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Game progression

Game progression

30 март 2020, 07:4430.03.20

Game progression

Hello, my name is Macaleth. I started playing Raid nine days ago. I often wonder how fast others progress within the game. I'm already battling through Brutal in campaign. I'm only Bronze 2 in arena, but I've spent most of my time leveling and ascending my champions up. I have spent around $70 but I have received very handsome rewards in return. I want to know how my peers have been with game progression. Am I down the right path or should I be focusing on a certain area of the game other than campaign and dungeons? Please let me know and all tips are welcomed! I'm on level 33 currently. 
30 март 2020, 08:4530.03.20


Just complete the missions and the quests and try to get "good" gear in dungeons. :)
30 март 2020, 15:2830.03.20


1) Campaign

2) Campaign

3) Campaign

Do you have a 60 and farming brutal 12.3?  If no...

4) Campaign

5) Campaign

Post an image or list your champs, and someone can recommend who you should get to 60 first. 

Other considerations, mostly advice given to me.  Some I unwisely ignored...

a) Save all rares and epics. Don't use as food

b) Pay attention to Rhazin fusion, don't ignore like me (my biggest mistake). Make slow progress here as you focus on the above. 

c) Save gems. Mino isn't really worth doing until you can do mino15. Saving 800 gems will make you doing masteries easier.

d) Use Epic books wisely, they are very difficult to obtain

e) There are very good rares (Apothecary is #1 imo, be on the lookout for him)

Good luck.

30 март 2020, 16:1330.03.20

I probably played this game differently for most people.

I did not focus in campaign. But i make sure I have a farmer. I focus on dragons. This is where I get my gear,. Never I tried gears from campaign. Since I enjoy arena unlike most people, I build arena champions first before focusing on other dungeons. I believe I only 3 stars everthing on brutal campaign when I can farm on 6 star artifacts. I only started to 3 star nightmare when I got Tormin. 

I never save rares except for voids since expanding vault is so expensive, I did not save rares that are not good since rares can be easily summon again. I only save 1 copy of each epics. Duplicates for me are free chickens. My peiority in spending gems are for dungeons not leveling champions. So I fed duplicate epics for food to save energy. 

And when I started farming level20 dungeons, I sell all 5 star artifacts and never save any 5 stars again. That is when I already have my team for all dungeons and arena team so no point of saving 5 star artifacts. To progress, I needed to upgrade my choice of artifacts to save. 

Faction wars is not my priority right now. I only farm on some factions that I can do. 

30 март 2020, 20:3630.03.20
I have Skull Crown at 5 star fully ascended. Kael 5 star fully ascended. Bellower 4 star fully ascended. I have Stag Knight, Shaman, Gala, Golden Reaper, Hope, Canoness, Bonekeeper I think her name is, Urisine Ice Crusher, chickened bloodfeather, Sandlashed Survivor, Cold Heart, Galek, I'm probably missing a few epics and I have a ton of rares. All but one of my epics is maxed out level wise. 
30 март 2020, 20:4830.03.20
Skullcrown is awesome. 6* that one ASAP