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Arena: From bronze to gold (TEST)

Arena: From bronze to gold (TEST)

21 фев. 2020, 15:0821.02.20

Arena: From bronze to gold (TEST)

Hey all! Ive been seeing alot of "Arena is broken for F2P" lately. I didnt believe them and I still dont since I climbed into gold 4 with a 65k power team while I was still F2P maybe 2 months ago. Long story short, I decided to be fair and test it. So, I now find myself in bronze and I will try to replicate the steps I took to climb up to atleast Gold 1. I remember how I didnt like the mission where you need to get up in silver. Shortly after I did what I thought was impossible. So lets see if Im can do it again, 2-3 months later.

I will use all rares with the exception of High Khatun which is an early login reward.

This will happen in 2 steps and will contain 2 different teams. They will all be rares and easily replaceable with the exception of HK which is a login reward anyway.

Step one: Spirithost - Apothecary - Kael - Athel ( GOAL: reach into mid silver)

Step two: HK - Spirithost/apothecary/Athel - Warmaiden (50) - Kael (60) (GOAL: reach into gold)

Just to cover great hall bonuses I cant really take advantage of it in this lvl arena since I spent almost everything on ACC which sits between lvl 5-6.

Spirithost (4* --- A3 --- lvl 40) (FARMABLE IN CAMPIGN)

- All speed. She is only there for the speed aura and the Attack Up.
- 4-5* gear of low rarity. All speed gear with lvl 16 speed boots. The rest is at lvl 0-12.
- No Jewelry.
- No masteries.
- No books

Apothecary (3* --- A3 --- lvl 6).- All speed. He is only there for the speed boost. (CAN BE SWITCHED FOR DIABOLIST WHICH IS FARMABLE IN CAMPIGN)

- 4-5* gear of very low rarity. All speed gear at lvl 4-8 with the exception of lvl 16 speed boots.
- No masteries.
- No jewelry.
- No books.

(6* --- A6 --- lvl 60) (CAN BE SWITCHED OUT FOR ANY STARTER)

- stat priority: CR to 85% --> CD+Attack --> Speed
- 4-5* gear of mostly low rarity. 2 pieces of lvl 16 attack % gear. lvl 8-12 on the rest.
- Masteries: See Screeshot. Full masteries since I used my first 800 gems on him.
- Fully booked


- Stat prio is same as Kael.
- 4-5* gear of low rarity.1 piece of lvl 16 attack % gear. lvl 8-12 on the rest.
- Masteries: Deadly Precision - Keen Strike - Heart of Glory.
- Booked until I maxed Divine blades.

Id like to start in Bronze II so I'll give it until tomorrow before I start updating progress. Updates will happen with screenshots after I spent all my arena coins.

My tactics will be to only fight teams I will have first turn against since pretty much anything will beat me if given a chance to act. Ill also refresh as soon as the timer lets me so I can keep avoiding what needs to be avoided.

21 фев. 2020, 21:1421.02.20

My Recommendation is to take Kael out of your set up.

It hurts your experiment to use Kael.

Most players are going to run Kael in a lifesteal set for Clan Boss/Dungeons.

The build you have for Kael is more of a Damage Dealing build for Arena.

It really under cuts the authenticity of your experiment.

I think if you remove Kael - it would make your Test more credible.

My recommendation is to use Warmaiden in place of Kael.

You can build your Warmaiden as a damage dealer with Accuracy so she lands her Decrease Enemy Defense.

21 фев. 2020, 21:2521.02.20
22 фев. 2020, 13:12(отредактировано)

Well that wouldnt be the smartest thing to do. The smartest thing to do with your starter is to build him for farming campaign which ends up being great for Arena aswell. Plus, Kael is easily replaced on CB. That early game even outlaw monks do almost as well as Kael.
Warmaiden wont be much of a replacement for Kael if shes got to focus on ACC aswell. The team would then lack all nuking ability.

Update. Im finally where I want to be so lets start. First progress update will come in a few hours:

22 фев. 2020, 00:2122.02.20

First progress update.

15 battles taken
15 battles won

Already omw up to silver. The fights Ive taken have been easy. I suspect Id have been able to reach Silver even with a 5* Kael. Still, his powerlvl is not unresonable if his stat prio is in order. Not for a F2P with over a month under his belt.

