Marksman, Kael - 30-40

So I would aim to get Occult or Frozen Banshee 6 stared
5 апр. 2020, 20:1805.04.20

I would keep the 2nd Juliana because booking a Juliana is not worth it. You might one day have two different builds for her (not really likely) or need her in Faction Wars...

13 books for Juliana. the A1 is minimal damage, the A2 is minimal more damage (you want the poisions for CB anyway), and A3 requires 7 books to get her HP Burn to 100% chance...No cd reduction.

If it were me, I would either save her or use her as a rank 4 chicken before I booked a Juliana. 
8 апр. 2020, 23:3008.04.20

So, in light of other better options, I'll keep her as is, unbooked, but with high crit rate, as she has a chance to 5% poison on her A2.

Thanks for all the positive comments! I got Yaga, but I think I might wait for a better option than him.