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Artifact Enhancement Event

Artifact Enhancement Event

25 март 2020, 14:1325.03.20

Artifact Enhancement Event

I am usually smart and save a bunch of items at +11 and +15 to do the next upgrade for event points. But I got so excited when I got MM, I forgot another Artifact event was coming up and blew most of my silver gearing him up. Ugh. I really want that Epic book at the end, but I'm 1600 pts short.

Has anyone done the math on most efficient way to get points? 

I figure I'll have about 750 energy to collect over today.  Let's say 100 runs (I'll buy a refill if I'm close at end) on 12.3 at 20k silver (not sure if this is accurate) is only another 2 million silver. I have 500k now.  So can I get 1600 pts with less than 3 million silver? I'm guessing no.

25 март 2020, 15:4825.03.20

Replying to myself in case it helps someone else with this event.  Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

  • I think upgrading 5* (6300 for 2 pts) and 6*(9750) artifacts from to +4 is most efficient.  I don't have any 1* artifacts to test. This could actually be better.
  • Problem is to get 1000 points I'll need alot of artifacts to upgrade, which means I cant sell the items I win. Ugh. I guess I need to upgrade to 4 then sell.  So yes, I'll be wasting upwards of 3 million silver on upgrading gear to dump.  All for 1 Epic Book. I think it is probably worth it.
  • Go through my gear and sell any junk I haven't yet
  • Use all NRG, daily refills, monthly quest bonus NRG
  • See where I'm at later tonight. Buy refills with gems if close

If anyone has any tips or I missed something, please post here.  Good luck all.
25 март 2020, 16:2025.03.20
Did a normal run to get a 1* item and 2*.  Way cheaper to upgrade. Only 1 pt. But the most efficient.  2* still more efficient than 5*. Not sure about 3*.