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Plarium: Please read and consider

Plarium: Please read and consider

14 март 2020, 18:1314.03.20

Plarium: Please read and consider

Short list of mistakes by Plarium in the past 7 months or so: Not all-inclusive - I'm sure that there are more

  • Foli-gate 
  • Draco-gate - Gifting a free Drocomorph Legendary to a "favored" content creator who whined on-stream, and then LYING about the reasons. You ended up giving him multiple rewards for "completing" FW (but Dwarves and 3 other factions aren't even the game)
  • Raid: Server Maintenance with crappy downtime compensation (1.13) - 7 to 10 days of player bans, continual downtime, etc. - Not expected or acceptable from a "premium mobile game" 
  • Tormin grind / fusion -> Tormin arena meta game-changer -> Tormin Nerf bat with crappy compensation -> Free Epic Tormin counter
  • Whale only content (1.13.5) with Platinum game-changing artifacts for only the top 300
  • Releasing new champions when the community NEEDS space, organization and quality-of-life changes
  • No executive presence or communications on the mis-steps or adherence to the roadmap
  • No new content since Faction Wars (5 months and counting)
  • Battle-Pass at $25 per season - other games are $5 to $10 WITH AN IN-GAME FUNCTION TO EARN THE NEXT SEASON PASS WITH HARD WORK
  • NO SPACE INCREASE - Just not listening to the community about the actual PAIN inhibiting people from SPENDING MONEY!
Things that Plarium could do to make amends? 
  • Sincere and honest apology to the community, with a REALISTIC feature release schedule
  • Immediately double the champion and artifact space as the FIRST gesture of listening to the community
  • Commit to implement a real daily login rewards (monthly fixed reward pattern - gems, shards, books, chickens, etc.) when the current 91-180 day system ends
  • Implement gear and champion sorting quality-of-life
  • Reduce the cost of gear-swapping - this really inhibits people from experimenting - NOTE: I did not ask for free removal - just reduce the costs
  • Combined the RAID Card with the Battle-Pass if the price of the Battle-Pass isn't reduced
  • Reduce Nightmare Campaign energy costs to 10 energy (levels 1-6) and 12 energy for the boss battles
  • Update the glyph ranges instead of 1-5 or 1-6 it should be like 1-3, 2-4, 3-6, 4-6 - the RNG is skewed to level-1 way too often - seeing a 6* glyphy "fail" and apply 1* is just deflating
  • Tune the Spider dungeon (levels 17 to 20 specifically)
  • Discuss the vision for the Void Toward - Is this an endless dungeon? Is this the source of grinding books?
  • Allow players a 1-time free Great Hall reset
  • Add the real-time damage counter to the Clan boss and/or NM and UNM bosses are "unkillable" to fix the rewards

List of new content or major revisions to existing content (shared freely - feel free to use these)

  • Implement a token-reward / Marketplace system  
  • Implement a "Lost Archives" dungeon similar to Minotaur but to grind scrolls that can be combined into books (Level 1-5 drop pages for Rare, Levels 6-10 drop pages for Epic, Levels 11-15 drop pages for Legendary tomes) - pages combine with a silver cost (it's Plarium, it needs a silver cost right?) - Credit to Stew Gaming for this idea
  • Campaign Reward Changes - Modify the loot-table quality for each difficulty to improve the quality of the artifacts based on 1*, 2* or 3* the level
  • Revise Faction War rewards (assuming we get a Lost Archives noted above) - remove the books at levels 7, 14 and 21 and REPLACE with: Level-7 - NEW Rare champion for the faction (not obtainable from shard drops), Level-14 - NEW Epic champion for the faction (not obtainable from shard drops), Level-21 - NEW Legendary champion for the faction (not obtainable from shard drops) - After receiving the champion the player receives "shard-chips" that combine into Ancient (level-7), Void (level-14), and Sacred (level-21) - real repeatable content for FW
  • Void Tower - Grindable dungeon that could be used to "evolve" champions from Magic, Force or Spirit into a new Void version of 1-level higher (for example: a Magic/Force/Spirit Rare would evolve into a Void Epic, a Magic/Force/Spirit Epic would evolve into a Void Legendary, a Magic/Force/Spirit Legendary would evolve to a Void Legendary version AND INCREASE THE CHAMPION LEVEL CAP TO 65 (adding a new passive if the champion has four or less skills)
  • Implement a weekly "Dungeon Ladder" system for speed runs - Ladder-groupings based on Player-power level and/or real money spent in the past 30-days
  • Add Arena gear-tokens as the weekly reward mentioned above - in ADDITION to the Great Hall Arena medal system
  • Implement a new dungeon - Forge of the Dwarf King - at the end of the 3-stage dungeon players can place an artifact or accessory (from inventory - not already equipped) onto the Dwarf King's forge which allows for a single sub-stat to be re-rolled / replaced with a new sub-stat (limit one attempt per artifact / accessory) - Replayability quality of life change
  • Implement a 'Chicken Coop' similar to the Sparring Pit - put a 2* chicken in, and it levels up to a 3* over time, etc. - helps the levelling grind - exp award similar to the Sparring Pit