22 фев. 2020, 04:1122.02.20

2nd progress update.

18 battles taken
16 battles won
Defense: W x 4 / L x 2

Made it into silver with a 43k power team. Getting much harder now and I have to pick my fights. Constantly fighting teams with 50-75k power. I might be able to push into silver 2, well see.
The fights I pick are usually the ones with leads that dont affect survivability. Teams with things like attack, ACC and speed (that I think Ill outspeed) are the ones I look to fight. Also staying away from things like Scullcrowns and typical shield Champs like Miscreated monster. I need to punch through in one turn.

22 фев. 2020, 12:4122.02.20
22 фев. 2020, 14:17(отредактировано)

EDIT: Ehm why did you your post dissapear?

First off, I think you have missed the point of this test. There have been alot of threads and posts lately about Arena being broken for F2P. I have been trying to point out that its totally possible to climb the ranks even in the first 2 months. Then I have laid out a few key components as a minimum, in order to take a team past a set of goalposts. First goal is Silver which I have already passed with a minimum effort and investment. Second goalpost is to get into gold. If your read my OP you can see that debuffs such as Warmaidens might need a spot in the team if I am to get to gold.

So when it comes to Warmaiden the now proven fact is that I dont need her to reach into, what it looks like, mid silver. As for Athel you have already pointed out that she can be switched out for pretty much anything or just run with a 3 man team and still have a place in silver.

Again. Kael will stay where he is because he is better off in the Arena and as a farmer in early game. Pure and simple. Unless you get something better. For early CB you can safely run with Outlaw monks and you wont see much of a damage drop.

This test is not supposed to be optimal. If I can do it while messing up gear on Kael, completely unlveld gear, unleveld champs and a suboptimal comp, I have proven my point of even doing this test. Which is to follow a short set of priorities and you will profit.

EDIT 2: Update 3

Definitely hard to progress at this point. Also because Im impatient I took some fights that I shouldnt have.´

Fights taken 11
Fights won 6
Fights lost 4
Defense net gain about 30 points
Net gain was more than half a rank.

Next update will happen tomorrow but I suspect I might lose a few points until then. Will try to reach silver II once more with the current setup before I start making changes. Before I put in HK Ill try including warmaiden into the mix and see if I can advance into high silver with all rares and only one 6*.

22 фев. 2020, 20:2122.02.20

IDK... It's sounds to me like you are a veteran player who took 4 characters from the vault to try this experiment. If this is the case, it's not realistic to prove a newbie F2p account can reach Silver anytime soon

i am a F2p player and currently at day 36 and  i am stuck in bronze 3, having to face hi end 60Lvl players with maxed stats full ascensions but  with also legendarily and GOOD epics in the mix is an impossible task for me to do, i am facing a dead end in the game because in "challenges arena" and "mission progress" both requiring me to advance to silver1, and i am not able to do so.

Have to pint out some things it might alter this experiment

1) You are using Apothecary and another special rare, (special rares: Kael, Athel, Galeck and ...Uriel? the elf chick) you need luck to pull another special rare or a Apothecary, and luck is not a factor to determinate a good experiment. Better start again using only farmable Rares given in campaign... but good luck doing so as the drop rate for them is very low, (took me a week to get berserker and 2 to get warmaiden)

2)you are not mentioning levels, did you raise them all to 60? as a newbie raising ONE character to 60 took me a month of grinding, and got lucky i got a 5 stars chicken! but still you need to lvl up other 3 champions to at least level 50 to build a decent arena team, do the other missions and so on... again nothing for a newbie to be doing anytime soon.

3) HK is given as reward only after a month of daily log in, and you still need to raise her level, ascend her, find good gear, yara, yara, yara. nothing easy to be done in a F2p newbie account where all you can invest in the game is your time.

4) F2p gamers have a max of 15 tokens extra a day to be use for a total of 25 fights, considering you log and got 10 tokens that is.  if you win 12 and lose 12 you lose your time and accomplish nothing that day, you are in the same spot as you started, nothing changed, stall in the same point, not advance, no fun, you totally lose all your time and did  NOTHING! ...as you can see this really bugs me as this happens to me every day! or worse as my defense team gets wooped to oblivion

5) you also need a strong defense team, as if they lose , you will be de-ranking when you are not on, the next day you may start at bronze 1 hindering any progress you did the day before (I usually log at bronze 3 and  start the next in bronze 1 or 2 if i am lucky, what frigging progress will i get under this sircunstances?)

my current arena team is Kael lvl60, Warmaiden Lvl 51, Spirit host lvl 40 and Diabolis Lvl 40, leader Spirit host.

