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Buff better than debuff in Arena unless you get Void Champs? Doompriest vs Tayrel

Buff better than debuff in Arena unless you get Void Champs? Doompriest vs Tayrel

1 апр. 2020, 14:1901.04.20

Buff better than debuff in Arena unless you get Void Champs? Doompriest vs Tayrel


I am wondering:

In a PVP battle, because of affinity aspects, you are not sure that your debuff will land.

In this case, isn't it better to have champions with Buffs?

Of course, if one day I get Mme Serris, I will have good chances to land her poweful debuff [decrease DEF] as she is Void.

But so far, I think that I should use skills such as [increase ATK] of Doompriest.

Then, it means that I should use Doompriest instead of Tayrel and his [decrease DEF]....however, I am not really convinced about that option....

Any thoughts, advices?


1 апр. 2020, 14:4301.04.20
Very good question. Just the fact you are thinking about it, is a good sign. The other thing to consider is RES vs ACC, and what your focus is in the great hall and artifacts you equip. I have lots of magic(blue) and luckily I prioritized Magic Resistance (level 8 now, almost 9). Also, I use a defensive approach in arena with a combination of Zelotah(green but RES aura)/Skull (red but high RES stats in equip, buffs no debuffs)/Jarl (Blue)/Gorg(Blue)/Doompriest(Red, buff no debuff, debuff removal -- very good)/Monster(Blue/both).  This alllows me to worry less about ACC and landing any debuffs I have, especially early on.  If I can get my buffs up and prevent debuffs from landing I win.  That said SPEED is still the most important stat.  All the defense, buffs, and RES can prove worthless if the other team is faster and superior.
1 апр. 2020, 23:0301.04.20

Thanks @TRIPS for the reply

One question: can you confirm that if you hit a weak hit, the DEBUFF never happens?

And....yes, I agree about speed....I have now Jinglehunter and his marvelous hat as leader

Take care,
2 апр. 2020, 06:5402.04.20

It depends on your comp.

I use Lilitu, Tormin, Rotos and Mountain King, so I have 1 buffer (with high res) and 1 debuffer (with high acc).

2 апр. 2020, 09:0402.04.20
Piccolo Lord said:

One question: can you confirm that if you hit a weak hit, the DEBUFF never happens?

Yes, on weak hit you can't land debuff at all, no matter how big is your chance and how many acc you have. 
2 апр. 2020, 12:3502.04.20
Daering said:

Piccolo Lord said:

One question: can you confirm that if you hit a weak hit, the DEBUFF never happens?

Yes, on weak hit you can't land debuff at all, no matter how big is your chance and how many acc you have. 
Not true, there's a little % you can place the debuff.
2 апр. 2020, 12:4902.04.20
A good mix of both seems best in Arena.  I like champs that can sorta do both.  Umbral to place provoke, also applies UK to self, for example.
2 апр. 2020, 17:4502.04.20

I dont think it is possible to answer yes or no to your question. It depends on the team you use.

Fore example I use apothecary, gorgorab, dracomorph and skullcrown.

Two bufferes just to make sure i go first. dracomorph to make sure skullcrown hard hits and even if one or two of dracomorphs gets resisted then the enemy team is mostly gone before the enemy gets a turn. 

You dont have to win in first round, just make sure the enemy team is so handicapped that they have no way back into the figth.

Alternatively i often use apothecary, gorgorab, turvold, miscreated monster. Here the idea is turvold takes out the most scary enemy. I use this strategy on defensive teams where im not sure if skullcrown can nuke down the enemy. Turvold can almost always kill the most scary enemy champion. Due to relentless gear it is quite often he kills two.

Also if the enemy has a tormin you are often better of with debuffers instead of buffers.

3 апр. 2020, 15:2803.04.20

Valdys said:

Daering said:

Piccolo Lord said:

One question: can you confirm that if you hit a weak hit, the DEBUFF never happens?

Yes, on weak hit you can't land debuff at all, no matter how big is your chance and how many acc you have. 
Not true, there's a little % you can place the debuff.

Sorry, but you are wrong.

The @Piccolo Lord's question was "can you land debuff on weak hit" and the context was about him wondering does champions with debuffs are effective against strong affinity or is better for him to use someone with buffs.

