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17 март 2020, 07:4017.03.20


Hey everyone, pulled this void legendary the other day. The kit looks very interesting, definitely a great support champ fromt he looks of it. Yet I dont see her mentioned anywhere and there are little to no guides on her.Has anyone used her in any dungeons with success?

As I walked up to our bed I saw her. Samantha was lying there in the visage of a goddess, fully nude, her chest heaving up and down from excitement, worry, and who knows what else.
ran my hand delicately along her beautiful legs, realizing that she had rinsed her body of Williams mark. Her eyes were wild, and she looked up at me with an apologetic stare, "I'm sorry. I don't know what's come over me."

"Don't apologize." I replied, squeezing at her nipples and causing her to arch backwards atop the bed, moaning, "Ohh! John!" She hissed, adding, "I really need to cum."

Samantha squirmed, her body alive with lust, enraptured by sexuality.

My mind raced, my dick as hard as I could ever remember it being, as I teetered on the edge of no return. She reached out and caressed my member through my wet boxers, and I heard myself say, "William is waiting for you in the guest room."

Her eyes darted open, her face contorting in a mix of pleasure and horror as I continued to tease her breasts. "W-What do you mean?"

I leaned down and kissed her, not caring that mere minutes ago her lips ran along the naked flesh of another man. I added, "William told me to send you to his room."

Two weeks ago those words would have sounded impossible, but William had naturally asserted himself as a man who desired to cuckold me. Absurdly, I quietly acknowledged that he was worthy of such an unspeakable act. With his easy masculinity and incredible specimen of manhood, along with my dangerous prodding, he had made my wife desire him, sexually. The flimsy walls of social conditioning and societal norms had no real power in the situation, despite our deeply rooted and loving marriage. My wife had instinctively and biologically acknowledged Williams status as the Alpha male in our home, and she was going to let him have her.

"Why?" My wife pleaded, attempting in vain to tip-toe around destiny.

My hand roamed down her torso and across her stomach, my fingers slipping between the soaked folds of her intimacy. I nearly gasped, when I realized how wet she was.

I was lost to arousal, replying, "You know why." I caused her to shudder with a delicate massage of her clit, adding, "We both know why."

Samantha looked up at me, her body toiling, her eyes set aflame. "Do you really want William to take me to bed?" She suddenly asked, her voice tinged with a sultry confidence that nearly made me cum on the spot.

"God Samantha, I love you more than the world, but yes. I want that to happen." I finally admitted. The shame boiled upwards, but I felt strangely at peace despite it.

My wife slowly shimmied to the edge of the bed, arising to her feet. She leaned in and kissed me passionately. "This is insane."

She looked into my eyes, the alcohol, their lust, our love, all driving an impossible conversation. Her words were honest, scathing, and the hottest thing I had ever heard. "I want it to happen too."

I had heard more than my mind could process. I found myself in a delirious state, and grabbed her by the hand to lead her out of our room. It was surreal, walking my naked wife across my own home, over to our lodger who awaited her. The atmosphere in our house was familiar, seductive, and hazy, as if the very walls of our home were able to sense what was about to occur, as if our home wanted it to happen.

My heart was pounding when we approached the guest room doorway. Samantha squeezed my hand when we saw him on the bed, lying naked, his towering erection once again stirring my sense of inadequacy. It was hard to process the cocktail of powerful emotions swirling within me, as I reconciled the idea that I had delivered my wife to this other man. It was deeply humiliating, but somehow even more powerful in arousing me.

"Hi Samantha." He spoke, his voice deep, his tone confident and unsurprised by our arrival.

"Hi." Her sweet voice replied.

William patted the bed cushion next to his body, "Come here."

I delicately let go of my wife's hand, gently nudging her lower back towards his direction.

William looked up at me, and pointed to our chair in the corner. "John why don't you have a seat over there? Your wife and I are going to get to know each other a little better."

I was in a trance, penis erect, embarrassment coursing through me, as I acquiesced to this hung man. I sat slowly, watching with bulging eyes as my wife slipped into bed next to him, her hand immediately reaching out and grasping at his incredible penis, the object of her sexual fascination, and her desire. My heart nearly exploded when they kissed.

"I can't wait to fuck you Samantha." William stared into her eyes as their lips smacked together. My mind began to melt, unable to process the harrowing visual that lay before me.
added, "Is that why you're here? Do you want me to fuck you?"

The woman I loved replied, her voice a whisper, "Yes."

William clutched at her plump ass, pulling her naked body close to his as they continued to explore one another. My mouth ran dry. I couldn't believe what I was sitting in witness of. My jealousy surged, but was somehow stifled by an incomprehensible level of eroticism.

Sammie pumped his huge cock with urgency, her modest wedding ring taunting me as her delicate hands once again failed to encircle his fat shaft. I watched as Williams huge balls bounced and jostled in response to the motion of her sexual caress, brushing against her naked skin.

I heard her whisper, faintly, delirious, "Your cock is so incredible."

