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All Dungeon should give us 2-3 Artifacts per completion

All Dungeon should give us 2-3 Artifacts per completion

20 фев. 2020, 20:4320.02.20

All Dungeon should give us 2-3 Artifacts per completion

Plarium, I know that you want players to play your game long enough to gain revenu, so by implementing 2-3 drops of artifacts from Ice golem, Dragon, Spider and fire knight will give the players motivation to keep playing. Having 1 drop per completion is very exhausting and demotivating please increase the number of drops in every dungeon also it would be nice to have an increase to Red and green scrolls in stage 15 minotaur. 
21 фев. 2020, 18:2521.02.20

What I would prefer is for the game to make XP Brew Drops & Green Shard Drops extra rewards.

I think doing a Dungeon run should guarantee players at least 1 gear piece.

I hate doing dungeon runs and getting an XP Brew or Green Shard drop with no gear piece at all.

No one is going to the Dungeon to get XP Brews or Green Shards.

I would just be happy knowing if I do a 5 min fight against the Spider.

I can at least get 1 gear piece.

XP Brews - Green Shards - Silver 

All of those things can just be add on rewards which don't mess up an entire run.

21 фев. 2020, 19:3321.02.20
Player J said:

What I would prefer is for the game to make XP Brew Drops & Green Shard Drops extra rewards.

I think doing a Dungeon run should guarantee players at least 1 gear piece.

I hate doing dungeon runs and getting an XP Brew or Green Shard drop with no gear piece at all.

No one is going to the Dungeon to get XP Brews or Green Shards.

I would just be happy knowing if I do a 5 min fight against the Spider.

I can at least get 1 gear piece.

XP Brews - Green Shards - Silver 

All of those things can just be add on rewards which don't mess up an entire run.

This is my thought.  so annoying doing dragon (when there's a tournament especially) and not getting an artifact after wasting 14+ energy.
22 фев. 2020, 20:2322.02.20
22 фев. 2020, 20:28(отредактировано)
I understand and respect your opinion but remember, you still have the RNG factor, so getting the stats you want or the specific Artifact is all on luck and getting 1 per completion doesn't make it any fun if you just keep getting terrible stats and not the set you're looking for. Gaining 2 or 3 per drop will not kill the purpose of the game it will just make it more enjoyable for the players who're tired of the tedious grind. 
23 фев. 2020, 15:2623.02.20

Beloved1 said:

I understand and respect your opinion but remember, you still have the RNG factor, so getting the stats you want or the specific Artifact is all on luck and getting 1 per completion doesn't make it any fun if you just keep getting terrible stats and not the set you're looking for. Gaining 2 or 3 per drop will not kill the purpose of the game it will just make it more enjoyable for the players who're tired of the tedious grind. 

I don't think anyone on this thread is disagreeing with you.

Helping players get 2-3 gear drops could help reduce the extensive gear grind this game has.

However, the reason I said my statement is because I don't believe plarium will do your suggestion.

I think they make a lot of money from players doing tons of dungeon runs.

So I think the comment I said would be more of a happy middle ground.

Some players do dungeons and are not even given 1 piece of gear.

They get XP brews or Green Shards - No gear at all

It seems to me like trying to tell the game to enable players the ability to get 2-3 pieces of gear when we don't even have the ability to guarantee 1 gear might be stretch.

Of course, it is wishful thinking

If you are going to dream, you might as well dream big.

Maybe, the game will do your suggestion.

We would have you to thank for the suggestion.

So yeah - its fine

I'll give you an upvote for your suggestion and you can continue on.

23 фев. 2020, 16:0923.02.20
23 фев. 2020, 16:31(отредактировано)

Hi, Guys!

Thanks for your suggestions, I'll send them to the devs.
25 фев. 2020, 19:4925.02.20
25 фев. 2020, 19:52(отредактировано)
Yeah you're definitely right they do make a lot of money off of players that do Dungeons runs constantly especially the addicted hardcore ones, but they can make more by increasing the drops numbers thus giving them even more reason to spend money on farming Dungeons and not only that F2p also can benefit from a change like this cause it lessens the "extensive grind" like you said for them which in conclusion makes everyone happy