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BP week 5 -madness-

BP week 5 -madness-

11 март 2020, 08:4311.03.20

BP week 5 -madness-


I have to say except some few Things (ascend one of each faction which didn't work or have a "this one is done" overview and the "stun/Freeze/etc 50x in Arena AND win as two examples ) in the BP weeks thus far I was generally happy but what is Happening with Week 5 ?   

I get that at least one or two of the missions should be "grind for it" missions --- but not ALL OF THEM?! We're Talking About more than 5 days of 100% "Basic-Energy" --> as not everyone is capable of logging in every x-Hours when the Energy is full a "Basic-day-Energy-amount" is the 100% full at Login, the 5 arena-battles-Refill and the one refil after 90min logged-in-time which in General is already a good amount of time for everyone working at least 8h+ and having a social life/Family which means we're Talking About 3x ~120 Energy (as average Looking at how many below lvl 60 Players make up a big part of the Playerbase) is a good estimation of how much 90% of the playerbase can use per day for those missions. now lets have a look at them:   


1) Get the first turn in the Arena 50 times   

THANKS !  for at least listening to the community and removing the "and win" clause. Not everyone has a Speed Team which also is able to win. With 10x + Win it would have been O.K. but as you Chose 50x I'm glad that you at least didn't request the Players to also win but at least try to build a Speed Team and test it out (if they don't already have it).   

---> This one gets a A- as the idea is nice, the requirements are O.K. and it would be considered an Overall good " I have to mindless grind" challenge   


2) Sell 50 Accessories   

The upside here is you at least added "does not work from auto-sell" info. The rest -- sorry, what? Spider is considered one of the worst Dungeons for everyone not in late to end-game Progress as it's really hard for everyone in early to mid-game to have a dedicated spider-platoon. Thus, this WOULD be a "O.K., mindless grind" 'challenge', if it wouldn't be for the number. 50. I mean, really?   

Lets look at the numbers - below max-lvl-spider-dungeon the chances of getting brews or green shards are MASSIVE (yes, you see it differently, but again, as brews and green shards are not an ADDITION to the loot you get but a REPLACEMENT this is hurting everyone below spider 15 a lot) which means not every try results in a gear-item. On top of that not every gear-item you get is one you'd like to sell -- some of them are actually good enough to Keep! (yeah, wow - sometimes RNG doesn't fully screw you over - we Players are also surprised if Christmas, Easter and the bloodmoon happen in the same day and RNG thus gives us a "not as crap as the rest" item ;) ).   

So Looking at it in General we can say that one out of 10 items dropped is too good to sell and 2 out of 10 runs result in brews/shards (which is a very generous low number, I'd say it's Closer to 3-4 out of 10) Resulting in:   

50 items with  70% Chance = 85 Runs times 14 Energy = 1190 Energy total   

This means that with ~360 Energy per day the average Player Needs more than 3 days of ONLY doing spider-dungeon   

---> This challenge is more than just a mindless grind, it's just wrong and not because of the idea, but because of the # you Chose. Everything up to 15 or even Maybe 20 would have been O.K. but 50 is just wrong.   


3) Defeat 360 enemies in campaign battles using 3+ uncommon Champions   

This actually could have been fun. Why? It's a grind - yes. It's at least 30 auto-battles worth of enemies with a very specific type of hero. Not rares or anything but uncommon Champs. We're Talking About 120 - 180 Energy for the auto-battles plus leveling 4 uncommon up to 3* and then some lvls to make them viable. A good day of Energy for one challenge? A decent choice in General I'd say.  

---> This challenge would be completely fine. It cannot be done with pure fodder-champs and a farm-champ so it's something everyone has to work on. The only downside is that many People run out of space (which, again, will not be taken care off in the next patch but SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE - Maybe(TM) ) but I guess it'll be possible to squeeze out four three-star uncommon to do it. So this one gets a B+ Rating  


4) Get 260Mastery Scrolls for one Champion  

is a "bit" annoying - if it would be 260 scrolls in General we'd be Talking About ~17 Runs at ~14 Energy resulting in 260 Energy and thus "less than one full day of only doing that". The issue here is that most People in Progression don't have 4 heroes full on mst-scrolls to guarantee that only one of them gets them and thus the amount of runs increases exponential depending on your luck. Thus we easily talk About 2-3 days mindlessly doing ONLY Minotaur with all the Energy the "average user" has  