William suddenly grabbed at her waist, pulling her body atop his and into a straddle position. I stared on in awe as I noticed his behemoth cock nestling between the crack of her plump ass, his large hands clutching strongly into her cheeks, exploring up her back as he pulled her down to kiss him.

He slapped her rear, causing her right cheek to jiggle perversely. "Are you ready for it?" He asked.

Samantha moaned, "I think so."

She scooted up as William grabbed into the base of her thighs, aligning his powerful cock with her wanting pussy. I cleared the lump in my throat, unable to blink, as I considered the gravity of the moment. To watch another man plunge himself into the woman I loved, would be an image that would be burned into my mind for the rest of my life.

I held my breath as his engorged head penetrated her beautiful body, my wife's head arching back in wonder. "Ohhh!" Her gasp was silent, a whisper of disbelief.

I was stunned to see how easily she was accommodating his hulking member, given her unfamiliarity with such size. Inch by inch, William breached a place that only I had been before, his manly length driving deeper into my wife than I ever had, to places that I would never be able to reach. Her pussy stretched, her ass squirming as she experienced a new world of sensations.

"Ohhh! M-My! Wil-" Samantha gasped as she shuddered, in disbelief of the feelings she was experiencing. She clutched downward into his muscled chest, bracing herself.

My dick bobbed beneath my wet boxers, my heart pounding so hard I could feel the beats echoing out of my rib cage. William was only half way inside her.

He slapped her large ass yet again, slowly yielding and thrusting back, his massive cock coated in a sheen of her wetness.

"Take it baby." He grunted, clutching into her rear, stuffing more of his member into my wife. This couldn't be happening, could it?

"It's s-so- It's so biggg!" Samantha moaned, gasping loudly, her toes curling as her feet twitched, ler legs spread outwards of his own. The hung lodger soon began to find his stroke.

He plunged upward, his heavy testicles slapping into my wife's ass. I couldn't believe my eyes as I realized that she had taken all of him with an ease and welcoming that stunned me.

They started to fuck with passion, both of them lost to their desire. I could only imagine the ego stoking sensations that William was experiencing, as he took my wife right in front of me. My wife was squealing, her vocal pleasure hitting octaves that I didn't know existed within her, all while she rode and bucked atop the conquering male. My mouth was dry, my palms sweaty, my dick ready to burst.

"Myyy- Oh-h. F-Fuckkk! Oh m-y goddd!!" Samantha moaned, as her naked ass smacked loudly down onto Williams crotch.

"You like that big cock, don't you Sammie." William grunted, his muscles rippling as he wrapped his large arms around her lower back, increasing the tempo of his thrusting.

"Ohhh! Ohhh! Oh-hh! Ohh-h! Fuc-kkk!! Wil-liammm!!" Samantha was consumed, my mind scrambled as I witnessed her reaching heights of satisfaction I had never come close to giving her. She was moaning, squealing, screaming, gasping, as she savored this new experience.

His big testicles thwacked into the clammy skin of her ass, creating a chorus of slapping that joined along with the creaking of our guest room bed. My wife was getting the fucking of her life, and my dick was diamond hard in aroused horror as I realized I was not the man giving it to her.

Samantha continued to moan, her sexy rump bouncing up and down with vigor, as she gave herself to our endowed house guest. "I'm gon- I'm- Oh!!-"

"Do it Samantha!" William grunted, still thrusting with an expertise and capability that made me both respect and envy the man, "Cum on my big cock baby."

"Mmm- Fuuu- John!" My wife squealed in primal release, her thoughts considering me as the profound orgasm exploded across her body, perhaps out of guilt, perhaps out of love, or perhaps for reasons I'd never be able to comprehend. "I'm c-cumminggg!! Ohhh- goddd- Johnnn! I'm cumming for him!!" She raised her hand up to cover her own mouth, her arm shaking as she struggled to comprehend the intensity of the waves of pleasure that ran through her. It was almost as if she couldn't believe that her body had produced such a feeling.

My own penis nearly burst from the sensory overload, my eyes frozen on my wife as she convulsed, shuddering hard atop Williams massive member. She collapsed forward, smashing her heavy breasts into his muscled chest as she continued to squeal and squirm, "I'm c-c-cumminggg so harddd!!"

I gazed upon the perverse sexual collision, my wife's labia taut and clinging to the base of Williams girthy shaft as I watched the micro-spasms of her pussy clench and release along his cock. It was a miracle that he didn't cum in response to it, though his huge balls hung there, imposing and fearsome, waiting for the opportunity.

Eventually, the room quieted for a moment. Her voice was delicate as she navigated the immensity of what had just occurred. I heard Samantha smack her lips together in recovery, brushing her hair out of her eyes, "I've never cum like that before."

It was deeply erotic to hear my wife offer those words to another man, all while his massive penis was still embedded deep inside her. They kissed again, a passionate, appreciative kiss that nearly caused me to faint.

"Ready for more?" William asked, slowly releasing his manhood from Samantha's pussy, my eyes bulging as I noticed her cream coated along his massive shaft.

She nodded, rolling off of him.

"Get on your knees and face your husband." He demanded, voice deep, his authority completely earned in my wife's mind. How could it not have been?

