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New Dwarf Crypt?

New Dwarf Crypt?

21 фев. 2020, 22:5621.02.20

New Dwarf Crypt?

According to the "Major Feature Update" from 2/12/2020, there is supposed to have been a new Dwarfs Crypt added to the Faction Wars section, however neither I nor anyone in my clan can see it. Has it been activated yet?? An update would be appreciated, thanks! 

22 фев. 2020, 12:2822.02.20

The Dwarf Crypt will open for the first time in 11 hours.

They had it on a very long rotation. lol

Not sure why, but yeah

22 фев. 2020, 23:5822.02.20
Do the dwarves even have any characters capable of doing much in there?  Most of the ratings I've seen indicate outside of 1 maybe 2 they all kinda suck.
24 фев. 2020, 12:4024.02.20
24 фев. 2020, 12:41(отредактировано)

my dwarf team was able to get to the first boss, then they got mercilessly squashed.

None of the dwarves on my team have an aura that will work in faction crypts, am I just unlucky with the dwarves I got or is it an oversight?
24 фев. 2020, 20:4724.02.20
24 фев. 2020, 20:51(отредактировано)

Here is the setup which I think people are going to try for the Dwarf Crypt:

  • Crowd Control ---------------> Tormin 
  • Revive -------------------------> Maulie 
  • Damage Dealer -------------> Trunda Giltmallet or Mountain King 
  • Healings/Shields -----------> Reargeard Sgt. 
  • Increase Defense ----------> Grizzled Jarl 

Obviously, Some people in the game have all of the Dwarf Legendries.

They will plan to build a team to defeat the Dwarf Crypt using there Legendaries which is what I am showing above.

I don't own all the Dwarf Legendaries. lol

I only own 1 of them.

So yeah - I can't do the above team.

If you find yourself in a similar position as me, We will obviously have to make substitutions to our line up.

It is going to be a struggle.

I didn't fuse Maulie.

The Dwarfs only have 2 Revive heroes Maulie + Master Butcher.

Master Butcher only revives if he dies which is only a 1 time revive.

It is going to be a struggle to find a replacement for Maulie.