---> This one here gets a D- Rating as it would have been an "O.K. - mindless Grind challenge" if it would have been 200-400 scrolls in General without specifying "for one Champion". This last part of the challenge bloats it up to unnecessary dimensions  


5) Ascend Champions from each Affinity 3 times  

As the rarity is not specified this is easier done than the "of every faction" and thus mindless grind, yes, but in time and Energy requirements that everyone could do. It's About half a day to a day worth of Energy for the average user and thus fine.  


---> This one here gets a A Rating, as it's requires grinding potions but the Overall requirements are not too tight leaving everyone a Chance to do it on their Terms without requiring Special rarity or Access to Special Levels of a certain game area. 


So in General there are some REALLY good ideas in this week’s mix, but the final implementation is just bad. And why? Because for the average user needs to “mindlessly grind” away his whole energy per day for 8 days (#1 0 days as PVP runs parallel + #2 ~3.5 days + #3 ~1 day + #4 ~2.5 days + # 5 ~ 1 day) straight. Yes, in the best case it can be done in 7 days (if you’re really lucky) but we’re talking again about time ONLY spend on the weekly challenges – not doing anything else. 


This is the reason I believe you “overdid” it --- AGAIN. Couldn’t you just use challenges that take the average user 50% of the week? Toning down the numbers a bit (especially spider-dungeon! – but also Minotaurus by simply using a total amount of scrolls in general instead of “on one champ”) would have made this week a good challenge-week to do for everyone. This way it shows that you expect players to buy energy-refills to be even remotely able to complete them. And that is just not O.K. See, a simple change could do so much here – the difference between a “decent week of challenges” compared to “are you f****** kidding me?” reactions. 


I don’t know if anyone is even reading this ---- or taking postings in the forum serious anymore, but hey…. I at least have to try. I like this game. Else I wouldn’t take this amount of time out of my breakfast break at work to actually type this post *sigh*  … 

11 март 2020, 10:5211.03.20

- first turn: Meh.  not happy that it forces me to basicly tank my rank in order to get it, or be lucky enough to meet enough fodder teams.

-sell accessories: not that much of a bigge for me. My personal farming campaign mission is the very last mission n brutal, and it also sometimes gives a banner, so I get the occasional 1 star banner in my inventory to sell just from farming xp.

-defeat with uncommon champions: no biggie. works with my farming team of 1 level 60 and 3 uncommons. the easiest one to get and one I get from regular farming. Like this as it feels less like a strain.

-mastery scrolls: wtf? Are they serious? Total dislike from me.

-ascend of different affinities: I hate these kind of quests, especially as the TRACKING of them is bollocks. "you are missing some parts of this quest". - "ok, what am I missing?" - "You are missing some parts of this quest." - "WHAT exactly am I missing..." - "you are missing some parts of this mission". - "oh go f. yourself"

11 март 2020, 10:5311.03.20
Accessory selling seems to be buged. What I'd like to know would be: can we use gems to ge all scrolls to finish the challenge? 
11 март 2020, 10:5911.03.20
Nahh.. This week is a lot easier than last week's missions
11 март 2020, 12:0311.03.20

JoinME said:

Nahh.. This week is a lot easier than last week's missions

that's the strangest sarcasm I've ever seen. I have the Feeling you really think last week was MUCH harder -- which it absolutely wasn't. 

The stuns/etc. were annoying, but the rest was Nothing. 

Champs from Campaign battles? Nothing much if you lvl-ed up Food for the champ-event

100-times heal in Dungeons? Really not a big deal if you anyway planned on running some. Apo alone can do that in his Sleep. And a lot more can set 7.5/15% heals. 

Upgrade a champ using a duplicate? How many duplicates are there if you open 10 green shards? Use the "summon 10" on green shards, two xp-pots on one of them where you got two out of it and upgrade rank 1 to 2. Done. Hey, took me a total of 1 Minute. If you don't have an xp-pot it'll take you something in the neighborhood of 50 Energy and 5 minutes --- max.

unlock/upgrade substats on armor? there was even an Event running for gear-upgrades….. so most People anyway tried to get Points for that Tournament and thus did it automatically in the Background.

