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Fix hero Deathless

Fix hero Deathless

7 янв. 2020, 20:3007.01.20

Fix hero Deathless

Hi this is my second post about epic Hero from knight revenant, spirit, Deathless. Her A3, Grim Revenge, is broken.


Above is a link to YouTube video of my deathless bug in arena. 

Once one or more of her allies dies her attack is supposed to deal increased damage. But once you ascend her to 4 star ascension, her attack all ememies A3, Grim Revenge, does not only do zero damage but plays no animation at all and essentially wastes her turn then the enemy team gets their turn after not being damaged at all. This skill is broken only once one or more of her allies die once she is ascended. 

How to recreate the bug:

1. Ascend Deathless to 4 star ascension to make her A3 AOE skill “always critical”. 

2. Take her into arena or campaign with 3 allies that will easily die (Three- 3 star level 1s will work) 

3. Let the emery attack and kill at least 1 of her allies. 

4. On her 1st turn use her 3rd skill: Grim Revenge. AOE. [the skill won’t work no matter what turn order you use it in just want to have it used first to ensure recreating the bug before she is killed.]

5. Watch the name of the skill float up, and NOTHING ELSE HAPPEN. 

If there is anything I can do to help fix this please let me know. I now have a hero that I cannot properly use that I have A LOT of resources into. Please fix Deathless. 

7 янв. 2020, 22:2907.01.20

Thanks for the heads up.  Sadly, Deathless is fairly worthless anyway.  Her kit is too useless in arena.  It's dependent on her being the last one alive, which means you need a ton of defense on her.  Conversely, the only way she can be useful is with a TON of crit damage on her.  So, you give her a ton of crit damage, but then she dies long before anyone else does, or you give her a ton of defense, but then she won't hit hard.

Either way, no matter what you do with her, she is fairly worthless.  Someone who relies on all your champions dying to be useful is not useful in dungeons, nor Faction Wars, nor anywhere else but arena.  And again in arena, you just can't build her right to take advantage of it.  It would take a VERY special composition to make her useful.  Possibly with two souldrinkers with low hp (they put bombs on enemies when they die), and someone who can rez Deathless if she dies but JUST her (Maulie, Razlin, etc.).  Even then, that would only be useful on a manual run, NOT on defense, as you'd have no way to control who your rez champion will bring back on your defense.

My advice is just put her in your vault and use someone else that is more well-rounded.  I used to use her when I was in silver arena.  Coming from someone who is now in Platinum, she is holding you back.
7 янв. 2020, 22:2907.01.20
This is a known bug, they're working on it. 
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