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What is this forum for ?

1 март 2020, 08:5801.03.20

What is this forum for ?

The forum is called GAME DISCUSSION so why when we post about the potion drop rates do our posts get removed we are discussing the game and how bad the potion drop rates are!!

sort it out I have gone through 200 gems and have yet to get from ascension 2 to 3!!

Is this what you do when you don't like our discussions about the game just remove our posts is this how your customers get treated ??
1 март 2020, 19:2801.03.20
1 март 2020, 19:35(отредактировано)

If you violate the forum rules, your post will be removed.

Clearly, you can't control yourself long enough to have a calm game discussion.

Thus, they was forced to remove your post.

You should be relaxed.

You need to remain calm

I don't understand why can't you be calm about this situation.

Its only a potion dungeon.

It's not the end of the world.

What is the emergency?

If you want to talk about the Potion Dungeon, Lets talk about the Potion Dungeon.

What would you like to know about the potion dungeon?

Strategy? Team Set up?

For Example:

The Spirit Affinity Potion Dungeon likes to Heal + place Block Debuff Buffs on herself.

It is a good idea to have a hero who can remove or steal the Block Debuffs Buff.

It is a good idea to have a hero who can do Heal Reduction Debuff to prevent her from healing.

1 март 2020, 19:5301.03.20

From my own experience see it like this: this forum is a communist dictatorship, not a democracy with freedom of speech, if you don't like something in the game and you voice out your opinion in a bitter critic way, your post will be deleted and/or your entire thread erased...

As and advise better keep your rants to yourself and make any criticism voice out in the most touching and pampering way possible, isntead of saying "this sucks because..." say "i guess we can all agree that this outstanding and entertaining game can benefit a lot if , maybe, we do this (...or that) ...for the sake of keeping everyone happy..." in other words "iron fist in silk gloves"

1 март 2020, 20:0201.03.20

Player J said:

... What would you like to know about the potion dungeon?

Strategy? Team Set up?.... 

No offense, but you either miss what the OP says or you have a rather weird sense of humor, hehehe.

1 март 2020, 23:3401.03.20

abevan2019 said:

The forum is called GAME DISCUSSION so why when we post about the potion drop rates do our posts get removed we are discussing the game and how bad the potion drop rates are!!

sort it out I have gone through 200 gems and have yet to get from ascension 2 to 3!!

Is this what you do when you don't like our discussions about the game just remove our posts is this how your customers get treated ??

Because you spam it everyday. There are already other threads like yours about the drop rate and you start another one day by day. 

Give us a feedback (even if we already know about it), a constructive one, and let's see.
2 март 2020, 00:4202.03.20

Is it possible to have higher level potions count for one if not more potions, when you have the Get 25 potions quest? If its 25 inferior, it would be nice if a superior at least counted as one, if not more. 

I have another question about quests/missions, but it may have already been asked elsewhere. I want to know why, when I have a Stage 3 starred, I dont automatically get credit for "clear campaign stage "X" on ( insert level that I have it 3 starred on)". Then the second I hit play and enter the campaign stage, it says completed. I figured those quest missions were a way to help progression, but if I already cleared  it, and have the stars as proof, it's a bit annoying to do again. 

2 март 2020, 01:2802.03.20
NoSpam said:

Is it possible to have higher level potions count for one if not more potions, when you have the Get 25 potions quest? If its 25 inferior, it would be nice if a superior at least counted as one, if not more. 

I have another question about quests/missions, but it may have already been asked elsewhere. I want to know why, when I have a Stage 3 starred, I dont automatically get credit for "clear campaign stage "X" on ( insert level that I have it 3 starred on)". Then the second I hit play and enter the campaign stage, it says completed. I figured those quest missions were a way to help progression, but if I already cleared  it, and have the stars as proof, it's a bit annoying to do again. 

i notice that too... but i also notice some challenges are retroactive and others sadly aren't... now witch are and which are not, well... that i don't know.
2 март 2020, 01:4302.03.20

Daering said:

No offense, but you either miss what the OP says or you have a rather weird sense of humor, hehehe.

I didn't miss what the OP said.

He is talking about the Drop Rates.

The issue is the game already increased the minimum drop rate amount from 3 to 7.

I doubt they will increase it more when they just increased it.

As for the sense of humor, You are correct.

People have told me in real life - I am a very funny guy!

Prankster - Joker 
2 март 2020, 01:5502.03.20

Yea let's talk about potion dungeons well what's the urgency you may ask my champions need ascending and I'm sorry I don't have $1000 to fully ascend 1 champion u say they increased the drop rates from 3-7 why is it I got 1 small portion from the top dungeon ?

Ya no what let's just force everyone to go f2p till they fix there issues not everyone that plays this game is a quadtrillonaire 🤣🤣

Also I don't spam it everyday I made a post once regarding a issue I noticed with the game it wouldn't be so bad if they atleast took them stupid green shards and brews out of the dungeon when you have 3 battles and get a couple green shards and a exp brew for 36 energy from the top level dungeon us think that's right ??

Wouldn't take them much to adjust this plarium are just so money hungry they expect people to pay a stupid amount of money to fully ascend 1 champion

2 март 2020, 03:0202.03.20
2 март 2020, 03:11(отредактировано)

I made a post last night about low drop rates that got deleted. The drop rates are shit they were supposed to be getting buffed but didn't. I am still getting 3 small potions from stage 14 and 15.

How to fix

Either take small potions out of 13-15 or buff them.

Make it so when shards drop and brews they are in addition to the potions/gear.

Basically fix the loot table and don't take months to do it.  
2 март 2020, 04:0702.03.20

jonrobfax said:

I made a post last night about low drop rates that got deleted. The drop rates are shit they were supposed to be getting buffed but didn't. I am still getting 3 small potions from stage 14 and 15.

There are already other threads like yours about the drop rate and you start another one day by day. 
2 март 2020, 05:5702.03.20

Player J said:

The issue is the game already increased the minimum drop rate amount from 3 to 7.

I doubt they will increase it ismore when they just increased it.

Now, that seems more like actual answer and I can stay with you on this one.

Guys, if you keep getting 1-3 small potions from 15 stage Keeps, simple screenshot will help your case more than any words. I do myself find drop rate are way too low, but 1-3 small potions sound more like something is wrong. Either something in your posts or something on game itself. Hence the screenshot thing. 
2 март 2020, 09:3702.03.20
I wish I did take screenshot of yesterday's 25 battles think I got something like 25 lesser potions and 3 medium ones of the max arcane stage 🤣
2 март 2020, 09:4902.03.20
abevan2019 said:

I wish I did take screenshot of yesterday's 25 battles think I got something like 25 lesser potions and 3 medium ones of the max arcane stage 🤣
We all are in the same boat. But if you think its hard now, wait till you face 4 progress missions that want you to make ten superiour potion from every affinity. So... around 100 medium from every affinity and minimum 4 x 1m silver for making them. You better start to prepare now! 😂 
2 март 2020, 14:2502.03.20
2 март 2020, 14:35(отредактировано)

I did some research to see what patch the Potion Increase from 3 to 7 came in.

It seems like the feature hasn't been implemented, yet

I knew it was coming because the Game Designers did a Question & Answer Announcement on Jan. 2020.

You can see it from the below forum link.


It seems like the change will be coming in patch 1.14.

I am actually very shocked the patch 1.13 didn't have the potion increase.

The Question + Answer post came out on Jan. 27

The patch 1.13 came out Feb. 12

They had like week or 2 to get it in motion.

Maybe, they forgot to implement it into 1.13? So now they are planning for it to be in 1.14?