Arena is broken for newbies and that is a fact!

also i saw this today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8A16Mo2-i0 smh... Arena is broken beyond anything imaginable!  and there is no intention to fix it. But on the bright side... Can someone be so kind boost my team up to silver to finish the darn challenges/mission progress? my team name is Makanon, thank you...

22 фев. 2020, 21:0222.02.20
22 фев. 2020, 21:10(отредактировано)

Ok so alot of things to talk about here. First of all ppl need to understand that you cant expect to reach instant success. A game need a sense of progression.
You also forget that I started in Bronze II and on my way to silver I-II I have seen plenty of teams with one or no 6*. Ive even posted screenshots to prove it.

Another thing is to not be scared of the legendaries. Look at their star lvl and their affinity.

1) You can use Diabolist instead of Apothecary. She is even better at the role I use him for. Spirithost is also farmable. I chose Athel because I already had her at 5*. Warmaiden is better at Athels spot but I dont use her because she is too good at this point. So what Im saying here is that you could use these 3 farmable champs along with the starter to make a better team than mine. All you need to do is to follow the proper stat prio and get your starter up tp 60.

2) You might have missed that I have ONE of my 4 champs at 6*. The rest are 5*, 4* and 3*. One is even at lvl 6 to show that lvls on those 3 dont matter at all.

3) You dont have to lvl her, you dont have to ascend her past 3. You only need to gear her towards speed. Thats it. I thought I made all this clear in my OP.

4) I urge you to actually read my OP and you will understand what you need to do. I have taken a F2P setup that is waeker than a farmable one and I instantly climbed up to silver. With a few simple tweaks Ill try to get into gold.

5) With my setup I have been gaining rating in defense. Not loosing. Tomorrow Ill post an update and right now it looks like Ill start at a higher rating than I ended earlier today.

Arena might be in a wierd place but thats because of the incoming high end changes so you are not as affected as you think. If you are running that team and cant get into silver you are doing something wrong. Your team should be stronger than mine.

My team is 43k power and Im in silver II. If you need a number to convince you.

22 фев. 2020, 23:0322.02.20

yes i read, speedy teams works on sometimes,  i don't denial it,  but people now counter speed with defense and HP teams, you may hurt them a little in the start of the round, but round two you are done for.

I forgot to also mention another issue and is to find 4* 5* gear with good roll stats,  it's not easy to find 4-5 stars gear at the start of the game, I am farming brutal and still getting crappy 3 star grey gear, the game is designed to make you feel despair and in desperation invert real money for better gear. that is the point of this games really, and i get it!

my team is at 32K power, i only have 25 tokens a day to play arena, and i am stuck in bronze 3, RNG always put me to fight against hi end teams, and i don't have all the time (or gems) in the world to wait for it to put me against teams at my level, lately i just stop trying, i am resigned there is no go for it, i do my 5 quest fights (win or lose ...mostly lose)  and leave , because why bother really? i don't want to feel incompetent in a game that should be fun... maybe in a few month i am able to progress but not now at day 36.

By the way, with all respect, Its pretty easy to tell a noob "you are doing something wrong" well that is what noobs do! because we are NOOBS!  do things wrong, stall, get frustrated, get bored and shout to the 4 winds "Arena sucks! and is broken!" ...maybe even leave the game and play Tactics Ogre in a PSX emulator.  (well... that is what i do XD)

22 фев. 2020, 23:3622.02.20
This is one of the more informative threads here, whether you think arena is "broken" or not. As a fellow noob, I made so many mistakes. My starter hero is a great farmer, but I need to change elhain gear if I'm going to use in arena effectively. Upgrading and equipping the wrong artifacts really set me back. I'm slowly fixing my gear. I'm just barely in to silver 3 with 4 60s. Gorg, apo, zelotah or skullcrusher, elhain. My 3rd spot is a defensive, which helps me if I don't win in round 1 which is often. But I probably need to just use another offense and try and speedkill.
22 фев. 2020, 23:3722.02.20

I think this is about frustration. A few months back I did exactly this with pretty much exactly a team like I am using now. I felt it was hopeless to reach that silver mission goal but then I put the effort where it was needed.

