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Please help. I cannot get to Silver I

Please help. I cannot get to Silver I

28 март 2020, 17:2928.03.20

Please help. I cannot get to Silver I

Hello all. This is my first post. I cannot seem to get to Silver I. Can somebody look at my team and advise champions to use the correct order to line up my attacks, and strategy for priority who to level up and ascend? My primary question is for arena offense, but if there is a combined strategy to include for defense, I welcome the advice.

I fit as many of my champions as I could in this screen capture. Thank you in advance.

28 март 2020, 18:0428.03.20

1) You have some really solid guys

2) Farm. Farm. Farm. You need to get a farmer to 60, so that you can...

3) Farm. Farm. Farm.

4) Then get another 60 (Apothecary)

5) Farm. Farm. Farm

6) Get your 3rd 60

7) Farm. Farm. Farm

In the short term, you want Spirithost (aura) Apoth (speed, speed, speed) Warmaiden, Kael (I think this is the one the experts would recommend)

PlayerJ/Ethan/Daering correct me if I'm wrong.

28 март 2020, 18:0928.03.20

Thanks, Trip!

What are your thoughts on throwing a weak champion on defense? I keep losing arena points overnight. I can't seem to beat the arena teams in the list of 10 I am presented.

28 март 2020, 18:5828.03.20

I don't think it is worth it.  If you can checkin and refresh often (dont waste gems) and pick and choose your battles I would go that route.

You will eventually rank up Tayrel and Brawler (awesome for CB and some dungeons). Don't waste epic books on brawler, he doesnt need them. Be cautious with the books, the are hard to come by.
28 март 2020, 19:3728.03.20
you have fantastic champs... probably gear and skillbook issue?
29 март 2020, 12:4729.03.20
29 март 2020, 12:53(отредактировано)

You could make a nice starter team of 50's and 60's with:

Spirithost in the leader position for her aura and to buff the team's attack power

Kael for the face wrecking

War Maiden for defense debuff on the opposing team and some face wrecking

Apothecary for his speed/turn meter buff + healing support

And if you can manage it try to gear your champions so that Apothecary has the highest speed in the group, with Spirithost the next highest, followed by War Maiden, and with Kael being just behind her. This way Apothecary goes first (assuming your team is faster than the opponent's) and buffs everyone else's speed. Then Spirithost will buff everyone's attack, followed by War Maiden making a nice aoe dent while applying her defense debuff, and Kael laying the smackdown with a high chance (if not 100%) to crit Acid Rain.

Such a team can basically carry you to gold 4 depending on gear. I'm a "pay very little to play" player and I did exactly that except I didn't get an Apothecary till way late and used High Khatun instead once I hit the login day reward for her. I actually still use her over Apothecary in arena today.

The same team can also work for defense as well. It's not the "best" but it can keep your rank relatively steady depending on your gear. The big thing for this team is speed and choosing your targets. If you don't go first you're in for a rough time, and you want to avoid teams that are high hp/defense based or that you know will outspeed you.

For someone without Apothecary I'd suggest farming up a Diabolist to use in his place since she can provide a speed buff to the team and she's farmable. Basically a beginning team with only farmable champions and your starter (Starter/Diabolist/Spirithost/War Maiden). It's almost like that's the intended beginner's/freebie's team ~_^

30 март 2020, 10:0030.03.20

My suggestion:

Spirithost/High Khatun (when you'll get her), Apothecary, Tayrel and Kael. Book them all, build them with better gear and enough speed, then go and oneshot all the enemies!
4 апр. 2020, 02:5104.04.20

because the battle pass ask to kill champion with one hit, people with superior teams de-rank and stay in bronze to kill noobs teams like ours easily, and the thing is EVERYBODY does this so EVERYBODY with superior teams tier down to bronze and now bronze 1 to 4  is mini platinum arena tier.

The way arena is lets people do this and have no regards for new players who are struggling to make progress and want to feel are getting somewhere, I am not asking for easy battles but for battles with other new players, and feel good about the wins and lost, Is it too much to ask a Arena to be reworked to benefit new players?  for the sake of having new players enjoying the game? i think is a perfect and reasonable thing to ask and to get. thanks.

In resume the only way you reach silver one is after you grind a lot and have at least two level 60 with great gear, one with full masteries at least, if they are LEgo or Epic even better.

5 апр. 2020, 20:4205.04.20

If it were me, I would look at thenasil and tayrel....

Thenasil boosts party defense, tayrel hits very hard with defense buff. Thenasil is also a very good all around champion. In arena that buff turn removal can be very useful (e.g. skullcrown).

you have the beginnings of a very good clan boss team as well.

of the guys you have at 50, I would get tayrel to 60 first, but thats me. Most might say Kael.