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Nerf Warmaiden

Nerf Warmaiden

11 март 2020, 21:3311.03.20

Nerf Warmaiden

Hi, after playing for about 3 months now ive got some thoughts about the game unbalance im terms of champions.

You can write a poem about how bad it is done  overall where rares are often more usefull then legendaries...bringing all those flops here would take ages.

But for this one ive took my time, sign on on the forum and its time to give some Bold words on WARMAIDEN.

Please nerf this champ for the sake of us all. Giving a rare champ, that could be farmed a 100% chance od placing a 60% def debuff (after skill upgrade) is just stupidity.

Its useless to even level her up. Mostly she is 40 max 50 lvl in the arena just used to place a debuff.

Its frustrating to fight in this speed meta with such champs as her. Nerf her chance rate. 
11 март 2020, 22:1811.03.20

I don't get it - then why don't you use it yourself and be the one who kicks ass in the Arena, if she is that good?

11 март 2020, 23:2111.03.20
11 март 2020, 23:34(отредактировано)

There need to be some champions that f2p and new players can access readily that are halfway decent so they can have some measure of success in progressing.

War Maiden is a great champion... for a rare, but she does get outclassed by a fair number of other champions. Heck, Aethel is a starter champion and she's pretty darn amazing once she's fully booked.

As Daering said, if you think War Maiden is that good, why not use her yourself?
12 март 2020, 08:0712.03.20

Almewax - nerfs are as good as buffs to optimize game.

I wont respond to your insult towards me. Just belive me, im far from being stupid.

To other guys. I dont use her coz i play different style. I use def comp and im happy with the outcome but that's nor the case.

Giving a rare 100% easy to obtain 60% debuff is just wrong. Example Robar Has similiar debuff on his skill but improving it to 100% is far more expensive with legendary skill tomes not to mention obtaining a legendary on its own.

And to be honest the whole meta in the arena is to buff team, debuff oponent and place a first hit to kilka at least one champ.

There are a lot topics about useless champs even legendary and that's why some needs buffs and some nerfs - WARMAIDEN is one of them. That's all. 
12 март 2020, 08:2212.03.20
12 март 2020, 08:52(отредактировано)

Remember when we had a chance to drop blue shards in the campaign? Yes, too little chance, but still ... No? That's because you're a relatively new player, but others remember. Was it good or not, what do you think? Would you complain about that too? 

 Then the plarium came and decided it wasn't in their favor. And you know what? They came out with a message: "Okay guys, we heard your complaints about this issue and decided to listen to you" They literally said that. Yeah, it's like a normal player would want that, right!  And they removed the blue shards.

This is how those responsible for making decisions in the game manage the game - through outright cynicism. 

Do you still think it is a bad idea to have content that is not locked behind a paywall and a nasty rng that we can all use, including you?

And let me add that I have never used WM and that is not the reason why I am against the idea of ​​she being nerfed. 

Edit - just take a look at this similar thread. 


How his opinion about Kael relate to yours about WM? Are you willing to support his claim Kael is OP? 

12 март 2020, 08:5112.03.20
12 март 2020, 08:59(отредактировано)


What will happens if you invest in some resistance to your team. i bet if you can ruffly get 100 resistance on your team she will be worthless. enjoy while you can this game still have some good champs in rare and uncommon section. i saw video guy was using uncommon champ to beat dungeon 20 lvls not a speed runs but game gives hope to progress f2p 

I think its just trend to cry over random good champs. wait until you have to face maxed legendary or epic will be new level of understanding then one champ can hold on and kill all your team 

12 март 2020, 10:0212.03.20

You can beat WM in 3 ways:

1) Like Alsido said, increase resistance of your champs

2) Increase speed

3) Tormin

Ok, the 3rd is an option available only to few players, but speed and resistance are really easy to increase, you can use sets.
12 март 2020, 13:3212.03.20

I rarely use warmaiden, only have at 40, and prefer trying different defensive approaches. But to suggest a nerf to a useful champ obtainable to everyone is ridiculous. 

Can someone explain how opponents ACC works against my RES? My understanding is first the opponents probability of being able to place debuff is applied. In warmaiden case 100%. Now it is RES vs ACC.  If both are say 150, is it equal chance? Or does one win out more. I try using zelotah as lead if I know I will lose speed race for 1st move. So I'm getting +70 RES, but the debuff is still placed at higher rate than I expect. Similarly, my zelotah acc is not that high but seems to proc his sleep higher than I expect.
12 март 2020, 13:4612.03.20
12 март 2020, 13:49(отредактировано)

I can see you are a lover of a Defensive set up!

You enjoy a Defensive team.

I understand what it feels like to own a Tanky team.

I, myself, have experienced the joy of playing a Defense Team.

Defensive set ups are a joy to pilot as a player.

They are very fun & engaging.

I understand your joys.

I understand your frustration with Warmaiden.

You are frustrated because people are using a Speedy - Hard Hitting teams which features Warmaiden.

