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Hour long stale mate

Hour long stale mate

23 дек. 2019, 19:3223.12.19

Hour long stale mate

I am not entirely sure if I can add pictures or how to do so, but I have screenshots of an hour long stalemate I found myself in. Entering the spirit keep to farm some potions, I found myself at stage 10. Three of my team had died by the second minute, but I have Sniper, 6* ascended and level 42, wearing 4 pieces of the life steal set. Of course the Spirit Keep boss regenerates 50% of her health at the beginning of each turn. With only one Champion, I couldn't deal enough damage to depleat it below half, but did enough damage that it always replenished my own Champions health. An hour into the battle, I figured I would message my partner and tell him (also an avid Raid player), unfortunately rather than the game pausing, the app had restarted and thus the battle ended. So I never got to see how long the battle could actually last. 

Just a little story I thought you'd all might find a little entertaining. 

23 дек. 2019, 22:0223.12.19
A Stalemate means you lost.
26 дек. 2019, 15:2426.12.19
It's for entertainment value ;) 
16 март 2020, 20:0116.03.20
You lasted longer than I did. I gave up at just over 30 minutes. Now I'm here looking for a better combination . Any ideas anyone?
16 март 2020, 20:1116.03.20
Grizzled jarl and frostbringer have heal reduction
17 март 2020, 06:2317.03.20

chantellh98 said:

It's for entertainment value ;) 

You will probably experience this sort of entertainment when you battle opponent in Arena, which neither you or he can end the battle. Most of the time you will end up rage quitting the battle (this is where entertainment start to lose value :)) but you will find comfort in thinking that someone else is probably having the same fun with your team.

Btw, on a serious note, i think there is a... i don't know how to explain it in english, but there is a some sort of soft cap of possible turns and/or maybe maximum time, to prevent that sort of loop.Something like that.