When it comes to defensive teams. I have already said that they should be avoided unless they are lower that 6*. I am playing a F2P game when Im doing this test and no matter what I have always only had 15+regen coins to play with. lvl 4-5 gear is farmable in early-mid brutal which is where youll have to get to advance. Youll also get a few pieces of higher end gear from missions and the lik. You should be fine but dont expect progress will come without effort.

Idk what to say to you. You are only one month in. Progress will come and Im positive that youll make to silver if you just properly focus your effort.
22 фев. 2020, 23:5022.02.20

Trips said:

This is one of the more informative threads here, whether you think arena is "broken" or not. As a fellow noob, I made so many mistakes. My starter hero is a great farmer, but I need to change elhain gear if I'm going to use in arena effectively. Upgrading and equipping the wrong artifacts really set me back. I'm slowly fixing my gear. I'm just barely in to silver 3 with 4 60s. Gorg, apo, zelotah or skullcrusher, elhain. My 3rd spot is a defensive, which helps me if I don't win in round 1 which is often. But I probably need to just use another offense and try and speedkill.

Yes, speedkill is your friend and its a great budget way to climb. I made it into gold 4 with 1-2 6*s. HK (5*), Warmaiden (5*), Kael (6*), and a variety o 5-6 star rare nukers.. Sometimes only Kael as a nuker and spirithost for attack up.

I still havent bothered with anything defensive and Im normally at about 3100-3200.

Gorg is great, I doubt you actually need apothecary. Just get gorg up towards 200 speed and the rest to like 140, then warmaidenwith ACC and books and 2 nukers with one being Elhain. Elhain should be a great farmer in all Nuking gear.
22 фев. 2020, 23:5522.02.20

I would have liked to see this from a new account actually playing F2P starting with commons and uncommons and working up from there if the goal is to document what f2p pvp is really like.

With the following conditions

ignore any broken RNG draws on Shards.  Popping one of the few truly broken rare pvp characters as your first rare pop on a green shard and using it invalidates the exercise.

Ignore battle results during pvp events / tourneys.  People drop down in rank to get the 3 easy medals per pvp run for the tourney points during those events.
23 фев. 2020, 00:0123.02.20
23 фев. 2020, 00:12(отредактировано)

Diabolist, warmaiden, spirithost and starter. All farmable. There you go, a gold rank team and way better than what I am running in this test. Facts!
These are not very hard to get. Even for a F2P. Just dont expect things to be handed to you just because you want it. These champs are some of the best for their purpose and they are right there for you to get? No pulls needed, no money needs to be spent. Just get them!

I got to gold 4 with a worse team than that.

23 фев. 2020, 02:3923.02.20
Good job thread starter!
23 фев. 2020, 14:1423.02.20
23 фев. 2020, 15:39(отредактировано)

Betel Geuse said:

EDIT: Ehm why did you your post dissapear?

First off, I think you have missed the point of this test. There have been alot of threads and posts lately about Arena being broken for F2P. I have been trying to point out that its totally possible to climb the ranks even in the first 2 months. Then I have laid out a few key components as a minimum, in order to take a team past a set of goalposts. First goal is Silver which I have already passed with a minimum effort and investment. Second goalpost is to get into gold. If your read my OP you can see that debuffs such as Warmaidens might need a spot in the team if I am to get to gold.

So when it comes to Warmaiden the now proven fact is that I dont need her to reach into, what it looks like, mid silver. As for Athel you have already pointed out that she can be switched out for pretty much anything or just run with a 3 man team and still have a place in silver.

Again. Kael will stay where he is because he is better off in the Arena and as a farmer in early game. Pure and simple. Unless you get something better. For early CB you can safely run with Outlaw monks and you wont see much of a damage drop.

This test is not supposed to be optimal. If I can do it while messing up gear on Kael, completely unlveld gear, unleveld champs and a suboptimal comp, I have proven my point of even doing this test. Which is to follow a short set of priorities and you will profit.