In your frustration, you decided to lash out in a very harsh & unfair way.

You have asked the game to nerf a hero with out any remorse.

You have a joy for a Defense set up which is unlike any other set up.

However, other gamers share a similar joy with Speedy set ups.

You are willing to destroy there joy to help promote your own agenda.

And for that you should be ashamed.

You could have asked the game to buff one of the other Campaign heroes.

Take a look at the below hero as an example:


Not a great hero at all.

Most people never use him.

He drops in the Campaign even though many people would probably never know he dropped from Campaign.

This hero is farmable in Chapter 10.

He is an HP based champion which could work on certain defensive set ups.

Why haven't you asked the game to buff him?

Instead of asking for a Buff to a hero, You could have asked for help to improve your Defensive set up.

Veteran players are always willing to help others.

Veteran players could have given you tips to improve your set up.

You could have learned new ways to play your team to over come the likes of Warmaiden teams.

But again you chose not to do it.

You chose to go down the Selfish Route - Only caring about your own agenda.

It doesn't surprise me at all that people came to your post insulting you.

If you chose to be selfish person with out any disregard to others feelings, You will upset a lot of people.

Those people will voice their frustrating with you and they will do so in not the nicest of ways.

This is why it never pays to be selfish.

12 март 2020, 14:2212.03.20

I think as we advanced this threat and we start to lose OP original idea. I don't think he has problem dealing with WM or ask for advice.

He state, that she is unbalanced as rare having 100% AoE Defense Dawn debuff, which is way more easy obtaibable than other epic or lego.

I don't think we should give him advice as he didn't ask for one and I am sure he know how to handle himself. 

We should give our thoughts why we agree or disagree with his statment. I think he is right in that statment, but I disagree with the nerf part and I already said why. 

12 март 2020, 14:2512.03.20

Trips said:

I rarely use warmaiden, only have at 40, and prefer trying different defensive approaches. But to suggest a nerf to a useful champ obtainable to everyone is ridiculous. 

Can someone explain how opponents ACC works against my RES? My understanding is first the opponents probability of being able to place debuff is applied. In warmaiden case 100%. Now it is RES vs ACC.  If both are say 150, is it equal chance? Or does one win out more. I try using zelotah as lead if I know I will lose speed race for 1st move. So I'm getting +70 RES, but the debuff is still placed at higher rate than I expect. Similarly, my zelotah acc is not that high but seems to proc his sleep higher than I expect.

In cases of a stalemate, The Attacker is declared the winner.

The Attacker is given an Attackers advantage for being the initiator in the battle.

In order to win, The Defensive player has to overcome the Attackers Advantage by 42 Resist points.

This is where having a Resist Aura comes in so clutch!

Most attackers will have a Speed Aura with lets say a Warmaiden with 5 star ACC banner.

You will have Resist Aura with lets say Zelotah with a 5 star Resist banner.

Both Banners cancel each other out

However, your Aura is the deciding factor!

It pushes you over the threshold.

The only except to this is 4 piece Gear sets.

4 piece Crowd Control Gear sets bypass the ACC vs. RESIST mechanic.

However, these sets work evenly for both sides which balance out!

There is absolutely no doubt ACC & RESIST are both hot topics.

There is an ACC vs. RESIST war going on in Arena on a daily bases.

Arena teams with 300k+ Team Power.

The signature is unmistakable.

12 март 2020, 17:4112.03.20

With all do respect my dude but you're just complaining to complain

It's a rare champion and you're playing against AI's in arena

13 март 2020, 06:2113.03.20
13 март 2020, 06:24(отредактировано)

Whats your problem dude? what if i ask to nerf one of your champions? if you don't want your defense team to be obliterated by warmaiden don't choose a speed team in which she is part of.

I use warmaiden + speed teams and still i lose A LOT of my fights in Arena, i struggle like everyone else in Arena to the point is the only activity i HATE in the damn game. still warmaiden and her defense down have helped me to scale and get up to silver... yes, I have a speed team and i certainly don't fight against defense teams because warmaiden is squishy AF as ALL attack base champions and she wont last two turns against well made defense  teams which yours is certainly not if you come here and ask such stupid things to ruin the little fun F2p gamer can have in this gacha game meant for whales. Consider that if there where no F2p gamer you will have to fight with other whales and there are not many whales in the game so be thankful you can fight against F2p gamer, but considers that those F2p gamer may have a effective teams because they work their ass off trying to survive in this game that seems to hate them.

besides, It's NOT easy to get a warmaiden , i spend a week trying to farm one, and once i got her was the first joy for me on this game, and to book her up it took me almost 2 month using dupes, to get her masteries A HELL of grinding in the Minotaur dungeon and only got to row 2, it's not easy to build a effective warmaiden and those who took the time and effort to do it will certainly read your title and come here and give you the finger. (like i am doing right now)

