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Crash at each dungeon (loss of energy)   FR Crash a chaques donjons (perte d energie)

Crash at each dungeon (loss of energy) FR Crash a chaques donjons (perte d energie)

20 фев. 2020, 06:5320.02.20

Crash at each dungeon (loss of energy) FR Crash a chaques donjons (perte d energie)

Bonjour à toutes & à tous j'ai un problème depuis l'ajout des multi-batailles sur les donjons, mon jeu plante constamment pendant les donjons donc je perd à chaque fois mon éventuel drop et surtout mon énergie, du coup je me retrouve à farm la campagne pour éviter que le jeu plante à chaque fois ! (Je joue sur Plarium PC) quelqu'un d'autre à rencontrer le même problème ? J'ai l'impression que le Plarium PC est loin d'être opérationnel (le moindre conseil je prend ^^)

Hello everyone, I have a problem since adding the season pass, on the dungeons, my game crashes constantly during the dungeons so I lose each time my possible drop and especially my energy, suddenly I find myself at farm the campaign to prevent the game from crashing every time! (I play on Plarium PC) someone else to experience the same problem? I have the impression that the Plarium PC is far from operational ( any advice i take^^)

20 фев. 2020, 12:4620.02.20
Yeah - I had same issue.
20 фев. 2020, 15:2420.02.20
I’ve had the same problem but crashing anytime: clan boss fight and so I lose the keys, dungeons and campaigns thus losing energy and even just upgrading items or looking at my champions. I crashed 5 times in a matter of 3 hours. And that’s across laptop, iPad and phone. It’s been like this since the new content drop.
20 фев. 2020, 16:5320.02.20
It's gotten really bad with the crashes after the battle pass launch. It was never this bad, but now I crash multiple times a day. Multibattle is almost useless because it only manages a few battles before it crashes.