My post disappeared because I deleted it.

I deleted it because I feel like you have misunderstood my intension on this thread.

I am aware of the threads which have been made by new F2P players - They say Arena is Broken.

I think they are all full of crap.

They just don't have a clue what they are doing.

So they make excuses on why they can't reach Gold.

I climbed to Gold 4 over year ago using the same team which you have recommended to use on this thread.

I have helped beginners in discord every day reach Gold 4.

I even have screen shots of players in Gold 4 with Similar Speed Nuking teams:

The reason I was being critical to you on this thread is because I was trying to remove the "excuses" F2P players have.

You are doing a team to climb to Gold 4.

A F2P player is looking at your rooster with 2 Starters when they only have 1 Starter.

There first reaction is your not F2P.

Your a P2P player who has pulled that second starter from a Shard.

At that point, They dismiss your entire post.

Your words are telling them they can reach Gold with a Farmable team, but your actions are using a team which isn't Farmable.

Which is sort of titling me - I am getting tilted because all your doing is strengthening their argument.

F2P players feel arena is broken - And they feel arena is only P2P.

What have you done to change there mind at all?

Show them what it is like to get crazy lucky from a shard?

Which is why I have been here telling you to use War maiden or Berserker so that you can reach gold with a 100% farmable team to shut them up once and for all.

But of course, You have refused to do it.

I tried to explain this to you, but than you responded with a load of nonsense as well.

I have came to the conclusion - you are hard headed like the beginners which you are trying to help.

But it is fine.

I am not going to worry about it.

When a F2P player comes to your thread, They are going to give you load of crap about your 2 starters.

First thing they will say - your thread isn't valid.

Your using 2 starters! 

P2P Maestro! 

Why stop at 2 starters Mega Whale?

Why not use Lord Shazar or some other Legendary like the other Whales?

That is what they will say - Go read the Forums the F2P players made about Arena.

That has been there entire argument from the beginning.

Relic keeper - Warmaiden - Berserker - So many different damage dealers for you to chose from to make your team.

You decide to use a hero they can't get.


Using 2 starters to climb to Gold 4, it isn't even necessary

You could do it with only 1 starter.

All that effort your doing!

It's all a waste because you didn't actually counter the arguments they presented to you.

You let your test slip through your finger tips over a non-important technicality 

23 фев. 2020, 17:0823.02.20

You also are not explaining what to do to get to at least silver, you only say get " 4* 5* gear" OF WHAT? What is the gear for each farmable Rare you are using? what are the great hall stats you are improving? you are not proving anything but bragging on how good you are.  Am sorry but that is how i see it still being stuck in bronce 3

to avoid defense teams, yeah right, tell that to RNG who always put those teams in my list. how long do i got to wait to a good selection?

you say in hard and brutal you can get 4* 5* gear, i get 3* grey gear and a bunch of crap , maybe i have the worst of luck in this game or is designed like this to annoy you and force you to be p2w.

there are no newbie guides, there only some you tubers, or previous poster, who scale up a year ago, when the game was new and without much effort THEN, things have changed, those same veterans de rank to bronze to have easy battles and complete missions or events, annoy new players! this is a problem nobody is addressing, they are ignoring this fact for their own convenience, isntead of fixing this, they bombard you with gear publicity to buy it, with the fatal flaw this gear have roll stats that may be even worst that flammable gear.

Arena is broken as it is and now, i am not full of crap for saying this, this is the true. if you denial this saying "you only got to try harder, yo wont acomplish anything her without effort" , it's not a valid statement for all what i have pointed out already.

23 фев. 2020, 17:3823.02.20
23 фев. 2020, 18:40(отредактировано)

Raven Fugazity said:

You also are not explaining what to do to get to at least silver, you only say get " 4* 5* gear" OF WHAT? What is the gear for each farmable Rare you are using? what are the great hall stats you are improving? you are not proving anything but bragging on how good you are.  Am sorry but that is how i see it still being stuck in bronce 3

to avoid defense teams, yeah right, tell that to RNG who always put those teams in my list. how long do i got to wait to a good selection?

you say in hard and brutal you can get 4* 5* gear, i get 3* grey gear and a bunch of crap , maybe i have the worst of luck in this game or is designed like this to annoy you and force you to be p2w.

there are no newbie guides, there only some you tubers, or previous poster, who scale up a year ago, when the game was new and without much effort THEN, things have changed, those same veterans de rank to bronze to have easy battles and complete missions or events, annoy new players! this is a problem nobody is addressing, they are ignoring this fact for their own convenience, isntead of fixing this, they bombard you with gear publicity to buy it, with the fatal flaw this gear have roll stats that may be even worst that flammable gear.

