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A team of stupid (champs) monkeys

A team of stupid (champs) monkeys

2 апр. 2020, 03:0202.04.20

A team of stupid (champs) monkeys

1 - I setup a team for dungeon, that team kills 3 out of 4 enemies, the last one self-buffs [Block Damage] but he is slow, what I have seen ? my champs attacked him 16 times for nothing till he spends his buff, such stupid monkeys. What if I do it manually (*) ?

2 - I setup a team for arena, enemies turn on [Block Damage] buff for 2 turns, my team auto lose. What if I do it manually (**) ?

3 - Re-think about all champs we have in inventory, look like 95% champs from epic down to common will become stupid monkeys against [Block Damage] buff, about 80 - 90% (??) legendary champs will become stupid monkeys in this case. 

4 - What if I do it manually (*) & (**) ? Nothing I can do, no other choice, the best I can do is use A1 to save A2, A3 skills. 

5 - Let make it more realistic, what will I (you) do when enemy invulnerable in 20 minutes ? I would defend and wait for 20 minutes (or run, if it is an option, lol, but I will come back after 20 minutes).

6 - Could developer let those monkeys less stupid or let me have a better choice in this case, but how ? 

a) A0 = defend stance: switch to defend stance, increase 30 - 50% def, increase 10-20% health. 

b) Auto choice, if attack does no damage to all enemies, then defend stance. 

c) Manual, have A0 option for all champs.

That is all I want to say, cheers!

2 апр. 2020, 03:0702.04.20

Update: b) Auto choice, if attack will do (not happened yet) no damage to all enemies, then defend stance. 

3 апр. 2020, 01:1903.04.20
3 апр. 2020, 01:19(отредактировано)
d) use remove/steal buff?
3 апр. 2020, 06:2203.04.20

Daering said:

d) use remove/steal buff?

one of the few (only?) situations Shaman can actually come in Handy ;) … @MaxBT check out her skillset and you might get what I'm Talking About :)

The key here is, that there is no "one fits all" solution. You cannot create ONE Arena Team and think you can throw them at everything in the list. Every hero has a counter (even rotos, but those are few ^^) and if you run against a Team that is just perfect to counter yours it's your fault for chosing to fight them in the first place. Or to be more precice it's your fault to not adapt to the Situation and Maybe replace one of your arena-Team with someone who can counter what you're Meeting.

Thats the nice Thing About Arena. You don't have to fight. And if you fight you should Chose wisely. If you don't ? Don't complain About the Outcome ;) …. but thats just like saying "I built a full magic Crew but then there are so many force-champ-heavy Teams that completely whipe the Floor with them !!! why con't I have a 'ignore weak Affinity' button on the A99 button?"

Like I said, the key here is not adding more Utility to everyone but knowing your enemy and having your strategy set --- and knowing when it won't work (and just don't pick the fight or adapt to overcome)