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Should I buy the masteries or grind it out

Should I buy the masteries or grind it out

7 янв. 2020, 00:1707.01.20

Should I buy the masteries or grind it out

My current CB team has stagnated to around 5mil damage a key. I am considering buying the rest of the scrolls I need to finish their masteries but I'm afraid I've grinded too far to get an value from the purchase.  I'm currently on mino 13 with kael, juliana, zavia, valerie, and rea who I bought all the scrolls for when she hit 60.

Kael is 400/950

Juliana is 200/950

Zavia is 950/950

Valerie is in tier 2

Coldheart is tied 1

I also an occult brawler and skullcrusher on the back burner.

Any help would be appreciated. 

7 янв. 2020, 02:5207.01.20
I don't think it's worth buying masteries, it's mostly a "whale thing", maybe for the players who don't have so many time to farm.
7 янв. 2020, 04:1807.01.20
7 янв. 2020, 04:20(отредактировано)

I bought 2 so far, and I am not a whale at all (spent a total of $10 on the game, likely won't spend any more). It really jump started my CB team, and it can be a LONG grind.

Kael benefits a LOT from maxing out masteries, though OTOH you have him much further along than I did when I bought his masteries. 
7 янв. 2020, 04:4207.01.20
7 янв. 2020, 04:44(отредактировано)

I think a long grinding is better than use 800 gems to buy masteries, but it's just my opinion.

Btw you should farm mino with 1 hero, max him and then add the other champs.
7 янв. 2020, 07:0707.01.20
Getting your Mino team done seems insane at first but once it's done, it's done.  I would recomend spending a couple weeks dedicating all energy to Mino once you can auto level 11 or 12.  Once you get good heros doing 15 is really easy, but I would start once you can do 11. Before that not sure it's worth it