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Quality Of Life!

Quality Of Life!

7 март 2020, 03:4407.03.20

Quality Of Life!

Let's talk about some changes that might improve the game (my personal opinion).

-First,the Campfire can be useful! You want to keep the people in the game? So why not transform the campfire into a Energy Generator?

Simple as that,people can afk on the campfire and earn energy on a x5 or x10 speed rather than the normal speed we currently have but it cannot exceed the energy cap. So you cannot get 5mil energy. This can keep people in game and you can have a use for that useless thing.

-Inventory Space: Yes,we have talked about it many times and people will not stop until we get that thing! We need space for all the champions,content creators need it more than anyone! Everyone needs space! Here is simple,instead of promising more space,add an additional 500 slots so people can host all the champions they want. There should be a yearly increase of 200+ slots since there are tons of champions released.

-Market,yes that thing is "useful"but to who? A 4 star speed boot with poor stats its 101k? Alright, drop the prices of the artifacts because they are very exaggerated . Also if you want to charge that absurd amount of silver,set up a "drop"rate for Epic and Rare Skill books in the shop,so people will not have to always buy or compete for them. P2P will always be in charge of tournaments so Us f2p are the donkey tail.

Other things? You can add "special shop"deals. Buying items with gems,but the items are more significant. Like Ancient Shards(not the 900 pack,a smaller price) Or Maybe Void Shards that are hard to obtain.No Sacred tho.

Legendary Champions Should Feel LEGENDARY!

-Yes,some "Lego"champions are worst than some rares......

People cannot complain about a champion they do not own,but if you look at the index,each faction has a rare or epic that is better than the legendary champion. Or in general some epics are way better and useful.

-Player Achievement Rewards Reforged!

Yes a fancy name i know.

What do i mean with this? Alright we all are dragon slayers or golem smashers. But who will believe that you slayed 5k dragons?

Yes, this is a personal thing i would like to see.Rewarding players with silver, shards,books,maybe rare or epic champions (not legos drako 2020) because they slayed bosses(all bosses included) That defeated players in arena by amount not only medals.

By the gems they collected or silver during their game play,by the stages they did or champion locations unlocked.

-Item Filter......i want items that have speed i need to see the ones that have as a primary or substat the speed. Not to browse all the gosh darn inventory to find a 5 speed boot-max it out-then find a different one moments later with 10 speed.

-Clan Boss unlimited health is not a  bad thing .Players get rewards buy how much damage they dealt when the boss will reset. The affinity of the clan boss will change based on the Potion dungeon that is on in that day.

Blue Potion Dungeon-Blue Clan Boss.

This way people will need to create more teams with different champions to deal more damage to the clan boss,thus more people will be active growing champions.

-Why so expensive?

You want people to pay for gems,shards etc? Don't charge them 99.99$ usd for 5 shards and some silver,nobody in their right mind will buy that (nobody unless you have a 5k every 2 weeks job). Make the prices lower and you will see that more and more people will buy the offers. Games win their fan base by having nice prices and listening to the community. (HAH)

-Gem Shop Rework. Yes i want to buy 11 shards with 900 gems.....every 4 months i can do that yeee......

But also i would wait more if i would see a 10 void shard pack with 1500 gems

Or maybe a 5 sacred pack with 2200 gems? Yes i would wait for that bad boy.

-Arena,the rewards should be based on the division you are.......i was a few weeks back in bronze just to farm the medals,and got a chest. 2 4 star items and  20 gems(Bronze 3). Then i worked my way to SIlver 4 where i got basically the same thing,the only different is that 1 item instead of green was blue. Yeee progress......

Also add some sort of tie breaker ...... a 2 Mis Monster fight is not fun for 30 minutes.....And why should i lose if he had lower health?

-The Hidden Tower(yes i am saying this not because i don't want it to be something else that will cause drama again) Make it as a progression tower. Champions above level 30 can compete in that tower to climb the stages. Each stage based on a single affinity not only void. Voids only maybe after 20+ level so people will have a "difficult approach to them".

The tower can reset every-week like the arena but the rewards should be based on the progress. Also each 5 or 10 level defeated on the tower to reward the player with something good. (NO SILVER PLEASE)

-Increase the change of Legendary Champion drop.

Ok,listen before you(Plarium) click away or something.

Legendary champions drop to be set up at 4.99% and you can add Mythical Champions at a 0.01% drop rate. Neat right? $

Well this was my idea but the drop rate should be at least 2% or 3% not 0.5....

-Champion Fusion. We need a permanent fusion for Epics. As i mentioned above,some epics are way to good. And when you are a f2p every champion can be useful.....i don't want to fuse a lego and lose 4 epics that sometimes are way better. Offer the epic fusions not permanent but maybe 2 chances each? So we can get them as well not only the lego?

-Open a beta server.....we are tired of bugs,glitches and stuff like that .Open for the love of god a beta server and maybe get in only the youtubers or content creators so they can have content on the channels and also play test things before you ban us again....

-Add a champion playtest arena. Don't know what i am babbling about?

A special arena were your champion can battle against Maxed level 60 other champions.

Like,i want my Reinbeast to battle vs a Champfort and see who wins.

Unlimited energy or tries because you have nothing to win from it,just testing a 1v1 with a champion and see how it goes,how your personal champion performs.

The opponents can have equipped the items that are suggested to them.

-Gem Mine. Yes i want more get mine level.....i am not p2p so i need gems,grow the mine level to a 5-6 maybe ? If you will add the offers with the shards costing gems this is definitely a must.

-Pop-Ups.....oh my god,just make the Shop Tab with the annoying red dot and people interested in them will click it. Don't shove new players with tons of offer specially when the the offers are above 50$. No one will spend such an amount on a game they just start playing.

-Increase the Energy cap size. Even if sometimes i feel like i can throw my phone out the window with you guys,i still love the game. Like i really like the graphics and the way the game works,but gosh darn i need more energy .

That's all for now,i hope you will read this and do something. Or simply don't and lose players :).

7 март 2020, 04:1007.03.20


Thanks for all these suggestion. :)

Most of them have already been suggested by other players/moderators or gd are already working on them.