The way I do things are a little different vs. most people.
I like observing different team compositions.
I look at different Clan Boss teams which have been used from a wide range of people.
I go through each team - I look at each hero in the team to see what skills they do.
The reason I do all of this stuff is so I can create a list.
The list I created is based on skills which I see people using in there Clan Boss team.
After doing dozens upon dozens of comparisons, You will begin to see certain skills rise to the top.
Players using certain skills will start doing higher Damage amounts vs. other skills in CB.
The reason I have done this method is because I started playing Raid when it was still a young game.
The game has no youtube creators.
The game had no one who could help you.
You go to Reddit or Discord - most people didn't know what to do, either.
The only information you had was a screen shot.
Players would post a screen shot saying - Hey, look at the damage I did to CB.
We would ask them how on earth they would do so much damage.
They would respond with "I don't know. I got lucky". lol
It was difficult asking for help because most people were beginners.
Thus, I tried to improve myself by looking at the heroes in each team composition.
This is more or less how my below list got created.
Critical Skills for Clan Boss
1. Decrease Attack
2. Decrease Defense
3. Weaken
4. Poison / HP Burn
5. Speed Lapping / Speed Tuning
Bonus Skills for Clan Boss
6. Healer
7. Shielder
8. Debuff Extender
9. Increase Defense
10. Cleanse / Block Debuffs
11. Ally Protection
The above list is based on a Speed Team or Counter Attack Team set up for Clan Boss.
Obviously, My list is ever changing & adapting.
- New strategies come out
- New set ups
- New heroes come out
The Unkillable team is now a valid Clan Boss set up.
Players didn't know if it would remain viable after the nerf.
Most people still say it is viable.
It is a completely different set up entirely to what I am showing.
The Revive on Death set up is a new set up for Clan Boss.
Players have been making that set up work for Clan Boss.
It is a completely different set up entirely to what I am showing.
Now that I have explained all of this to you.
I will show you how my list works.
I will show you how it can help you do more damage.
Critical Skills for Clan Boss
1. Decrease Attack --------------------------------------> Coffin Smasher - Crimson helm - Grizzled Jarl
2. Decrease Defense -----------------------------------> War maiden - Valla - Fleshmonger
3. Weaken -------------------------------------------------> Whisper - Athel
4. Poison / HP Burn -------------------------------------> Occult Brawler (Don't need anymore poison with him)
5. Speed Lapping / Speed Tuning -------------------> Apothecary (Speed Lapping) - Skullcrusher (Speed Tuning)
We Skip the Bonus Skills for Now - We Focus on the Main Skills First
The above list is the critical skills we want in the Clan Boss.
I have gone through your Rooster - I have tried to write down all the heroes you own who can do these certain skills.
Out of the heroes you own, I am liking the following heroes:
Coffin Smasher has Decrease Attack on his A1 which is 3 hits.
Each hit gives Coffin Smasher a chance to place the Debuff which is sweet.
The skill never goes on a cool down (Since, it on default skill)
Coffin Smasher has a high chance of keeping the debuff on the CB compared to other 2.
Compared to other heroes who can do Decrease Defense.
Warmaiden has the highest chance percentage.
You only have 2 Hero options to do Weaken from what I saw.
I decided not to use either of them.
The reason why I'm not a fan of them is because they have skills which can give them extra turns.
I want to use Skullcrusher in your set up because you own a Counter Attacking Champion.
Team Counter Attacking Champions are great!
They put a Counter Attacking Buff on your allies for 2 turns.
The important thing to remember is when your using a Counter Attacking buff.
You want to try and get the full benefit from the buff.
If your heroes move 3 times in a row before the Clan Boss moves, Your CA Buff will fall off.
So you want to build your team with a controlled speed which we call Speed Tuning.
If you didn't have a Counter Attacking Champion, I would use a Speed Merchant (Apothecary).
I think Whisper or Athel would be great for Apothecary teams because those teams try to do a lot of turns.
There isn't much to say about this hero.
OB is an Insane Poison Hero
You have the option to make a Speed Set up with Apothecary.
You have the option to make a Counter Attack Set up with Skull Crusher.
They both are amazing heroes.
Teams can be designed around both of these 2 heroes.
Teams created from these 2 heroes can do a lot of damage on the Clan Boss.
It has been proven.
Normally, I like to lean towards the Counter Attacking Champion if you have the option.
The reason why is because Apothecary is amazing in Dungeons.
So we have gone through the list.
We talked about each hero.
We talked about why we will use them or why we will not use them.
We only have 4 heroes.
We can have 5 heroes in Clan Boss.
So who do we add as our 5th?
This is where the Bonus Skill for Clan Boss List comes into play!
We basically go 1 step first down our list.
Bonus Skills for Clan Boss
6. Healer ----------------------------> Zelotah - Doompriest - Gorgorab - Apothecary
7. Shielder <-------------------------- Zelotah does this as a side effect
8. Debuff Extender
9. Increase Defense
10. Cleanse / Block Debuffs <--- Doompriest does this as a side effect
11. Ally Protection <---------------- Skullcrusher does this part of his skill kit
We have 4 different healers here.
Gorgorab & Apothecary - I don't like them.
The reason why is because they do Turn Meter Filling which will mess up Skullcrusher.
We don't want our team to gain turn meter because it can throw off our CA Buff.
So the choice is between Zelotah or Doompriest.
Both are amazing heroes - They are just awesome!
How do we decide which one to pick?
We look at the other utility they bring to our set up.
Zelotah offers Heals + Shields
Doompriest offers Heals + Cleansing Debuffs
Both of these heroes offer 2 extra useful effects.
So they are even again!
How do we decide which one to pick?
We look at the ranking of each of the Utilities.
I rank Shields at 7th.
I rank Cleansing Debuffs at 10th
Why? Because Shields can go on all heroes (Keeping all heroes alive longer)
The Cleanse is only effecting 1 hero (The hero getting Stunned by CB Slam)
Thus, Zelotah is the hero I would use as your 5th.
Clan Boss Team:
- Coffin Smasher
- War Maiden
- Occult Brawler
- Skullcrusher
- Zelotah