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When a Buff is not a Buff (WarChief)..

When a Buff is not a Buff (WarChief)..

1 апр. 2020, 20:3101.04.20

When a Buff is not a Buff (WarChief)..

I really don't understand your thinking on this Plarium so please explain it to me. It is fairly easy to see from the patch notes that this is the case. What you are doing with Ma' Shall, Champfort, and Morty are buffs and making those campaign legendaries viable like Bad El and the others.

This is not the case with WarChief and I don't understand why. How can you look at all of those changes on paper and not see that you are not changing anything on WC that will make him viable anywhere in the game.

His passive change isn't doing anything because without some revive mechanic what good is a reflect damage and damage multiplier that is miniscule with each dead Ally. If WC is your last champ or second to last champ you have lost the fight already. 

A2 changes is literally being changed to what epics and rares can do and he is a legendary. Peydma on a 3 turn cool down can steal ALL buffs 100% of the time. Other legendary champs steal all buffs in the same amount of turns or less(Errol) or steal 1 buff on their A1.

A1 gives a slightly higher chance to provoke which does nothing when it is a 25% chance. Did you learning nothing with Frozen Banshee? 

I don't understand why you don't want to buff a legendary champ so that he is at least more viable then an epic champ but that is backward logic. All you did was make sure WarChief becomes the worst legendary in the game now that Ma' Shall is getting his insane buff.

Thank you tho because it is far less expensive for me to ascend and book my Peydma over my Warchief so I guess you are saving alot of us money and time.

2 апр. 2020, 06:5902.04.20


Thanks for your feedback!
5 апр. 2020, 00:1405.04.20

I doubt it will go anywhere but thanks for at least acknowledging my post. WC has been buffed mutliples times and still won't be viable. It would be nice to just get him buffed to be a decent legendary champ so that the game can move on. If the buffs are not decrnt with any champ it means more time spent in the future having to fix them instead of other champs getting retuned.

Nothing and I mean nothing in this game if more disheartening then waiting a couple months or more and pulling a legendary only to find out that it was all for nothing and that champion is not useful anywhere.
27 март 2021, 02:2727.03.21

i just pulled a second warchief, and i dont have many legendarys as it is :P its literally making me want to tear my hair out when i pull this junk

27 март 2021, 12:4827.03.21

His A2 is not something any epic can do. The buff stealing is just a bonus, the main thing about the A2 is a provoke for 3 turns. Is there any other "control debuff" in the whole game that lasts for 3 turns?

Warchief is a bad legendary, but at least he has one place in the game where he can be used: Magma Dragon. So he is usefull for one more thing in the game than Teela Goremane, wich was my first legendary champ.

29 март 2021, 04:5529.03.21
Skadis Revenge

His A2 is not something any epic can do. The buff stealing is just a bonus, the main thing about the A2 is a provoke for 3 turns. Is there any other "control debuff" in the whole game that lasts for 3 turns?

Warchief is a bad legendary, but at least he has one place in the game where he can be used: Magma Dragon. So he is usefull for one more thing in the game than Teela Goremane, wich was my first legendary champ.

Think id rather have one of the many aoe provoke champions that are not even legendary :P