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Who's Your Daddy, Raid Developers?

Who's Your Daddy, Raid Developers?

9 март 2020, 16:2909.03.20

Who's Your Daddy, Raid Developers?


Guess who just beat all your missions?

This Guy!

Did you enjoy your game getting Spanked?

Was it good for you because it was certainly good for me!


Yes! Incredible!

You can call me Mister Incredible!

Your Spider Dungeon is such an amusing Troll.

Of course, The Spider Queen tried its best to deny me Accessories.

I still don't have any Dark Elf ACC Banners.

And even with out those ACC Banners I was still able to defeat her.

The Spider couldn't counter my Secret Weapon!

I had a Spider of my own!

I used Spider to beat Spider!

Irony is best served with Fava Beans and a nice Chianti

Fefefefefefefefefefe - So Delicious!

Your missions never had a chance to beat me.

I am the Champion!

9 март 2020, 17:1709.03.20

Congratulations, @Player J, well done!

Now we need new forum tag [Daddy] 😎
9 март 2020, 17:3109.03.20
9 март 2020, 17:32(отредактировано)
Daering said:

Congratulations, @Player J, well done!

Now we need new forum tag [Daddy] 😎
lol Yeah
9 март 2020, 19:5209.03.20
Congrats! Curious what your full team was. I'm nowhere near spider20, but I know this dungeon will be my toughest. With my crappy roster I can beat IG and dragon 18. I think fire knight will be aided with alure. But spider will be the death of me, lol. Congrats again.
9 март 2020, 22:3309.03.20
Congrats PlayerJ!
10 март 2020, 00:0110.03.20
10 март 2020, 00:01(отредактировано)
congrats, ...So, is this the end of the game?
10 март 2020, 06:0610.03.20

Trips said:

Congrats! Curious what your full team was. I'm nowhere near spider20, but I know this dungeon will be my toughest. With my crappy roster I can beat IG and dragon 18. I think fire knight will be aided with alure. But spider will be the death of me, lol. Congrats again.

My Spider Stage 20 team is original.

It is highly complex.

It is highly sophisticated. 

I don't think I have seen many people using it.

I feel like more people should be using a set up like mine. 

I shall post it to you so you can see the Brillance.

10 март 2020, 06:1110.03.20

Hank McKannon said:

congrats, ...So, is this the end of the game?

The only thing I have left to accomplish is Faction Wars.

However, I don't have enough Legendary heroes to finish Faction Wars.

So yeah, It is probably the end of the game for most people.
10 март 2020, 06:3310.03.20

Player J said:

I don't think I have seen many people using it.

Most people are happy to get one KH, three KH is not common. You still can use substitute and variations for that set up (even uncommons for substitute) but the fact is there are only few enemy hp based dmg dealers in game and only KH and RG can do the work here.

I use similar aproatch, Kymar, RG, 2 KH and free spot for someone that can fit well. Still leveling my second KH. 
10 март 2020, 12:3710.03.20
10 март 2020, 12:39(отредактировано)
Congrats! I am also using level 50 spider in my team. 2 royal guards, 1 coldheart, spider and renegade (both level50). 26 seconds fastest run, will go up to 40s+ in some situation. And, work on auto
10 март 2020, 13:0110.03.20
10 март 2020, 13:17(отредактировано)

I made several attempts to use Paragon as a tank and in manual mode everything works fine, but on auto he puts his unkilkable buff without any logic to whom he decides and this leads to an instant wipe. 

I tried different combinations and arrangement of the team, but nothing worked. I went back to the original plan with a weak affinity tank. 

At this point I considered AI as a biggest threat in game. 😂 

10 март 2020, 13:4510.03.20
Daering said:

At this point I considered AI as a biggest threat in game. 😂 

10 март 2020, 13:4710.03.20

Player J said:

Trips said:

Congrats! Curious what your full team was. I'm nowhere near spider20, but I know this dungeon will be my toughest. With my crappy roster I can beat IG and dragon 18. I think fire knight will be aided with alure. But spider will be the death of me, lol. Congrats again.