Arena is broken as it is and now, i am not full of crap for saying this, this is the true. if you denial this saying "you only got to try harder, yo wont acomplish anything her without effort" , it's not a valid statement for all what i have pointed out already.

I have provided all this info in every step of the way. In both text and with screenshots? The minimum effort you need to do is to actually read and look at pictures. If Im bragging or not is irrelevant. Just do it man!

There are many defensive teams yes. You dont have to fight everything you see. Fight what you can beat with your one setup and then wait to refresh.

Update incoming!

23 фев. 2020, 17:4623.02.20
23 фев. 2020, 17:51(отредактировано)



Ill try to respond in order here so here we go:

If I misunderstood your purpose its because you are arguing and not discussing. Whats up with the forum warrior vibe? Or maybe its because your only answer so far was about replacing Kael with Warmaiden, which is a bad idea.

You might have helped alot of ppl idk and if you have all power to you. But why would that in any way keep me from refuting a suggestion that wouldnt help in any way?

No the reason I do this is not to reach gold 4. Its to find out the minimum amount of effort I need to first reach silver and then gold.

Yes I initially use champs that needs to be pulled even though they are very commonly pulled. I have also mentioned what they can be replaced with in terms of farmable champs or even taken away and run a 3 team. In some cases the farmable replacements are better than what Im using. I have pointed this out multiple times. If ppl cant be arsed to actually read for a few minutes a few screenshots wont help them in any way.

I dont think you are tilted at all. You have been shifting your arguments alot and every time I have responded logically. With this I am picking up alot of dishonesty. Like you are here in a forum warrior capacity and not a vet in a constructive discussion.

Why am I hard headed like the beginners. All I have done is to explain why your suggestion was not a good one. You say that you are tilted, is that why?

To finish this post off before I send a new update Ill only say that yes I can make it silmpler to directly see why my initial team is easily replaceable with farmable champs and suggestion of champs. Thats why Ill edit my first post and point that out more clearly than I already have.


Update 4:

As for my next update. I actually determined that I hit somewhat of a cieling in Silver II. We all knew this would happen because I predicted it. Not to step 2 and I think you (PLAYER J) might appreciate what Ill use to advance further.

Step 2 consist of a slightly revised team. All farmable or given for free to all.

High Khatun (Lead) (given to everyone for free) - Full speed and no need for ascension, lvling or upgrading. Mine is at 5* and ascension 5 but that means nothing what so ever. For the sake of this test I use no jewelry one her.

Spirithost (farmable) - Full speed but all the best speed gear should be given to HK

Warmaiden (farmable) - Speed until she is faster than my nuker (Kael) but slower than Spirithost. After that focus on ACC. She should also be booked until lvl 4 in Crumbling blast. Should be easy enough and no worries she will serve well for a long time in many aspects of the game. Mine is just like my HK, 5* and ascended but none of it matters but make her 5*+ if possible. No jewelry.

Kael - Nothing has changed on this guy.

I thought Id lose rating overnight with the first team setup but I was wrong.

Fights taken: 20ish
Fights won: 14
Defense: A few points net gain

Just to prove that you can do the unexpected I add this screenshot. Wins against all 60s, legendaries and whatnot:

23 фев. 2020, 21:1023.02.20
23 фев. 2020, 21:11(отредактировано)

...you are not listening to what i am saying, or don't want to listen to what i am saying, or i am not using the correct words to express what i am saying, so i wont say anything more, other than Arena is broken for nwbies F2P players. ..am going to play ogre tactics on emulator, good night.

this is a dead end to me.

23 фев. 2020, 21:3123.02.20
  • I have given you all the tools you need to reach silver
  • The above is supported by the fact that I just did it with a F2P setup, in one day.

I have been listening to every word but --all the above-- makes your words ring false.
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