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Another Clan boss team, who do I 6 star next thread

Another Clan boss team, who do I 6 star next thread

23 дек. 2019, 22:3223.12.19

Another Clan boss team, who do I 6 star next thread

Current clan boss team: High Khatun (50), Seeker (50), Kael (60), Coldheart (50), Galek (60)

Current Arena Team: High Khatun, Seeker, Kael, Galek (Kael replaced Zargala; eventually I'd like to sub Zargala back in for Galek, better synergy and balance)

Kael & Galek are fully booked, Coldheart almost so, Seeker, High Khatun and Zargala only partially booked, I've been using my rare books mainly on seeker recently.

Other quality heroes include: Zargala (50), Apothecary (5 star, 43), Elhain (40), Miscreated Monster (40), Frostbringer (40), Sikira (40), Romero (40), Reinbeast (30), Yaga (23). Most of them not booked at all, Zargala and Apothecary have a couple of books.

I also have 3 more 5 star heroes - Warpriest, Basilisk and War Mother - none of whom are really candidates to six star or to return to my CB or Arena teams. Wasted books on the first 2 unfortunately.

Galek is my campaign farmer, can solo everything in brutal.

Who next to 6 stars, and what should I be aiming for in terms of my CB team?

23 дек. 2019, 22:4923.12.19
You should aim for T6 on every champ fighting against CB. Apo and Coldheart are definately worth leveling.
24 дек. 2019, 15:0824.12.19

Thanks. A few more questions:

-High Khatun isn't that highly rated for CB, but the speed boosts seem to be good for CB, and when I tried to sub in Apothecary for her (granted he was not fully leveled/ascended) I did less damage.

-I'm looking specifically for advice regarding the best synergy for CB with my heroes.

-should I get a Lifesteal set for Coldheart? She dies too quickly in CB to maximize her damage. Of course getting her to 6 stars would help there.

24 дек. 2019, 20:0524.12.19
24 дек. 2019, 22:00(отредактировано)

You Arena Team should probably be the following:

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura

1st move: High Khatun - Turn Meter + Speed Buff

2nd move: Seeker - Turn Meter + Increase Attack

3rd move: Zargala - Decrease Enemy Defense

4th move: Galek - AOE Damage Dealer

As for your Clan Boss team, Your set up is horrible.

All of the below heroes should be removed from your Clan Boss team.

  • High Khatun
  • Seeker
  • Coldheart
  • Galek

I will give you a Break Down for Clan Boss.

I believe a successful Clan Boss Team should strive to have the below skills:

Critical Skills for Clan Boss 

1. Decrease Attack 

2. Decrease Defense 

3. Weaken 

4. Poison / HP Burn 

5. Speed Tuning (Team Counter Attack Hero) or Speed Lapping (Team Turn Meter Filling Hero)


Bonus Skills for Clan Boss 

6. Healer 

7. Shielder 

8. Debuff Extender 

9. Increase Defense 

10. Ally Protection

Your Clan Boss team should strive to have heroes who can do each 1 of these things.

It isn't going to be easy to get a team of 5 heroes to have all of these things.

However, the goal would be to get as many as you can.

You should start with the top 5 skills which are most critical.

Than you can move downward and pick up other stuff as you can.

So after looking at my list + comparing it to your heroes which you told me about.

I have come up with the following Clan Boss team:

  • War Mother ------> Decrease Attack ----------------------> #1 Skill 
  • Zargala -----------> Decrase Defense + Weaken ------> #2 + #3 Skills
  • Kael ---------------> Poison -----------------------------------> #4  Skill 
  • Apothacury ------> Speed Lapping + Healing ----------> #5 + #6 Skills
  • Miscreated M. --> Shields + Ally Protection ------------> #7 + #10 Skills

This is the team set up I would try out for your Clan Boss.

You want to make your team move 2 times before the Clan Boss takes a move. 

