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Who to 6 star?

Who to 6 star?

29 фев. 2020, 15:4329.02.20

Who to 6 star?

Wondering who I should focus on for 6 star next... I have enough food for to bring two more up. What types of priority would I look for as a newer player? (40ish days) 

I have Galek and Queen Eva at 6 star so far. 

Currently in the last tier of silver arena. 

Should I make a priority to 6 star void characters? Wait for more Legendary rolls (I only have Queen so far)?. 

Trying to post a screen cap of my champions but dont see how...

29 фев. 2020, 16:2229.02.20
Looks like you got a lot of Epics for only 1 month in. I'm at 70ish days I think. I am not good at recognizing by the pictures if I don't have someone or face them often in Arena.  I'll let someone else with more knowledge give you advice on which one next.  Who are you thinking?
29 фев. 2020, 18:2729.02.20

I just used some shards for the boosted summons  and pulled an Errol, Doomscreech, Crimson Helm, Seeker and Jareg... among other rares. 

I think Seeker will be my next 6 star for his Arena strength. Jareg looks pretty interesting too. 

Tough decisions to make. A lot haven't been brought up to 5 Star yet, so I've got some work to do there as well. 

29 фев. 2020, 18:5929.02.20
Don't worry about doing a bunch of 5 stars, getting more 6 stars is more important. Its hard to  resist when making a 5 star is so much easier. Seeker is on my list of potential upgrades, mine is only 40 so I haven't used. Crimson helm I have at 50, looks like a good option for arena defense as well.
1 март 2020, 00:0101.03.20


I'd say Psylar, Jareg and Golden Reaper. They're top tier champions, so you'll use them in endgame too. :)
1 март 2020, 00:2901.03.20
Do you have Epic Tomes?
2 март 2020, 03:4402.03.20

No tomes at this time. 

I ended up leveling up Jareg and Stag Knight to 6 star for now. Really like Golden Reaper too so that's probably next. 

3 март 2020, 01:2903.03.20
3 март 2020, 01:37(отредактировано)

First you work on a Campaign Farmer for Brutal.

You have Galek ---> Pulled Queen Eva

Queen Eva can be your top tier Brutal Campaign Farmer - So that is done

Second you work on your Clan Boss team.

You don't have a team of 5 built up for Clan Boss, yet. 

It seems your next mission is Clan Boss.

The Clan Boss can have a max limit of 10 debuffs on him.

You want to fill his debuff slots up every time he takes a turn for maximum performance.

The 10 debuff most people aim for are the following:

  • 1x Attack Down 50%
  • 1x Defense Down 60%
  • 1x Weaken 25%
  • 7x Poison 5%

You made your 6 star before answering my question - So I wasn't able to stop you.

You upgraded Jareg + Stag Knight, but you have No Epic Tomes.

The effectiveness of these champions will be called into question.

They are great champions, but you don't have the necessary resources on your account right now to make them great.

Those resources could have been used to 6 star other champions which could of helped you a lot more in your present state.

However, There is no point in reminiscing on the past.

What is done is done.

The question you have to ask yourself now is what heroes will you upgrade next?

I am looking at your Rooster of champions to find a Clan Boss team.

A team which offers the above debuffs I previously mentioned.

1x Attack Down 50%  -------> Jareg, Stag Knight, Grizzled Jarl, or Golden Reaper

1x Defense Down 60% -----> Stag Knight, Spider, or Gravechill Killer

1x Weaken 25% -------------> Whisper, Athel, or Spider

7x Poison 5% -------------> Gravechill Killer or Frozen Banshee (Not a Good hero)

Those are the only list of heroes I saw from your Rooster.

You have no Epic tomes - So using heroes with Cool down skills for Attack Down would be a bad move.

Attack down is a critical debuff.

It looks like you will have to go with Jareg.

Def Down is easy one to pick.

Other 2 options are Epic heroes which don't have 100% chance unless you book them.

Gravechill is a Rare so you might have Rare Tomes.

In addition, Gravechill Killer is your only poison hero.

You will need Gravechill Killer for her poison regardless if she is needed for Def Down or not.

Weaken - I will skip this one for now

I will talk about it in a min.

Poison - You seriously lack poison heroes.

Frozen Banshe is garbage.

Gravechill Killer is your best Poison hero, but she can't put up 7 Poison debuffs by herself.

It looks like you will need to get another Poison hero.

A decent option you could consider is an Uncommon hero named Outlaw Monk.

You are seriously lacking poison heroes so at this point you are desperate.

Outlaw Monk is probably the best you can do.

Let's recap what your team might look like:

  • Jareg
  • Gravechill Killer
  • Outlaw Monk

You have 2 spots left.

So now I want to mention why I skipped the weaken debuff hero.

You see a Clan Boss team has 5 heroes in it.

All 5 of those heroes need to be in Lifesteal gear.

If you don't have enough Lifesteal gear to put on those 5 different champions, You will need to find a way to heal them.

This is where a "Team Healer" comes into play.

I don't know how many Lifesteal gears you have.

You could have over 200 pieces.

You could have 0 pieces.

Bottom Line - Only you know

And so you need to figure out whether or not you can get Lifesteal gear on your heroes.

If you can, You can go back to the Weaken Debuff heroes I selected way above!

Than pick 1 of them for your team.

If you can't, You are going to need to add in Thensail to your team.

Thenasil is your best Team Healer on your account.

The 5th hero is often known as the Speed Tuning hero or the Speed Lapping hero.

Speed Tuning Hero refers to a hero who does team counter attack.

Most counter attacks teams try to Tune there speed so they move in sync with the Clan Boss to get maximum potential out of there CA Buff

Speed Lapping Hero refers to a hero who does team turn meter fill + speed buff

Most speed teams try to accelerator there speed so they Lap the clan boss several times to get maximum potential out of there Speed Buff.

You don't own a Team Counter Attacking hero.

You do own a Speed Buffing hero.

The hero which you can use is Golden Reaper - Since, you like her + She can be a fall back Atk Down Hero.

And that is all

Have a Nice Day!

3 март 2020, 12:5003.03.20

Wow, I appreciate you taking the time! 

I'm exactly 46 days played in this game and this gives a lot of good information and direction. 

I'll be on the hunt for poison characters and will farm more lifesteal gear. I have a few sets but not enough at this time for the 5 man team for CB. 

I definitely made some poor decisions early on which I can see now, but I can only.look ahead at this point. 

Thanks again. 
3 март 2020, 23:4103.03.20
I just happened to pull a second Gravechill Killer so that should help.