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We invite you to discuss a very important topic.

We invite you to discuss a very important topic.

7 фев. 2020, 12:5607.02.20

We invite you to discuss a very important topic.

Hello English community. Yesterday there was an event that does not give us rest. Plyrium issued a retroactive gift to Cartman yesterday after the unsuccessful discovery of the fragments. During and after the discovery of the YouTube stream, he repeatedly spoke impartially about the Plarium. And after the stream do you know what? He was given Dracomorph. And this is during x10 at its opening. While many players were unable, including Cartman himself, to open Dracomorph, the Plarium gives him Dracomorph for no reason with the wording that he is a cool player.

We invite you to take part in the discussion of this situation at the Russian-language forum. There are all timecodes and many opinions on this subject. Please clarify the situation on your forum thread. Do not leave this situation to chance.


7 фев. 2020, 13:1707.02.20
7 фев. 2020, 13:21(отредактировано)

You ask us to take part in russian forum?

Please, can you explain your point of the topic? I can see there is a problem you address somewhere between the lines, but I can't get it. 
7 фев. 2020, 13:2207.02.20

Turn on Google Translate. Today we have something to read. Today our storm is very tough ...

7 фев. 2020, 13:5707.02.20


I'm sorry, I won't join Russian Section because there are Russian mods and I'm not one of them... but I invite you to discuss in English Section, if you want, so I can reply to your posts. :)
7 фев. 2020, 14:0007.02.20

Today you saw an ad from a community manager about a gift to Cartman. The problem is that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Those who know the situation from the inside are now indignant in our forum. We believe that you should also know the situation. We are very interested in your opinion on this matter.

7 фев. 2020, 14:0907.02.20

I'm following this situation on the official server on discord. I know what happened and I don't agree with Plarium.

I'm with you, guys and I hope they'll give us (I'm a player first of all) something good.
7 фев. 2020, 14:1607.02.20

I want to tell you that personally I do not share the point of view that you need to ask for something. I believe that such situations on the part of the Plarium should not have been from the very beginning. Therefore, the maximum repost of the situation should encourage the leadership of the Plarium not to do so anymore. Not only Russian-speaking players should know about the true background.

7 фев. 2020, 15:0307.02.20

Ok, since @МЕНЗОБЕРРАНЗАН and Google translate both can't or don't want to explain the situation, can anyone do it insted? 

Some guy got lego from Plarium, I get it. Why him, why do they give something to someone, why this is a big problem (I see it's a problem by reading your posts, but I am curious what is your point of view).

I can understand russian, it's close enough to my native language, but since you already open topic here, maybe you will take time to explain the details? 

7 фев. 2020, 15:3107.02.20
Stew and Darth also make a video about it. 
7 фев. 2020, 15:5107.02.20

Still no update i am tired of this game just walking all over us 

I watched stew had on a 11 year old kid who loves raid go though 10 sacreds and 80 blues all he had to show for it was a steal skull yet they can give a guy who has almost everything a draco come on it broke my heart that the kid got nothing

7 фев. 2020, 16:2407.02.20
7 фев. 2020, 16:27(отредактировано)

It will be very difficult to express my opinion through a translator but I will try. In my opinion, a violation occurred on the part of some representatives of the Plarium yesterday (by the way, this one did not express a desire to explain his decision himself). As you already know, there is a player who has already closed the Faction Wars. He officially made this the very first one (as for me quite rightly considering his collection of heroes). Also, shortly before this, the player received an interview with Cyrilla, where he warned that he would close this content soon and asked what they could give him for it. Cyrilla did not promise anything concrete, but recalled that according to their rules, they no one give out any heroes for no reason. After the end of the Faction Wars 01/30/2020 Cartman announced this and received 3 sacred fragments as a reward (which in my opinion is very modest for such an event). 02/06/2020 The Plarium announced an increase in the chance of Dracomorph falling out. Cartman did not have enough for the collection of this hero. He decided to try to get this hero on his own. At the beginning of the discovery, he had 100 ancient fragments, 5 sacred and 18376 rubies. Having spent all this on discoveries, he got 3 legendary heroes. But not Dracomorph. During the stream, it was clear that he was very very disappointed with this situation. There were a lot of curses in the direction of the Plarium. In the end, he threatened to stop donating to the game. On the same day, after the stream went to Youtube, representatives of the Plarium contacted him and gave him Dracomorph with the wording 1) that he is a very good player; 2) the fact that he is the first player to close the Faction Wars. And all this happened on 02/06/2020. At that moment when many like him opened the fragments and many like him did not get Drakomorf honestly. Personally, I have no claims to Cartman, but I and the entire community of the Russian Raid have a lot of claims to the Plarium in this regard.

I will leave a couple of links to more or less adequate comments on this subject:
























7 фев. 2020, 17:1807.02.20

Thank you for taking your time to explain the situation in details. I appreciate that. Meanwhile I also have done my research around the Net to gather more info, as this seems important.

In the light of all that, and from my experience from the last 6 months, I am more than ever convinced that Plarium doesn't have a clue now to create and keep strong and healthy relationship with his community. Or more likely doesn't care.

7 фев. 2020, 17:5207.02.20

So if I understand this correct, you tubber had the same chance everyone else had during the event and didn't get the one lego he really wanted.  Now this person apparently finished all of the faction wars content, first, before any other player, which means he already has a blatantly overpoqwered roster for every faction and has zero need of anything in the game.

He bitched and whined about it on his channel, which makes Plarium look bad and potentially costs plarium new subscribers and he is gifted the lego he wanted.

