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Giant Slayer broken

Giant Slayer broken

28 нояб. 2019, 10:4428.11.19

Giant Slayer broken

Now I've had some experience with Foli and GS talent on the clan boss, and this is what I noticed in the recent couple of days. Usually Foli did 4.5M damage on boss 4, and that looked reasonable. Now he constantly yields ~2.5M only, and it's easy to see why - GS simply doesn't proc as it used to and as it is supposed to. The description says that there is a 30% chance to proc off any hit - hence the chance of missing is 70%, and it's quite simple to calculate that the chance of missing all 4 hits is 0.7^4 - around 24%. That's one out of four times, and not 3-4 times in a row, which is exactly what I see now all the time. It is hard to believe that it is just a statistical spike - I observed over 10 long fights, and the damage is now about twice as low as it used to be just a week ago. The only reasonable explanation is that the devs tampered with the numbers without telling the players. The description still says 30%, while the real proc chance is now lower. Well, great job, but people are not totally blind and ignorant, just FYI.
28 нояб. 2019, 10:5628.11.19

alexvst123 said:

Now I've had some experience with Foli and GS talent on the clan boss, and this is what I noticed in the recent couple of days. Usually Foli did 4.5M damage on boss 4, and that looked reasonable. Now he constantly yields ~2.5M only, and it's easy to see why - GS simply doesn't proc as it used to and as it is supposed to. The description says that there is a 30% chance to proc off any hit - hence the chance of missing is 70%, and it's quite simple to calculate that the chance of missing all 4 hits is 0.7^4 - around 24%. That's one out of four times, and not 3-4 times in a row, which is exactly what I see now all the time. It is hard to believe that it is just a statistical spike - I observed over 10 long fights, and the damage is now about twice as low as it used to be just a week ago. The only reasonable explanation is that the devs tampered with the numbers without telling the players. The description still says 30%, while the real proc chance is now lower. Well, great job, but people are not totally blind and ignorant, just FYI.

Hey hey

Giant slayer can heavy be affected by RNG, the recent upgrade to the battle system has improved a lot of things like champions now using moves that once they never did(one of my champions is doing slightly more damage), from my experience I haven't personally seen my GS damage drop, so I am curious to know more about your situation to see if could be something else like gear maybe? or is foli using skills that he previously didn't? 

kind regards
28 нояб. 2019, 11:0728.11.19
I always fight on dark boss, so colors do not interfere, and I always play manually and only use his 1st skill (autoattack) and very rarely his second skill, which also hits 4 times. 10+ fights with a lot of attacks per fight is quite a sufficient sampling. Gear and team setup is the same. I just see him missing all 4 hits several times in a row now, and this is "very highly improbable", if the chance to hit is still 30% as declared. Say, the chance of missing all 4 hits three times in a row is only about 1/64, and now I see it happening at least 3 times every fight. Again, that wasn't the case just a week ago - back then everything seemed to work in line with the description of the talent. So the "conspiracy theory" is actually based on quite real facts.
30 нояб. 2019, 22:4430.11.19
30 нояб. 2019, 22:45(отредактировано)
More testing done and more stat to prove that the chance is nowhere near 30% as the description says; more likely 20% now. I intend to publish this on YouTube, so that more people would be aware. Either the numbers were ninja-tweaked, or it's a major coding blunder.
1 дек. 2019, 02:1201.12.19

I've notice proc problems too and so have members of my clan.

Spirit boss seems to appear on unm far more than any other affinity and i don't believe it is based purely on rng. Spirit has a greater % chance to appear.

Spirit seems to have become stronger too.

I wonder if stealth changes have been made because Hydra is soon to be released.