Here are what my estimated Clan Boss Speed Amounts are:

Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss moves at 190 Speed

Nightmare Clan Boss moves at 170 Speed

Brutal Clan Boss moves at 150 Speed 

Hard Clan Boss moves at 130 Speed 

Normal Clan Boss moves at 110 Speed 

Easy Clan Boss moves at 90 Speed 

Here are what my estimated Clan Boss Speed Amounts are for Players trying to Speed Tune:

Ultra Nightmare - Your team should move between 191 - 209 Speed 

Nightmare - Your team should move between 171 - 189 Speed 

Brutal - Your team should move between 151 - 169 Speed

Hard - Your team should move between 131 - 149 Speed 

Normal - Your team should move between 111 - 129 Speed 

Easy - Your team should move between 91 - 109 Speed 

Here are what my estimated Clan Boss Speed Amounts are for Players trying to Speed Lap: 

Ultra Nightmare - Your team should move between 211 - 229 Speed  

Nightmare - Your team should move between 191 - 209 Speed  

Brutal - Your team should move between 171 - 189 Speed 

Hard - Your team should move between 151 - 169 Speed  

Normal - Your team should move between 131 - 149 Speed  

Easy - Your team should move between 111 - 129 Speed 

Here are what my estimated Clan Boss Resistance Amounts are: 

Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss - 230

Nightmare Clan Boss - 170

Brutal Clan Boss - 120

Hard Clan Boss - 80

Normal Clan Boss - 50

Easy Clan Boss - 30

Here are what my estimated Clan Boss Accuracy Amounts are which you will need:  

Ultra Nightmare Clan Boss - 240

Nightmare Clan Boss - 180

Brutal Clan Boss - 130

Hard Clan Boss - 90

Normal Clan Boss - 60

Easy Clan Boss - 40

24 дек. 2019, 20:4524.12.19
24 дек. 2019, 20:47(отредактировано)

Thanks .. and the implication is that Zargala should be my next 6 star, which was kind of my plan anyway.

On a side note, far from conclusive since I had not been gearing, booking, etc. the relevant heroes to the same extent as my more frequently used heroes, I tried your suggested CB team with ... mixed results. Damage on normal was down from 3.8 million to 2.7 million. But I'm not disputing your advice - more gearing/staring/leveling, etc., of those heroes should make a big difference. Miscreated Monster and Apothecary, in particular, have a long way to go. 

In the short run, until Miscreated Monster and Apothecary are significantly stronger, I'm going to sub Galek and High Khatun back in for them & see where my damage is.

Edit - I've been saving all of my legendary books (6 or 7) for when I get one of the good legendaries - should I spend some on War Mother?

24 дек. 2019, 21:2924.12.19
24 дек. 2019, 21:31(отредактировано)

You gave me a choice between 15 heroes only. 

I selected 5 which I thought were the best to fill the roles of Clan Boss which I needed them to fill.

It is impossible for me to know:

  • All the gear on your heroes
  • All the levels on your heroes
  • All the ascension stars on your heroes
  • All the tome investment on your heroes

I can't take any of the above things into consideration when I make my 5 choses.

I have to make my selection on the assumption all heroes are on an even playing field.

As for your recommendation to replace Miscreated Monster & Apothecary, It is a horrible idea.

You can't replace Miscreated Monster with Galek.

Miscreated Monster is bringing Shields + Ally Protection to the Clan Boss Team.

Galek doesn't do Shields or Ally Protection??

Surely, you are joking.

Galek only provides Decrease Defense.

You have Zargala as your Decrease Defense + Weaken hero.

The only hero you can replace for Galek is Zargala, but you will miss out on the Weaken.

Trading Apothecary for High Khatun????


Apothecary is providing you Speed Lapping + Heals.

High Khatun is only providing you Speed Lapping.

What a horrible replacement.

If you wish to destroy your Clan Boss Team, You can go right ahead.

Who am I to stop you?