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Idea: New Content to Solve Balance and QoL Issues

Idea: New Content to Solve Balance and QoL Issues

21 март 2020, 14:0421.03.20

Idea: New Content to Solve Balance and QoL Issues

Dear community,

Thought of an idea to balance heroes and add extra content, without too much work for Plarium.

Balancing heros is hard, especially when you have SO many. Why not leave that choice to the players who have vastly different heroes?


Introduce the: Proving Grounds

Proving grounds is where all the heroes come to hone their combat skills against exotic monsters in 1v1 combat. Increasing difficulty of rounds of monsters yields unique rewards...

1. Different from Clan Boss and Faction Wars, you only play 1 hero to better understand his/her abilities and push to the edge. Or you can even have a race with another hero to see who wins first in 1v1 parallel combat.

2. The rewards are unique to that hero or faction, allowing you to either enhance existing heroes, or balance those that really need a bump up. Rewards can be:

A. Unique artefacts specifically MORE useful for certain heroes, such as:  [Revive on Death] Ring, [Reflect Damage] Necklace

B. Unique attribute upgrades not available elsewhere: [Improved Speed] [Improved Crit Rate] [Improved Strength]

C. Cosmetic Upgrades: [In Game Aura] [Flame Sword] [Glow Shield]

D. Skill Books - who doesn't need that?

E. Meet New Heroes - impress the audience and who knows which hero may join your cause (equivalent to a shard open)