Please, tell me again how this compares for instance to 50 Accessories, which you can only get from spider-dungeon and not even there reliably in THIS quantity (and where even if it would be a 100% drop you'd Need to invest at least 50x14 Energy). And that's only one example. So, just asking - did you even read my post or just take the Headline and went with a "nah.... im in a 'ney' mood" ?

11 март 2020, 14:2511.03.20

A few of these quest are BS, quite frankly.

The accessories one is wrong unless you're endgame. For most of us it's horrible. It should have been accessories OR artifacts. This way it could tie in to the using 3+ uncommon champs in campaign.

The ascending one is ridiculous because it's hard to keep track of.

The arena one is borderline unreasonable. For me it isn't bad because i have a 200+ speed champ, but i have been working on that for the last month.

11 март 2020, 15:3211.03.20

I noticed after patch the 'get first turn in arena' now mentions (that you won).


Way to force people into a meta that is ALREADY over emphasized.

You need to lessen the importance of speed, not increase it.
15 март 2020, 10:5215.03.20
mromg82 said:

Accessory selling seems to be buged. What I'd like to know would be: can we use gems to ge all scrolls to finish the challenge? 
Yes, I did it, but when I sell an accessory, tried every thing rings, glyphs, weapons, the counter shows 0/50.
15 март 2020, 15:0715.03.20

gothikguardian said:


I have to say except some few Things (ascend one of each faction which didn't work or have a "this one is done" overview and the "stun/Freeze/etc 50x in Arena AND win as two examples ) in the BP weeks thus far I was generally happy but what is Happening with Week 5 ?   

I get that at least one or two of the missions should be "grind for it" missions --- but not ALL OF THEM?! We're Talking About more than 5 days of 100% "Basic-Energy" --> as not everyone is capable of logging in every x-Hours when the Energy is full a "Basic-day-Energy-amount" is the 100% full at Login, the 5 arena-battles-Refill and the one refil after 90min logged-in-time which in General is already a good amount of time for everyone working at least 8h+ and having a social life/Family which means we're Talking About 3x ~120 Energy (as average Looking at how many below lvl 60 Players make up a big part of the Playerbase) is a good estimation of how much 90% of the playerbase can use per day for those missions. now lets have a look at them:   


1) Get the first turn in the Arena 50 times   

THANKS !  for at least listening to the community and removing the "and win" clause. Not everyone has a Speed Team which also is able to win. With 10x + Win it would have been O.K. but as you Chose 50x I'm glad that you at least didn't request the Players to also win but at least try to build a Speed Team and test it out (if they don't already have it).   

---> This one gets a A- as the idea is nice, the requirements are O.K. and it would be considered an Overall good " I have to mindless grind" challenge   


2) Sell 50 Accessories   

The upside here is you at least added "does not work from auto-sell" info. The rest -- sorry, what? Spider is considered one of the worst Dungeons for everyone not in late to end-game Progress as it's really hard for everyone in early to mid-game to have a dedicated spider-platoon. Thus, this WOULD be a "O.K., mindless grind" 'challenge', if it wouldn't be for the number. 50. I mean, really?   

Lets look at the numbers - below max-lvl-spider-dungeon the chances of getting brews or green shards are MASSIVE (yes, you see it differently, but again, as brews and green shards are not an ADDITION to the loot you get but a REPLACEMENT this is hurting everyone below spider 15 a lot) which means not every try results in a gear-item. On top of that not every gear-item you get is one you'd like to sell -- some of them are actually good enough to Keep! (yeah, wow - sometimes RNG doesn't fully screw you over - we Players are also surprised if Christmas, Easter and the bloodmoon happen in the same day and RNG thus gives us a "not as crap as the rest" item ;) ).   

So Looking at it in General we can say that one out of 10 items dropped is too good to sell and 2 out of 10 runs result in brews/shards (which is a very generous low number, I'd say it's Closer to 3-4 out of 10) Resulting in:   

50 items with  70% Chance = 85 Runs times 14 Energy = 1190 Energy total   

This means that with ~360 Energy per day the average Player Needs more than 3 days of ONLY doing spider-dungeon   

---> This challenge is more than just a mindless grind, it's just wrong and not because of the idea, but because of the # you Chose. Everything up to 15 or even Maybe 20 would have been O.K. but 50 is just wrong.   


