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DracoGate2020 Resolution Idea

DracoGate2020 Resolution Idea

10 фев. 2020, 01:2110.02.20

DracoGate2020 Resolution Idea

Ok, so everyone is on fire over this DracoGate issue. We have a few fanboys (J) saying they see nothing wrong here and blah blah. But the community is still highly upset (myself included). There are many people who have spent money chasing champions in this game, and these people feel cheated right now. But how do we fix this and move forward? We know of a few times that Plarium has given Legendary Champions to players for whatever reasons they make. I know of three of the instances....

First let me say that many people are saying to just give everyone a Draco... Let's be real, that would just destroy the value of the character, so I dont think that's a good idea. 

Plarium should inbox everyone 3 "Uber Shards" that guarantee a Legendary Champion. This will allow the community compensation to be randomized and not flood the game with an over abundance of any one particular Legendary Champion. It allows everyone's favorite RNG to do its thing. 

Plarium shouldn't just inbox everyone a sacred shard.... after all it's like a 6% chance at a legendary, no, they gave these other people Legendary Champions, we the community should be afforded the same.

Seriously Plarium, if you do this, everyone having 3 new legendary champions will just breathe new life into the community. You might even motivate some spending to level, gear, ascend and mastery tree those newly acquired legendary champions.

Plarium, we have seen how you show love to these Content Creators and Whales, show the community some love and make good on this PR nightmare.

10 фев. 2020, 01:3310.02.20
I think this is a great idea!
10 фев. 2020, 01:3610.02.20
Fluffy Fumie said:

I think this is a great idea!
Thank you, hopefully the powers that be at Plarium think so too.
10 фев. 2020, 02:3610.02.20
Why I also like this idea, however I do believe these free champions could be considered game changing. Just guaranteeing everyone legendary champions isn’t good enough. What’s to say the user doesn’t pull low level champions. Would you be satisfied pulling yannica and Sethallia? I wouldn’t as I have pulled 2 of each already. I assume you have spent as money if not more than me on this game trying to get champions like draco, martyr, Valkyrie, bad el or any of the top tier champions. I don’t think just giving shards is good enough. I would say giving the community a choice of a top tier champion would be a grander idea. That’s just my two cents.
10 фев. 2020, 04:4910.02.20
10 фев. 2020, 04:50(отредактировано)
dpatterson said:

Why I also like this idea, however I do believe these free champions could be considered game changing. Just guaranteeing everyone legendary champions isn’t good enough. What’s to say the user doesn’t pull low level champions. Would you be satisfied pulling yannica and Sethallia? I wouldn’t as I have pulled 2 of each already. I assume you have spent as money if not more than me on this game trying to get champions like draco, martyr, Valkyrie, bad el or any of the top tier champions. I don’t think just giving shards is good enough. I would say giving the community a choice of a top tier champion would be a grander idea. That’s just my two cents.
I think giving the community a choice would be grand. But I'm going for a compromise with Plarium. I don't think they would inbox everyone a chest to click and open and choose your Legendary Champion. But I would be in favor of that. I actually have Sethallia, she is totally garbage... but at one point so was Draco.. so in my vault Sethallia shall stay. I just pulled Draco with an ancient shard 2 days ago. Those are the only 2 legendary champions I have and I've been playing this game for 18 months and have probably opened 20ish sacred shards and 300 to 400 ancient shards. My wife literally saved 100 ancient shards and 10 sacred and 10 void and the best she got was Alure. The RNG seems rigged at times.
10 фев. 2020, 08:2510.02.20
This is the dumbest thing I have read on the forums in a long time