The correct answer of his question is "no, you can't place debuf if you land weak hit against strong affinity target".

Тhe only exceptions (irrelevant to his question. Obviously this is not what he ask about and not what you mean by "little %") are:

* when the description of the certain skill specifically states that it apply debuff no matter what

* when debuff comes from item set

3 апр. 2020, 18:0303.04.20

500 RES and you are set haha

ok jokes aside.

1. If you play a speed nuke team, you must land debuffs 

2. If you play a defence team, then ACC and Affinity are less of a worry

Defence teams are harder to gear (hard to balance defence, HP, speed, and resist), take much longer to farm tokens, and is a bit hit and miss....

Unfortunately I been playing defence since day 1, because that's what Plarium has given me (Martyr, Valkyrie, Khris) << what can I do?

3 апр. 2020, 19:5603.04.20

To the OP, everything is about comps.

The traditional speed comp in low Gold and lower would be something like High Khatun speed lead, Apothecary speed boost, War Maiden debuff, Kael nuke.

In mid gold 4, my speed team is Gorgorab speed lead and buff, Lanakis group attack....because of my champions, I skip the debuff. If you have something like lanakis, longbeard, catacomb councilor, you don't need debuffs. Turvold, Rotos, Mountain King and some others don't need defense down. They just hit that hard.

On landing debuffs, it also might only apply to the most important toons to kill. If I ran a force affinity damage dealer into the high khatun team, I would be running a weak affinity damage dealer to khatun but a strong affinity into their main threat, Kael. Basically you want to be able to kill the most important threat fast. That threat could be their control toon (like a Luria, kill or control her before she freezes your team), their protection toon (like maneater, before he puts up unkillable buff) or their damage dealer, or the rezzer toon. There are so many different ways to do this and it depends on what you are fighting.

An example is how I got to Gold 4, I ran Teela Goremane at 70k health in a shield set, Skullcrusher, Relic Keeper, and Sinesha. I did this because I didn't have a good speed lead (before I had goregorab) and I didn't have good speed gear. So instead of trying to win the speed race, I built a tank team and just killed magic affinity teams. Thats where I coined my strategy as See Kael, Smash Kael, See Kael...Fail. 

The point is that you have to deal with what you have and what you are facing. If I had lord shazar, I would have built a speed team first and used my souldrinker and ran a speed bomb team.

To your question about Tayrel or Doompriest. Tayrel has some minor CC, a turn meter control, defense down, attack down, and some good damage. Doompriest has debuff removal and continuous heal. If you get bursted down, doompriest does notthing for you. When would I use doompriest over Tayrel? When I build a tank team. Doompriest can work, but it needs to be used to counter debuff/bomb teams on teams that are generally tanky.

3 апр. 2020, 21:4803.04.20

I run defense team, and have been doing well gold4.

Order of team by speed:

Gorg (speed over 200, but I don't use as lead)

Zelotah (lead for resist aura)



A really strong team will obviously crush me, but I figure i have high probability of losing speed contest anyway.  I ran this as my offense 100% up until recently as well so i learned how the AI works and the are all pretty good.  If all my guys didn't double duty in dungeons or CB I'd put a shield set on for sure. Now I have monster who I mix in on offense. I use doompriest occasionally as well.  Mm and doom aren't good on auto.

7 апр. 2020, 13:1607.04.20

Thank you all for your replies.

It is really interesting and helpful.

Basically, I am trying to maximise the damages done by Ithos (all allies have high speed to give less chances to the oppponent to answer my attacks).

On my side, I did some tests and my feedback is that Doompriest ATK buff is less powerful than the DEF debuff of Tayrel but the Debuff doesn't land very often (no big news here).The big difference is that is the fight keeps going, Tayrel is more helpful than Doompriest.

Now, maybe for the DEF team, I could remove jinglehunter and use Tayrel as leader and Doompriest...

let's see :)

Take care

7 апр. 2020, 13:2207.04.20

Oh....I forgot....If one day I get GHOSTBORN, the problem would be solved

Ancestral Spirits [ATK] (Cooldown: 5 turns)

Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be resisted. Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on all allies for 2 turns.

Level: 2 Buff/Debuff Chance +10%

Level: 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +15%

Level: 4 Cooldown -1