3) Defeat 360 enemies in campaign battles using 3+ uncommon Champions   

This actually could have been fun. Why? It's a grind - yes. It's at least 30 auto-battles worth of enemies with a very specific type of hero. Not rares or anything but uncommon Champs. We're Talking About 120 - 180 Energy for the auto-battles plus leveling 4 uncommon up to 3* and then some lvls to make them viable. A good day of Energy for one challenge? A decent choice in General I'd say.  

---> This challenge would be completely fine. It cannot be done with pure fodder-champs and a farm-champ so it's something everyone has to work on. The only downside is that many People run out of space (which, again, will not be taken care off in the next patch but SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE - Maybe(TM) ) but I guess it'll be possible to squeeze out four three-star uncommon to do it. So this one gets a B+ Rating  


4) Get 260Mastery Scrolls for one Champion  

is a "bit" annoying - if it would be 260 scrolls in General we'd be Talking About ~17 Runs at ~14 Energy resulting in 260 Energy and thus "less than one full day of only doing that". The issue here is that most People in Progression don't have 4 heroes full on mst-scrolls to guarantee that only one of them gets them and thus the amount of runs increases exponential depending on your luck. Thus we easily talk About 2-3 days mindlessly doing ONLY Minotaur with all the Energy the "average user" has  

---> This one here gets a D- Rating as it would have been an "O.K. - mindless Grind challenge" if it would have been 200-400 scrolls in General without specifying "for one Champion". This last part of the challenge bloats it up to unnecessary dimensions  


5) Ascend Champions from each Affinity 3 times  

As the rarity is not specified this is easier done than the "of every faction" and thus mindless grind, yes, but in time and Energy requirements that everyone could do. It's About half a day to a day worth of Energy for the average user and thus fine.  


---> This one here gets a A Rating, as it's requires grinding potions but the Overall requirements are not too tight leaving everyone a Chance to do it on their Terms without requiring Special rarity or Access to Special Levels of a certain game area. 


So in General there are some REALLY good ideas in this week’s mix, but the final implementation is just bad. And why? Because for the average user needs to “mindlessly grind” away his whole energy per day for 8 days (#1 0 days as PVP runs parallel + #2 ~3.5 days + #3 ~1 day + #4 ~2.5 days + # 5 ~ 1 day) straight. Yes, in the best case it can be done in 7 days (if you’re really lucky) but we’re talking again about time ONLY spend on the weekly challenges – not doing anything else. 


This is the reason I believe you “overdid” it --- AGAIN. Couldn’t you just use challenges that take the average user 50% of the week? Toning down the numbers a bit (especially spider-dungeon! – but also Minotaurus by simply using a total amount of scrolls in general instead of “on one champ”) would have made this week a good challenge-week to do for everyone. This way it shows that you expect players to buy energy-refills to be even remotely able to complete them. And that is just not O.K. See, a simple change could do so much here – the difference between a “decent week of challenges” compared to “are you f****** kidding me?” reactions. 


I don’t know if anyone is even reading this ---- or taking postings in the forum serious anymore, but hey…. I at least have to try. I like this game. Else I wouldn’t take this amount of time out of my breakfast break at work to actually type this post *sigh*  … 

Most of these are already down.

1.  I'm at 49 of 50 and NEVER even tried. Just keep using my arena tokens as normal.

2. Took 5 minutes. NP.

3. Hardest part was to PICK 3 uncommons to add to my kael and run up to level 20.  It took 9 runs to level up 3 on 12.6 whch has 12 oppenents and gave 108 points.  Had to do that with 5 groups of 3.  Took about an hour.

4. Didn't take that long, don't reember the specifics but you get about 8 to 12 scrolls per run.

5.  Are you kidding me?  Haven't completed this one yet, but all you have to do is ascend 4 rares.  With the fusion, this is a garantee.
21 март 2020, 13:5021.03.20
Thanks my friend☆
21 март 2020, 13:5221.03.20
Can you explain the sixth week, Thanks again