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Does anyone have basic comp advice for CB or Arena?

Does anyone have basic comp advice for CB or Arena?

10 фев. 2020, 21:1210.02.20

Does anyone have basic comp advice for CB or Arena?

I don't want to bother people with putting in my people, but is there a general guideline? 

like... should you be building 1 heal, 1 def, 3 dps? or do you just load your best people in?

Do we know of any guides that help teach comp building for synergy? 


11 фев. 2020, 13:2311.02.20


I don't know if there are guides for this, I'm self-taught. If you need help, just post here your champions. :)
12 фев. 2020, 14:1212.02.20
Easy comp, spirithost, warmaiden, and kael. Have them attack in that order and you win
12 фев. 2020, 15:0612.02.20
12 фев. 2020, 15:22(отредактировано)

angelknight127 said:

Easy comp, spirithost, warmaiden, and kael. Have them attack in that order and you win

that doesn't work if the random generator puts you up level 60s  whose power level are over 50.000! all with full epics and legendary in bronze 1 - 3 tier, or have aura champions with haste aura greater than Spirithost.  maybe if they all are level 60, max out skills and mysteries but you can't beat lvl 60s and legendary as a newbie.

This are my newbie guides:


I notice that if you lose, lets say, 10 times in a row, (which happens often to me) the random generator puts you against champions that are at your level or below, but that means losing 10 Arena tokens.  the game is designed to make you feel miserable and helpless so you pay to win. so my advise as a f2p is to swallow your pride, keep losing and hope eventually the random selection will put you against your level of combat.

other thing to do is put a common level 1 as defense team so you always end in tier 1 bronze, but again everybody does that and you will fight against level 60 champions with legendary and epics full max out as Arena sucks!


Look at the CB affinity and chose champions oppose to that affinity, and never the ones weak against that affinity as they wont last but a turn, unless he is void, which you can choose anyone, try to make at least to the required tier of damage to gain something from it, even if it means using 2 keys,  (yes the damage is add up in two fights) if you can't make that damage, then there is really no point to fight against him, in that case farm up ranks, ascend and basically get stronger.

Take a healer a debuffer to remove poison, though haste buff helps a lot too,  and two nukers (champions who hit hard with one attack) with steal life, also someone or someone ones" who can effectively poison the darn thing as poison hits him harder than any of your puny champions attack.  CB will hit you harder as the combat continues so the key is to plant lots of poison at the beginning turns of the fight. Kael, the monk dude, warmaiden and any other who has a poison attack will be of great help.

Other thing you can do is when you select clan boss see how other clan members teams who made lots of damage and try to check them out on the clan index to see what they can do and if you can build a team with similar champions for that task.

My 2 cents to make arena better:

1) in bronze tier instead og gaining 10 points and lose the same, i think to win 3 points if you win a fight, lose 1 point if you lose will be better, this to feel some progress for the beginner ranks (bronze) , the more you fight you win the more you scale in the ranks. it will be a grinding but at least you will be fighting against people at your level who like you are all newbies and learning the ropes.

2) after you scale a rank you will stay in that rank (again beginners bronze 1-3) this mean after you reach bronze 2 you wont descend to bronze 1 ever again you will stall in bronze 2 till you rank up to 3 this to prevent people descending to bronze 1 and get easy wins against newbie teams.

3) after you reach bronze 3 you will stay in bronze 3 , even if you lose you stay in that tier, just like I explain above (this to make newbies fight against people of their rank and feel they are improving and after passing a rank the feeling of accomplishment means something and you will see here you will need to improve more to get to next rank but again you will fight and learn from newbies like you. you wont fight level 60, legendary with power level over 70K here.

I haven't reach silver to give my thoughts about that, so can't tell what happens there but a similar ranking system will be cool there as well, i am stall in bronze 2-3 still, because i can't win fights against level 60s legendary and epics and teams whose power level is over nine thousaAAAAand!

12 фев. 2020, 17:1712.02.20


Leader: Speed Aura 

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Speed Buff 

2nd move: Increase Attack 

3rd move: Decrease Enemy Defense 

4th move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

12 фев. 2020, 17:4212.02.20
Player J said:


Leader: Speed Aura 

1st move: Turn Meter Filler + Speed Buff 

2nd move: Increase Attack 

3rd move: Decrease Enemy Defense 

4th move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

Yeah thats the basic formula in a nut shell. 
12 фев. 2020, 17:5712.02.20

Hank McKannon said:

that doesn't work if the random generator puts you up level 60s  whose power level are over 50.000! all with full epics and legendary in bronze 1 - 3 tier, or have aura champions with haste aura greater than Spirithost.  maybe if they all are level 60, max out skills and mysteries but you can't beat lvl 60s and legendary as a newbie.

This are my newbie guides:


I notice that if you lose, lets say, 10 times in a row, (which happens often to me) the random generator puts you against champions that are at your level or below, but that means losing 10 Arena tokens.  the game is designed to make you feel miserable and helpless so you pay to win. so my advise as a f2p is to swallow your pride, keep losing and hope eventually the random selection will put you against your level of combat.

other thing to do is put a common level 1 as defense team so you always end in tier 1 bronze, but again everybody does that and you will fight against level 60 champions with legendary and epics full max out as Arena sucks!

That comp does work and it is easy to obtain. it fits the meta strategy. What you are talking about are people you should avoid fighting because you clearly do not have a viable comp yet. Once you can do a spped boost debuff armor and burst you can clear teams twice your power if your faster. Additionally your recommendation suggest not advancing and getting out of bronze is ideal for avoiding those high lvl afks. putting a low lvl single defense is meant for dropping ranks not gaining them. 

I'd suggest to you as well building a speed comp since you appear to be stuck in bronze too