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General way to go and some questions

General way to go and some questions

2 март 2020, 19:3902.03.20

General way to go and some questions

Hey there, im still pretty new to raid, so i am not that good at deciding what to focus on yet. Today i both got graal and tayrel, so i decided it was time to get some other opinions on who to build up next. My general guesses would be tayrel, graal and maybe stag knight. But from what i heard stag knight is just a slightly worse tayrel, or are both usable in the same team? also who do you think would do better with my legendary books, wurlim or graal? For my goals, i want to be able to progress the missions (to get arbiter somewhen) and right now to beat fire knight 13 for the sacred shard and maybe 3 star nightmare campaign (ive heard about the paragon-monster strategy and likely will use it if i dont come up with anything better by the time, but id rather use something more efficient as i didnt really build monster for damage, i once had a 21 minute arena battle between monster and a bad-el until finally the rng kicked in and monster was able to stun him enought times consecutive to finally take him out)

any advice for any of my questions will be greatly appreciated, thank all of you very much in advance :)

3 март 2020, 16:4303.03.20

The First thing to do is to build a hero who can farm Brutal Campaign 12-3.

It is the most important thing in the game to do because it gives you the best XP + Silver per energy in the game.

This is the foundation which helps build up heroes you decide to build afterwards.

it seems like you have a few heroes who can Farm Brutal -  Athel - Miscreated Monster - Relic Keeper

I'm assuming they can do it - So that part of your quest is done.

The Second thing to do is to build a team of heroes who can do Clan Boss.

Clan Boss is the second most important thing in the game to do because it gives you Tomes, Shards, & Core Team.

  • Tomes are essential for upgrading skills on your heroes
  • Shards are essential for getting better heroes for your account.
  • Core Team is essential because it can help any team you decide to be onward.

Most Dungeon teams you create onward will pull champions from your Core Clan Boss team.

Each Dungeon Boss is different and requires a specific strategy to win.

However, most of those strategies can make use of 1 or 2 heroes you already built.

Your Clan Boss teams needs specific debuffs.

Those debuffs can play a role in various Dungeons.

For Example:

Poison is the most critical Debuff for any good Clan Boss team.

The Dragon is very vulnerable to poison.

If you build a poison hero for Clan Boss, You can often use the same hero as part of your Dragon Team.

This helps you save time because you don't have to keep constantly building new 5 man teams.

Hopefully, you can begin to understand why Clan Boss is so very important.

Your team will benefit from you doing Clan Boss, but that isn't the real purpose.

The real purpose is Clan Boss helps you - Your own development!

Now that I have shocked you into freaking out about your lack of a Clan Boss team.

I would like to take the opportunity to tell you what you want on your Clan Boss Team.

The Clan Boss has a max limit of 10 debuffs.

The Clan Boss can only have 10 debuffs on him at any given time.

The most common 10 debuffs you want on the Clan Boss are the following:

1x Decrease Enemy Attack 50%

1x Decrease Enemy Defense 60%

1x Weaken 25%

7x Poison 5%

-You want all of these debuffs to be on the Clan Boss every time he goes to move.

-You want all your heroes in Clan Boss level 60.

-You want all your heroes In Clan Boss to have Full Ascension.

-You want all your heroes In Clan Boss to have Full Masteries with either Warmaster or Giant Slayer.

-You want all your heroes in Clan Boss to have Tomes on there most important Clan Boss Skills.

-You want all your heroes in Clan Boss to have Lifesteal gear on.

-You want all your heroes in Clan Boss to have the correct amount of Accuracy depending on what mode you are fighting against

-You want all your heroes in Clan Boss to have the correct amount of Speed depending on what mode you are fighting against

Once, you have completed all of the above things.

You will have finished the Basic Course of Clan Boss.

You still have to do Intermediate Clan Boss - Advanced Clan Boss

Not to mention:

  • Basic Dragon Dungeon
  • Intermediate Dragon Dungeon
  • Advanced Dragon Dungeon

I'm not even going to talk about Ice Golem - Fire Knight - Spider

They don't exist right now.

Gear doesn't matter - if your hero is level 1 with no masteries or ascensions.

You need to spend the rest of your time in Campaign creating food heroes.