Meanwhile I have people in my clan who quit the game during an earlier shard event because after months of playtime, saving every shard and opening them during the 2 events they don't have a single friggen lego.

Plarium -

Ban the player & Ban/fire whoever gave him the lego

Take lego from player

Give everyone free lego of there choice (he got to pick draco, everyone should get to pick)

Your choice.
7 фев. 2020, 17:5507.02.20
there is only one thing i have to say about that if not every player gets draco until tomorrow i dont care about the game anymore
8 фев. 2020, 04:4408.02.20
Sakuto said:

there is only one thing i have to say about that if not every player gets draco until tomorrow i dont care about the game anymore
Sadly, they can't give Draco to everyone...
8 фев. 2020, 05:0408.02.20
It does seem like the only compensation that players would find equal would either be a legendary, an epic of the players choosing or possibly Multiple legendary tomes. I think the company does need to think about its player base and not its upper tier. 
8 фев. 2020, 07:5808.02.20

Valdys said:

Sakuto said:

there is only one thing i have to say about that if not every player gets draco until tomorrow i dont care about the game anymore
Sadly, they can't give Draco to everyone...

Oh, but actually, they can.  Its just a digital game.... Its definitely within the realm of possibility. It's not like Plarium is selling tangible widgets and they literally can't give everyone a widget.  They most definitely CAN give everyone a Draco, or a Legendary of their choice, as was done for this particular person. AND THEY SHOULD DO THAT. They didn't give him draco because he completed the faction wars, they gave him 3 sacred shards for being the first to complete faction wars. They gave him the Draco because he was badmouthing Plarium's complete GARBAGE rng that is designed to suck your bank account dry, he was threatening to quit.  Plarium freaked out because they were about to lose an influencer and gain some seriously bad PR.

There is almost no way for Plarium to recover from this WITHOUT giving everyone a legendary of their choice. My clan leader just announced that there was a Boycott against Plarium, and the reason for this.  I had no idea this Dracogate was going on until our clan leader told us what happened today on discord. Easy for me to boycott, I have been free to play from the beginning because the prices of the items are outrageous for what you get. But... Just so you know... there has been a mass call for boycott because this situation has brought to light other situations... like when Plarium gave someone a Mountain King just so he could make a video about it....

Apparently Plarium has been giving away legendaries to influencers for free for a while now.  All the while posting responses to complaints about how they "can't interfere with the laws randomness."  Well, we know now that they absolutely CAN interfere with the laws of randomness, and they WILL.

8 фев. 2020, 08:0608.02.20
Valdys said:

Sakuto said:

there is only one thing i have to say about that if not every player gets draco until tomorrow i dont care about the game anymore
Sadly, they can't give Draco to everyone...
They "can't " or they won't.   I'm sure they can...
8 фев. 2020, 09:3108.02.20
Exactly, guys, they won't. :)
8 фев. 2020, 09:3608.02.20
i got draco today from a weekly free ancient shard after I have transferred the clan leadership to my clan member.  I was not able to obtain any good champions after cracking 15 sacred shards and 100+ ancient shards and around 40 void shards throughout several summon events.  How ironic !!!
8 фев. 2020, 21:3208.02.20
8 фев. 2020, 21:34(отредактировано)

Samurai King said:

i got draco today from a weekly free ancient shard after I have transferred the clan leadership to my clan member.  I was not able to obtain any good champions after cracking 15 sacred shards and 100+ ancient shards and around 40 void shards throughout several summon events.  How ironic !!!

I have a story for you to. It was during the Draco x10 event, when I receive a call from my friend, who is also my clan buddy. He told me that he pulled Draco from his weekly blue shard. He is a kind of guy that use every single shard the moment he gets them. Like don't even bother to wait two or tree days. He told me to pull my 10 blue shards, because I am about to pull Draco too. Yeah, sure! But he is a funny guy, a troll of some kind, and he contact me in game later on and tell me to pull my shards as I'm going to get Draco too, but i need to buy him a drink when i pull it.

Now, I'm opposite of him. I do keep my shards for best possible time and there maybe times when I pull some random blue here and there, but generally i do try not to be impulsive on that. Especially when there is a fusion coming or major patch. And i do thing that for f2p player event like x10 specific champion is is bad time to pull.

But as we speak in clan chat and I switch to observe my 10 blue shards I somehow impulsively click on that big stupid yellow button [Summon x10], deceived by my friends talk. Very, very stupid move. I know what x10 for specific champion means in term of chance. The same "never get it 0.5% chance". And still click on it out of nowhere. And between all those blue 3* chickens i got one damn Dracomorph. Like, real Dracomorph. With wings and all. One f***g Dracomorph among 9 blur chickens.This wasn't supposed to happen, but it does. It was against all the odds, but still...

And then clan chat explode and people, who read our conversation, was WFT! Some of them, stupid enough like me, pulled their shards and, as you can imagine, they got nothing. But my brand new Draco was there, smiling at me among those 9 rares. And my friend insist that he deserve his drink, thou I never agreed to buy him a drink.

Now I am in hard spot. Do i need to buy him a drink, as i never promised him one or should I be nice guy and buy him some?

My point is (keep in mind, this is a real story, I share its short version under one of Hell Hades videos with the same broken English like here), but my point is that - we all have our good, bad and exalted moments with Raid Shadow Legends. I have got my 10 sec. of joy, while many others got disappointed like i was yesterday and will be tomorrow. Until next time game brings me something to make me feel good. We don't need someone to add extra disappointment and frustration beyond game itself by making stupid decisions, acting dishonestly and pretend it's OK. Yes, I have Plarium in mind when i say that.