Samantha turned to me, her eyes wild with sex, her gaze thankful, shy, embarrassed, and deeply feminine.

William gently pushed her forward so that she rested on her forearms, her heavy tits swinging above the cushion of the mattress. He moved behind her, laying his heavy cock along the curvature of her ass. He smacked it against her cheeks, the thwack hitting her skin heavy from his weight. "Tell me what you want Samantha." He requested, now slapping her rump with his large hand.

My wife looked back at him, and I saw her bite her bottom lip in a way that sent my mind into overdrive. "I want you to fuck me with your big dick." 

17 март 2020, 13:0517.03.20

If I remember correctly, Raglin use to be trash hero. 

The game buffed Raglin 


After the buff, Raglin became a very strong hero. 

This is why you don't see many guides on Raglin 


Most heroes which are not that great in the beginning don't get a lot of attention from Raid players. 

This is why Raglin guides seems so low or non-existant. 


The truth is Raglin is an amazing hero. 

I'm just explaining why you might be having problems finding information on her. 


Raglin is amazing in the Arena. 

Platinum players have been using her for a while now. 


There isn't anything else to say about that. 

Raglin is amazing in Arena - Done! 


Raglin is an end game hero for dungeons, but she isn't part of a end game speed composition. 

I want to be very clear on this because I don't want you getting the wrong impression. 


I consider an End Game hero as the following: 

A hero which can go inside your Stage 20 Dungeon team composition and help you win consistently all the time. 

You might win the fight in 4 mins, but you will win all the time. 

Raglin can be part of the above teams. 


But there is another type of End Game which some people are not aware of: 

It's an end game team which wins all the time, but than pushes to win fast. 

Your previously team is winning in 4 mins. 

Your pushing so that you can win the fight in 30 seconds to 1 min. 


We call these set ups End Game Speed Compositions. 

Raglin isn't part of those compositions. 

Your not using Raglin in those teams. 


The main dungeons you would use Raglin in are the Ice Golem & Dragon dungeons. 

Raglin can remove all of the debuffs 

Raglin can revive a hero if any go down in the fight. 

Thus, Raglin is amazing in those dungeons. 

Raglin can help you win.

17 март 2020, 15:3817.03.20
17 март 2020, 17:48(отредактировано)

xunoqice said:

Hey everyone, pulled this void legendary the other day. The kit looks very interesting, definitely a great support champ fromt he looks of it. Yet I dont see her mentioned anywhere and there are little to no guides on her.Has anyone used her in any dungeons with success?

I don't own Raglin and what you are about to read (in case you read it, ofc) are my personal subjective thoughts about her, based on her kit and the little knowledge i have about game.

Raglin is a very good support champion and you may use her almost in any dungeon except Spider (I mean, she may be useful even in Spider for some niche build for her short resurrect CD, but that is less likely).

She has 3 hit on her A3, which make her very useful in Fire Knight even without considering other stuff she offer. I know some players use her A3 like useful tool to carry their weak damage dealers over waves till you face the Dungeon Boss himself, where that damage dealers can do their job.

On Clan Boss she can bring some value with almost every skill, especially for speed composition.  Her A1 have 3 hits, which make her good candidate for Giant Slayer, build in turn meter boost on that A1 is good addition, remove debuff, heal and revive are all useful on CB.

Raglin other advantage is that she is Void, that means she don't have disadvantage over certain affinity.

She has good basic stats - over 1k ATK and DEF, over 20k HP and 104 basic speed, which is not bad at all. In fact, she is very well rounded in term of basic stats.

She can clean all bebuffs from your team and heal them, but i think this skill isn't her main tool. The problem here is that it is on 4 CD and remove debuff is nice, but heal itself is based on her attack value, which is somehow restricting. To get really meaningful heal every 4 turn you will want to stack ATK on her and I am not sure this is the best way to build her. At least not the way i would build her if I pull her. Still, i don't know how exactly her A2 works in term of healing. Her A2 states:

[...The heal amount is proportional to this Champion’s ATK.]

and i will gladly welcome anyone, that can clarify for me how exactly heal work here. Does your max ATK value is used as baseline, or there is a multiplier that extend that value... The correct answer may give you an idea is it reliable to count on her as a prime healer or as off healer at best.

Still, i think that her main advantage is her revive skill  with very short 2 CD turn (booked), which is impressive itself, but on top of that she revives an ally with 75% HP and a full turn Meter. These two combined is something you wouldn't see often in game.

I am not sure how she behave in Arena on Auto - if your team is faster than enemy and she just fire her A2 without any debuffs to remove this may be a problem. Maybe someone will be more helpful here with actual info.

My personal approach of building her will probably involve full speed/def/hp in that order, but i am still interested if someone have more info on how her heal works. Most likely Offence (for T6 GS) and Defense will be my mastery choise. 

One last thing - if you plan to use her, the only skill you want to book is her A3. I would stop the moment i manage to lower her A3 cooldown, without bothering for other extra heal or damage in her other skills. Which may take from 1 to 9 book according to your luck, hehe