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Valla - Crush the Wall skill??

Valla - Crush the Wall skill??

15 янв. 2020, 06:2415.01.20

Valla - Crush the Wall skill??

This skill does not have a percentage to proc on removing enemy shield buffs. I have fought multiple battles in Arena and not 1 shield is being removed....I can understand a resist in play here but not 1, not 1 shield buff is getting removed. It would be different if it worked half the time or something.  Please fix this or change the skill to of a percentage of working. 

Fyi my Acc is around 80. So its not like it's at 0. 

15 янв. 2020, 07:0915.01.20

Her percentage to proc is 100% so it's weird if she doesn't remove enemies' shield. Could you post a video, pls?

15 янв. 2020, 14:5515.01.20

If you look before i attack with Valla and use the Crush the wall skill, They all have shields. The next photo shows that one Decrease defense as been proc'ed but all still have shields. Is this a bug? because I thought this would be a huge advantage with Valla using this skill in battles just like this. 
15 янв. 2020, 14:5715.01.20
there is another champ like that. it says shields but it needs to say abillity shields and not gear shields :D
15 янв. 2020, 14:5815.01.20
visotham said:

If you look before i attack with Valla and use the Crush the wall skill, They all have shields. The next photo shows that one Decrease defense as been proc'ed but all still have shields. Is this a bug? because I thought this would be a huge advantage with Valla using this skill in battles just like this. 
This is becasue those are not shields for defence they are shields granted by the 30% hp gain from the artifacts they are wearing
15 янв. 2020, 23:0615.01.20
I have a similar issue with her at the magic keep. It always works the first time around. However, subsequent uses of the skill will not work. Not even a “Resisted” appears.
16 янв. 2020, 14:3416.01.20

Can we get confirmation from a Moderator? And if that is the case, can they update the Skill to say Ability Shields or Casted Shields, not Gear Shields. But to me a Shield buff is a shield buff, should be removed if this is a special Ascended skill. 

Please confirm and fix!
17 янв. 2020, 09:0517.01.20

Hi, Guys

Yeah, at the moment her skill works only on ability shields, but devs are working on it, so this type of skills will work on gear shield too.
20 янв. 2020, 15:0420.01.20
I'm happy to hear that. Will this be on the next patch?
20 янв. 2020, 16:3020.01.20
20 янв. 2020, 16:31(отредактировано)
visotham said:

I'm happy to hear that. Will this be on the next patch?
I don't know atm, but I'll write it here.
12 фев. 2020, 02:5612.02.20
bochen said:

I have a similar issue with her at the magic keep. It always works the first time around. However, subsequent uses of the skill will not work. Not even a “Resisted” appears.
I can corroborate this, though for me it doesn't even work the first time; it simply never removes a shield in Magic Keep (Stage 9).
12 фев. 2020, 11:0912.02.20

prancingninny said:

bochen said:

I have a similar issue with her at the magic keep. It always works the first time around. However, subsequent uses of the skill will not work. Not even a “Resisted” appears.
I can corroborate this, though for me it doesn't even work the first time; it simply never removes a shield in Magic Keep (Stage 9).

somehow it DOES seem to work if you don't use the skill in round one and let the Guardian use her "buff everything AND add a Shield" skill. After that Valla seems to (sometimes, not Always which again is super annoying) remove both shields. The initial Shield the Guardian has AND the newly casted Shield :).

It's just super annoying if it Fails (even though it shoudln't …)
12 фев. 2020, 12:2912.02.20
12 фев. 2020, 14:24(отредактировано)

Vella is not as good as Warmaiden when it comes to % debuff defense down, for being an epic and not being able to defense down like or better than Warmaiden is simply inexcusable.

Also maybe a bit too much to ask but I notice  she lose a turn guarding up, will be good if she could guard (shield) and then attack like Athel does and many other champions do; or at least guard up and get a boost in her turn meter so she don't lose and entire turn doing so.

Basically Vella will rock with a greater % chance to decrease defense like or better than warmaiden, and if she didn't lose an entire turn guarding up her shields. because by the time her turn is back she probably already lose the shield making the effect of putting it up useless.

Other things to make her better could be is if she could share damage with another party member who is almost dead like cover and counter, and or have a passive provoke that triggers if a ally is about to die so the next hit will be on her and not the ally about to die.

Or maybe grant the ability to shield all party members for one turn.  because in arena she is the last one standing but her damage is not as much to win any fight. (unless you mastery her up i guess?)

12 фев. 2020, 14:3212.02.20

Why was this not fixed in this patch?! It surely is not that difficult to modify this skill to actually remove all shields including gear sets. 

Is this still in development? 
1 апр. 2020, 16:2501.04.20
What's the deal with this? This skill is still not working properly. Moderator said she would update here, but I haven't seen a response yet.
2 апр. 2020, 03:3302.04.20
2 апр. 2020, 03:43(отредактировано)

hope Vella gets reworked because she sucks as she is right now.

what will make Vella awesome?

"Crush the wall" should, as her skill says, removes ALL shields , even those put up by artifacts.

"Fortify core" SHOULD grant and extra turn like  Athel "Higher Blessing" isntead of giving 50% + turn meter, as how it is now she lose a 1/2 turn only shielding up wile the enemy is killing everyone; OR BETTER! make "fortify core" shield all  comrades and herself and not only her as it is now.  I mean, if she is a defense type champion she should defend her squishy allies.

"Brake the wall" should have 60% (book up to 90%) chance to apply a 60% defense down, almost like war maidens "Crumbling Blast"  she is an Epic for crying out loud.  I get WM is superior on def down, because she has the disadvantage is a Attack type champion and she is very squishy and wont last long, but raise Vallas' chances to defense down, please make her worth it to even put WM on the bench.

"Piercing Blade" should  ignore Defense, shields, and anything related to defense, plus the 15% increase damage on those with this buffs on. that axe looks like a heavy muthafugga! should do heavy damage. Just saying.

Her aura should grand Defense in all battles not only Arena, because she is a defense type champion and should defend, who thought was a good idea to make her aura resistance ONLY in Arena? when Arena Speed and defense is like, everything? 

Make Valla Epic! please.

2 апр. 2020, 06:4502.04.20
Roblakov said:

What's the deal with this? This skill is still not working properly. Moderator said she would update here, but I haven't seen a response yet.
Because Idk yet when they'll fix it.
25 май 2020, 13:5425.05.20
Let’s talk about making certain champions so waaaay op.  A level 1 6 star valla 15k power Just singled handedly wiped my 5 person 67k power 2 legendary Team.  this game sucks and you guys suck  for allowing such rediculousness.  That’s absolutely obscene.  She’s not even max level yet.  Just got to 6 star.  This game is broken and you guys need to fix it.  Absolutely rediculous!!