My Spider Stage 20 team is original.

It is highly complex.

It is highly sophisticated. 

I don't think I have seen many people using it.

I feel like more people should be using a set up like mine. 

I shall post it to you so you can see the Brillance.

Sarcasm I hope?

3 Coldhearts!
10 март 2020, 17:5310.03.20
10 март 2020, 17:57(отредактировано)

Trips said:

Sarcasm I hope?

3 Coldhearts!

Sadly, It isn't Sarcasm. lol

It is more of a sick, truthful joke. 

Daering statement is pretty much spot on. 

Most players are happy to pull 1 Coldheart, not many have pulled 3 Coldhearts

This is what makes my set up so original. lol

I have done the dream set up which so many people strive to do! lol

Actually, I have pulled 5 Cold hearts on my Account.

I could make a whole army of Coldhearts. lol

I just got bored leveling up the same hero 3 different times.

A lot of players are forced to make a bunch of Coldheart / Royal Guard variations.

Yeah, it happens alot.

10 март 2020, 17:5710.03.20


Hopefully my void shards bring luck.
10 март 2020, 18:4610.03.20

Originally, I had 2 Coldhearts built up to level 60. 

I wanted to try Renegade as my 3rd hero.

I was trying to avoid leveling up a 3rd Coldheart to level 60.

You can see from the above picture I do own Renegade.

I couldn't make her work.

I got mad.

I built up a 3rd Coldheart in Frustration. lol

I had a master plan.

The plan was to go into the Spider Dungeon with 2 Coldhearts

Unleash 2 Deadly Heart Seekers!

Boom - Boom

Spider is down to half Health!

Than I would use Renegade Ritual Move!

Boom - My Coldhearts Heart seeker cooldowns would be instantly reset.

I would be able to go BOOM, BOOM another time on Spider Queen.

Lowering her health from half to 0 - In a Triumphant Victory.

It was going to be so Epic!

Sadly, The fight never went according to plan.

The Fattest of Rips!

The reason it didn't go according to plan is because Coldheart on Auto doesn't do her Heartseeker move first!

Coldheart likes to do her A2 first.

My 2 Coldhearts do the above move.

Than my Renegade resets it.

And my 2 Coldhearts do the same move again!

It is so ridiculous. 

Colossal Fail!!!!!!

Apparently, you have to have some sort of Speed amount on your Coldhearts so they can go 2 times before Renegade.

The issue is trying to get enough Speed + Critical Rate + Critical Damage.

The gear needed to get all of those things to line up in a perfect situation is extremely tough.

10 март 2020, 20:5310.03.20
The AI skill prioritization is horrible 
10 март 2020, 22:3510.03.20

In order to make coldheart and renegade work on auto, coldheart should have at least +110 speed and renegade should have +0 speed. With this speed tuning, coldheart will move twice before renegade,  she will use heart seeker on her 2nd turn before renegade do her decrease cooldown.

11 март 2020, 10:3911.03.20
isn't it about time they did some balancing of some of the heroes? I feel like I am seeing way too much usage of coldheart and kael in most serious lineups for various parts of the game.
11 март 2020, 19:0111.03.20

Zorth said:

isn't it about time they did some balancing of some of the heroes? I feel like I am seeing way too much usage of coldheart and kael in most serious lineups for various parts of the game.

Who do you have in mind?

Any hero in particular?
12 март 2020, 01:0812.03.20
12 март 2020, 01:11(отредактировано)

Zorth said:

isn't it about time they did some balancing of some of the heroes? I feel like I am seeing way too much usage of coldheart and kael in most serious lineups for various parts of the game.

I think its more an issue that the better champions are rarer and hard to come by in most cases. While Coldheart is probably an outlier in just how good she is for a rare, I feel like there should be at least a few really good champions that are relatively attainable/bookable by f2p and newbie players.

I havent even gotten one Coldheart yet :(