I'm sure the rest of the community would have more ideas to add.

15 март 2020, 19:5415.03.20
What about the Limit of multiplay function?... why is it limited to 30 a day.. shouldn't it just be limited to "whenever you run out of energy" ? it's already pretty much about managing your energy use.
16 март 2020, 02:3716.03.20
16 март 2020, 02:46(отредактировано)

Most of the stuff you are saying has already been addressed by the Game.

They can't make amends for things which they have already made amends for.

  • Foli-gate  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Made Rhazin Fusion as sorry
  • Draco-gate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Explained the situation
  • Raid: Server Maintenance with crappy downtime compensation (1.13) ---> They gave you compensation
  • They didn't give you a Free Epic Tormin counter ---------------------------------> Dark Elhain isn't a Counter

The game is doing the below things.

  • They are following the Roadmap -------------> They just finished the Battle Passed step on Roadmap
  • Battle Pass is New Content --------------------> Game didn't have those Missions - Icons - Avatars - XP Boost

The only thing you have said which hasn't been addressed by the game are the below things:

  • Whale only content (1.13.5) with Platinum game-changing artifacts for only the top 300  
  • Releasing new champions when the community NEEDS space
  • Battle-Pass at $25 per season - other games are $5 to $10 WITH AN IN-GAME FUNCTION TO EARN THE NEXT SEASON PASS WITH HARD WORK  
16 март 2020, 21:0016.03.20

Player J said:

Most of the stuff you are saying has already been addressed by the Game.

They can't make amends for things which they have already made amends for.

  • Foli-gate  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Made Rhazin Fusion as sorry
  • Draco-gate ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Explained the situation
  • Raid: Server Maintenance with crappy downtime compensation (1.13) ---> They gave you compensation
  • They didn't give you a Free Epic Tormin counter ---------------------------------> Dark Elhain isn't a Counter

The game is doing the below things.

  • They are following the Roadmap -------------> They just finished the Battle Passed step on Roadmap
  • Battle Pass is New Content --------------------> Game didn't have those Missions - Icons - Avatars - XP Boost

The only thing you have said which hasn't been addressed by the game are the below things:

  • Whale only content (1.13.5) with Platinum game-changing artifacts for only the top 300  
  • Releasing new champions when the community NEEDS space
  • Battle-Pass at $25 per season - other games are $5 to $10 WITH AN IN-GAME FUNCTION TO EARN THE NEXT SEASON PASS WITH HARD WORK  

Player J, you are either a Plairum employee, or a complete "tool" / fan-boi.

  • Rhazin is the "sorry" for Foli - first I've heard of that.  Source please.
  • Draco-gate - there is a BIG difference between making excuses when the got caught acting unscrupulously versus an explanation.  They straight up LIED and tried to save face after the fact.
  • Compensation for the bans and down-time didn't even come close to the amount of time players were unable to play the game.  None of the compensation made recompense for the folks who PAID for the Raid Card, Battle-Pass, etc.  
  • Free Epic Tormin Counter - we'll have to wait and see on that one won't we?
  • Battle Pass is NOT new content - it's a reward system to grind the existing content - BIG difference - Avatars - you make me laugh

17 март 2020, 15:3917.03.20

Trieg said:

Player J, you are either a Plairum employee, or a complete "tool" / fan-boi.