13 март 2020, 06:2613.03.20
13 март 2020, 06:31(отредактировано)

increase resist or equip shield 

she has good attack but weak Def 

i can one hit kill her or kill her in the first move 

your weak and whine, i'm not even whining when people use duchess lilitu ( she is a god tier legendary) even 60 def decrease cannot dent her 

26 май 2020, 08:0626.05.20
Alsido said:


What will happens if you invest in some resistance to your team. i bet if you can ruffly get 100 resistance on your team she will be worthless. enjoy while you can this game still have some good champs in rare and uncommon section. i saw video guy was using uncommon champ to beat dungeon 20 lvls not a speed runs but game gives hope to progress f2p 

I think its just trend to cry over random good champs. wait until you have to face maxed legendary or epic will be new level of understanding then one champ can hold on and kill all your team 

I have tried with a team more than 100 resistance and tried several times in arena. It lands 100% times. I have never seen "Resisted".... But one or two times It happened that Warmaiden missed to apply the debuff because of the default chance. A3 was not upgraded enough may be. So how do you explain the resistance vs acc here? Is there any reference how this resistance vs acc mechanism works? Even jizoh with more than 100 resistance also superior affinity gets debuffed.
26 май 2020, 08:4626.05.20

Averon014 said:

I have tried with a team more than 100 resistance and tried several times in arena. It lands 100% times. I have never seen "Resisted".... But one or two times It happened that Warmaiden missed to apply the debuff because of the default chance. A3 was not upgraded enough may be. So how do you explain the resistance vs acc here? Is there any reference how this resistance vs acc mechanism works? Even jizoh with more than 100 resistance also superior affinity gets debuffed.

From what I recall, your resistance has to be quite a bit higher than her accuracy to have a good chance of resisting the debuff. Assuming the enemy warmaiden is likely to have above 100 accuracy and sometimes closer to 150, your resistance would have to be in the 150-200 range to resist a lot of attempts. Probably not worth it when you could be focusing on higher speed instead. With a resistance of just above 100, you'd only have success against poorly built warmaidens who have very low accuracy. 

As for superior affinity, that's only relevant on a weak hit. If you see 'Weak' appear, which should happen on 30 percent of hits against a superior affinity, then the debuff can't be applied. Of course, that's also a RNG thing, so maybe there aren't any weak hits in one fight and a lot in the next. 
26 май 2020, 15:3126.05.20

Thats the point, Going for RES build does not worth it you say. She has 100% chance to put 60% dec def. It should not be more than 75% or 80% after book. So then there would be a chance that she misses to apply debuff. Otherwise its always RES vs ACC and she is always successful to debuff. Would not you agree? Having 100% chance for a rare to put 60% decrease def is ridiculous cause its very very easy to assend, book compared to a rare or leg. Otherwise this just gets boring, Everyone has the same team in bronze and same strategy.... At this point, this is not even a strategy anymore.... just use it and get medals

27 май 2020, 08:4027.05.20
27 май 2020, 08:41(отредактировано)

Lol build your own warmaden. Shity champ rare or not. You want to resist her shield down you need about 300 resistance it's quite easy to build debuff champ with 250+ accuracy. I bet all these builds this is what they got just accuracy on her I can bet you one hit her with any camp. 

There is more optimal champs in game who needs to be reworked or just removed from game and one of them is rotos. Same with siphy lost bride, really I got her and she got skill on 3 step cool down with gives best buffs, def up, debuff protection speed buff and 15% turn meter increase how optimal she is and her base speed 114. All best buffs on one skill on top of that she can revive champs with full turn matter and a1 heals or puts enemies at sleep and the best part you dont need accuracy shy fully defence and speed build I bet she can destroy all your team on her own add rotos in her team and you got ultimate team what could kill 80% of any teams in the game and you cringing about warmaden.... 
27 май 2020, 17:3627.05.20
27 май 2020, 17:39(отредактировано)

To make a clarification, You need a difference of 42 Resistance.

The game told us the above information in a video.

Lets say your hero has 100% chance to land a Debuff.

What comes next is your ACC vs. Enemy RESIST.

Lets say you have 100 ACC - The Defender will need to be at 142+ RESIST in order to RESIST your Debuff.

You will RESIST 92% of the time in the above situation.

This means you will RESIST roughly 9 times out of 10.

The game doesn't do absolute values - The game curves all there values so you can never reach 100% 

The average hero starts off with 0 ACC.

The average hero starts off with 30 RESIST

You have to make up a difference of 12.

Usually, the difference is made up by using a RESIST Aura in Arena.

29 май 2020, 18:3229.05.20

Yes, by all means, nerf her. Give the player base another thing to hate about the game. Not nerf Tormin or Rotos, nerf a F2P friendly rare. That will be a very popular decision.

If rares are more useful than legendaries, you should be arguing for them to improve all the legendaries. Get far enough in the arena and you will barely see her. 

Why am I even here? I came to the forum to find a fix for referrals not working.