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Can take 1 (soon 2) to r6

Can take 1 (soon 2) to r6

3 март 2020, 13:1403.03.20

Can take 1 (soon 2) to r6

I'm looking to advance in Dungeons. I can take 1 to 6* right now and another one withing a week or so.

I can get dragon 13 consistently and have beaten up to 15. I am up to stage 13 in Ice Golem and 10 in Fire Knight.



Any advice or opinions are appreciated.

3 март 2020, 19:1003.03.20

I would like to share with you information which I use to beat the Dragon. 

The information I am going to show you can help you beat Stage 20 Dragon with 100% win rate. 


Critical Skills for Dragon: 

1. AOE Stuns / Freeze / Provoke / True Fears 

2. AOE Damage Dealer 

3. Revive 

4. Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs on Allies 

5. Poison 


Bonus Skills for Dragon: 

6. Decrease Defense 

7. Decrease Attack 

8. Heals 

9. Shields 


You don't need Legendary Heroes, Legendary Gear, or Amazing Great Hall Bonus to win. 

All of the above things can help you - Win Easier - but they are not required 


What is required is the following: 

  • Minimum Hero Rarity has to be at least Rare or Higher 
  • You need Full Masteries. 
  • You need Full Ascension.
  • You need 5 star +16 Gear. 
  • You need heroes with the specific skills I am recommending. 

Let me be clear - The above Information isn't an End Game - Speed Run Dragon Set up. 

Speed Runs require very specific top tier champions + very good top tier gear. 

Most Speed Runs try to beat the Dragon in less than 1 min --> They require Epic + Legendary stuff 


The set up I am telling you about is an auto friendly set up. 

It will get you to Dragon 20. 

It will help you to farm Dragon 20. 


You will win the fight with 100% win rate all the time. 

The fight can last between 3-5 mins. 

The fights are not the fastest fights, but they are very consistent in being able to win!


3 март 2020, 19:3703.03.20
3 март 2020, 19:50(отредактировано)

Now let me explain to you - Why I am telling you to find heroes with certain skills. 

When you go into Dragon, You face 3 Rounds

Round 1 & Round 2 = Waves of heroes [Trash Mobs]

Round 3 = Dragon Boss


Stage 20 Dragon has some of the toughest Trash Mobs in the game.

We are talking about Apothecary ---> Turn Meter increase + Speed Buffs + Heals

We are talking about Tayrel ----------> Decrease Enemy Attack + AOE Decrease Enemy Defense + Turn Meter Reduction

We are talking about Hordin --------> Increase his own Attack + Critical Rate + If he gets a kill, He begins to snowball with Extra Turns!

We are talking about waves which if you give them a chance.

They will lay you out!

Now lets take a look at my Critical Skills List for the Dragon!!!!

Critical Skills for Dragon:

1. AOE Stuns / Freeze / Provoke / True Fears

2. AOE Damage Dealer  

3. Revive  

4. Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs on Allies  

5. Poison 

Why am I telling you to have a hero with AOE Stun? Freeze?  "Crowd Control"

Stage 20 Dragon waves are not playing around - If they hit you, your heroes are probably going to be dead!

You need someone on your team to stop them from hitting you.

They can't hit you if they are stunned or frozen.

Its makes perfect sense!

Now image, we are in this fantasy battle!

We have a hero on our team Stunning the enemy.

The enemy can't hit us because they are Stunned.

What is the problem now?

The problem is the Stun will not last forever.

Critical Skills for Dragon 

1. AOE Stuns / Freeze / Provoke / True Fears 

2. AOE Damage Dealer

3. Revive 

4. Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs on Allies 

5. Poison

We need someone on our team who can psychically chew through the enemy wave.

We need someone who can kill the enemy heroes!

They are stunned, but not dead.

We need an AOE Damage Dealer who can make them dead!

Again it makes perfect sense why we are using each of these things!

What is the problem now? 

The problem is we have someone who Stuns + Deals Damage, but what happens if the Stun hero gets resisted?

Image doing 100 Dragons runs - What are the odds that in 1 hero might resist our Stun?

What are the odds of 1 of those Hordin from Enemy Wave doing a Critical hit on us?

It is possible that if you do 100 runs 1 of them will do a good hit or resist the Stun.

If you do so many runs, Eventually it will happen.

Than what happens?

We are dead!

Our hero is dead - The Run is failed!

So what do we need? An insurance policy!

Critical Skills for Dragon

1. AOE Stuns / Freeze / Provoke / True Fears  

2. AOE Damage Dealer 

3. Revive

4. Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs on Allies  

5. Poison

What is our safe net - insurance policy?

A hero who can revive!

They got a lucky hit off - 1 in 100 runs - Our hero is dead

We have the insurance policy to bring them back alive!

We are still in the game - We are still in the fight!

We have thought about every contingency - Those waves are going down!

Round 1 + Round 2 = Done!

Now we go to Round 3 - Dragon Boss.

What does the Dragon Boss do?

Dragon Boss does Stuns - Poisons - Weakens - Decrease Attack

The Dragon Boss is being very obnoxious with all of the Debuffs he is putting on us!

Wouldn't you agree? 

Critical Skills for Dragon 

1. AOE Stuns / Freeze / Provoke / True Fears   

2. AOE Damage Dealer  

3. Revive 

4. Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs on Allies

5. Poison

So what do we do?

What if we decided to prevent all of that crap from getting on us? 

or Remove that crap from our heroes? 

or Both?

Yeah, We are going to shut that Dragon Boss down!

Now we come to the final phase of the Battle.

The Finishing Blow!

The Dragon Boss has a secret move he likes to do.

The way he unlocks it is by Inhaling - The Dragons Bar becomes Purple.

Do you see the Purple Health Bar?

If we don't get rid of that health bar before he takes a turn, he will do his deadly move!

It will do a lot of damage to us!

Critical Skills for Dragon

1. AOE Stuns / Freeze / Provoke / True Fears    

2. AOE Damage Dealer   

3. Revive  

4. Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs on Allies 

5. Poison

The Dragon Stage 20 has a lot of health - Most like the Clan Boss!

What can we do to help lower his health?

I'm not going to tell you!!! 

I have a feeling you already know the answer.