  • Rhazin is the "sorry" for Foli - first I've heard of that.  Source please.
  • Draco-gate - there is a BIG difference between making excuses when the got caught acting unscrupulously versus an explanation.  They straight up LIED and tried to save face after the fact.
  • Compensation for the bans and down-time didn't even come close to the amount of time players were unable to play the game.  None of the compensation made recompense for the folks who PAID for the Raid Card, Battle-Pass, etc.  
  • Free Epic Tormin Counter - we'll have to wait and see on that one won't we?
  • Battle Pass is NOT new content - it's a reward system to grind the existing content - BIG difference - Avatars - you make me laugh


Oooooo fabricating lies about me because I disagreed with you ----------> I am not an Employee of Raid  

Oooooo insulting me because you can't accept the stone cold truth -----> Complete "Tool" / Fan Boy, you say? 


I have seen these tactics done to me time & time again. 

Your not hurting my feelings. 

Your just making yourself look bad & your burning are your bridges. 

  • Rhazin was the "Sorry" for the Foli fusion event. 

Rhazin was given to the community as Damage Control to help smooth over all of the built up tension. 

I accepted Plarium sorry with open arms! 


As for sources, I'm not citing you anything. 

You burnt your bridges, pal. 


You go around spreading lies & insulting people. 

Than you expect them to find information for you. 

In what dream world do you live in? 

  • The Draco Misunderstanding. 

It was completely bad timing + frustration + lack of information which caused this poor situation to happen.  

Plarium could have never foreseen what was going to happen.  

Plarium was trying to reward Cartmen for his amazing job in beating Faction Wars. 

Plarium just gave Cartmen Draco at the wrong time. 


The game had a 10x event for Draco. 

Cartmen was opening up shards for the 10x event on Draco. 

Cartmen didn't get Draco from those shards. 

Cartmen was feeling upset, frustrated, and angry like everyone who ever summons feels like a time or 2. 

This is what happened - We saw it happen. 

It is on youtube! 


What happened next was Plarium gave Cartmen a draco. 

It was bad timing. 

They should have waited & made an official announcement. 

They were pre-mature. 


Than people watching all of this happen. 

They got upset and started fabricating there own conclusions! 

Oh, Cartmen Is getting a legendary because he crying about it. 

Oh, Cartmen is getting a legendary because he is a paying player. 

Oh, Cartmen is getting a legendary because he is a youtuber 

People watching the video's made up these lies. 

Its total lies. 


What is the truth? 

I saw the truth! 

I saw the full length interview with Cirilla. 

You can hear the sincerity & truthfulness in her voice. 

I accepted Cirillia words on behalf of Plarium!


17 март 2020, 15:4317.03.20
17 март 2020, 15:48(отредактировано)
  • Compensation for Bans and Down-time. 

The game handled these things on a case by case bases. 

I had a problem with the game. 

I sent in a message to the help team. 

I was fully compensated. 

I accept Plarium support teams compensation with a big heart - Big Love!

  • Plarium never said Dark Elhain was made to counter Tormin. 

I never saw a statement by plarium saying Dark Elhain is Tormin's counter. 

I don't know how people came to this conclusion. 


Dark Elhain can remove a Freeze, but she puts dozens of buffs on herself after she removes the Freeze. 

Dark Elhain will get frozen again? 


I don't see how Dark Elhain is suppose to counter Tormin. 

  1. Dark Elhain doesn't ignore defense 
  2. Dark Elhain doesn't have block revive 
  3. Dark Elhains buffs are not Block Debuffs 

I think Dark Elhain was made to help beginning players with Ice Golem. 

The Ice Golem can freeze you a lot. 


Running tons of AOE isn't ideal in the Ice Golem because you have to worry about the Bosses Pimp Slap. 

However, I know a lot of people who like to run at least 1 or 2 AOE hero in the Ice Golem 


You want AOE vs. the waves leading up to the Ice Golem. 

The AOE heroes can die off once you reach the Ice Golem Boss. 

It is perfectly logical.

I accept Plarium for taking the time to think about the beginner players struggling with Ice Golem's!

  • The Battle Pass is new content 

The game has never had any of those features previously. 

  • It is completely new content.
  • It offered new avatars.
  • It offered new heroes.
  • It offered new daily missions.
  • It offered new weekly missions.

It is the best thing the game has ever done!

I accepted Plarium new content with an open mind - I enjoyed every moment of it!

I am looking forward to Battle Pass Season 2!

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